  • 猎人把狐狸从洞里挖了来。
    The hunters dug out the fox.
  • 找到证据;查出真相
    Dug up the evidence; dug out the real facts.
  • 一尊古希腊雕像被挖来了。
    An old Greek statue was dug up.
  • 从雪中挖出一条路
    Dug my way out of the snow.
  • 这些文物是去年土的。
    These relics were dug up last year.
  • 医生已把子弹从伤者体内取
    The doctor has already dug the bullet out.
  • 他们发掘一些关於她的有趣事实。
    They dug up some interesting facts about her.
  • 父亲在花园里掘一枚古钱币。
    Father dug up an old coin in the garden.
  • 在该地点发掘一些古代陶器。
    Some ancient pottery was dug up in the spot.
  • 考古学家挖掘一些有趣的新石器时代的古物。
    The archaeologists have dug up some interesting Neolithic remains.
  • 敌军从地下掩蔽所中钻来时,我们一个一个地将他们击倒。
    We picked the enemy soldiers off one by one as they emerged from the dugout.
  • 发嘎嚓声发单调的、很响的声音
    To make dull, explosive sounds.
  • 单调的低沉的声音。
    make a monotonous low dull sound.
  • 溴中毒由长期过量使用溴化物而引起的中毒状态,症状是精神迟钝、肌肉协调能力丧失,有时皮疹
    A toxic condition caused by the chronic overuse of bromides, characterized by mental dullness, loss of muscular coordination, and sometimes skin eruptions.
  • 明亮的灯光穿过薄雾朦朦胧胧照过来;没有打磨的纽扣发朦胧的光。
    the light shone dully through the haze; unpolished buttons glinted dully.
  • “认来了。”年轻人声音喑哑地回答说。
    'Yes, ' the young man answered dully.
  • 鸡蛋已按时运出。
    Eggs were duly delivered .
  • 我们所预订的租汽车按时到来,于是我们乘车发了。
    The taxi that we had ordered duly arrived, and we drove off.
  • 应正式赋予程序中的当事各方证明其权利主张以及示一切有关证据的权利。
    All parties to such procedures shall be duly entitled to substantiate their claims and to present all relevant evidence.
  • 理事会应根据最不发达国家成员主动提的正当请求,准许延长该期限。
    The Council for TRIPS shall, upon duly motivated request by a least-developed country Member, accord extensions of this period.
  • 我吃惊得说不话来。
    Surprise struck me dumb.
  • 她因吃惊而说不话来。
    She was dumb with surprise.
  • 他由于怯场而讲不话来。
    He was struck dumb with stage fright.
  • 那消息使她惊讶得说不话来。
    She was struck dumb at the news.
  • 绿树长到了我的窗前,仿佛是喑哑的大地发的渴望的声音。
    The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.
  • 品特,哈罗德生于1930英国剧作家,他的作品创造一种恐吓气氛,包括看房者(1957年)和生日宴会(1958年)
    British playwright whose works, including The Dumbwaiter(1957) and Birthday Party(1958), create an atmosphere of menace.
  • 她从明手摊的牌中打一张j.
    She played a jack from dummy.
  • 制造假货;比如书本的版。
    make a dummy of; as of books or pages to be published.
  • 进行交叉吃张在交替打法中用王牌吃进(同伙打的牌或明手牌)
    To trump(one's partner's lead or a lead from the dummy) in alternating plays.
  • 我明天得和我上司去差。真烦人。
    I am gonna go on a business trip with my boss tomorrow. I am down in the dump!
  • 我明天得和我上司去差。真烦人。
    I am having gotten to go on a business trip with my boss tomorrow. I am down in the dump!
  • 一旦你决心卖一支股票,你还需要作另一个决定:是全部抛还是逐步抛
    Once you're committed to pulling the plug on a stock, you have one more decision to make: Dump it all at once or sell it down gradually?