  • (二)加紧官兵的政治训练,特别是对俘虏成的教育要加紧。
    2.Intensify the political training of officers and men and especially the education of ex-prisoners.
  • 加强有关训练信息情报的析和研究,加强对先进训练理论和技术项目的研发。
    Intensify the analysis and study of the training information, promote the development of the advanced training theory and techniques.
  • 为了加强集中统一,反对散主义,就更要坚持民主集中制的民主这一方面。
    On the contrary, in order to intensify centralism and unity and oppose decentralism, more emphasis should be placed on the democratic aspect.
  • 我们会加紧进行卫生监察计划和疾病数据析,也会与海外卫生机构更紧密联系,并加强员工培训工作。
    In the coming year, we will step up our health surveillance programmes, increase our analysis of disease data, liaise more frequently with overseas health authorities and intensify staff training.
  • 阶段实施《北京奥运行动规划文化环境建设专项规划》,把"人文奥运"理念化为实践,促进东西方体育文化的交流与融合,丰富奥林匹克精神的内涵,推动北京体育文化的发展,促进市民思想道德素质和科学文化素质的提高。
    Implement the "Special Plan for Development of the Cultural Environments under the Olympic Action Programme for Beijing Sports" by stages, and put the idea of "People's Olympics" into practice to promote the exchange and integration of the sports cultures between the East and the West, enrich the intension of the Olympic spirit, promote the development of the sports culture in Beijing, and promote the improvement of the ideological and ethnical qualities and scientific and cultural qualities of the citizens.
  • 用作强调成分
    Used as an intensive.
  • 很多大公司在很大程度上依赖于定期向本地和远地雇员发数据密集的材料。
    Many large corporates rely heavily on the regular distribution of data-intensive material to local and remote employees.
  • 应用现代科学技术的最新研究成果,特别是生物、信息、材料等领域内的最新成果。
    China will intensively apply latest developments of modern science and technology, particularly those new achievements in biology, information and materials.
  • 她对他的脸仔细端详了一钟。
    She studied his face very intently for a minute.
  • 对系统的组成部进行调整以期保持正确的相互关系的过程。
    A process which adjusts components of a system for keeping proper inter- relationship.
  • 第四部知识产权的获得与维持及关当事人之间的程序
  • 新型的工具正在帮助internet的worldwideweb成为一种交互式操作平台,这种平台允许人们处理布式事务,而不只是简单地看静态数据。
    New type of tools is helping to turn the Internet's World Wide Web into an interactive operating platform that allows people to process distributed transactions rather than simply view static data.
  • 贴现窗的运作和银行同业拆息轻微上升,抵销了部银行同业流动资金减少所造成的影响。
    The decline in interbank liquidity was buffered in part by Discount Window activities and a moderate rise in interbank interest rates.
  • 银行同业拆息市场以短期借贷为主,大部港元和外币借贷的期限均由隔夜至12个月不等。
    The interbank money market is mainly for short-term money, with maturities ranging mostly from overnight to 12 months, for both Hong Kong dollars and foreign currencies.
  • 至于超出总数一半的借款,超出部则须按基本利率加五厘,或当日的港元隔夜银行同业拆息(以较高者为准)支付利息。
    For the next 50 per cent, however, the charge is the Base Rate plus 5 per cent, or the overnight Hong Kong Interbank Offer Rate (HIBOR) of the day, whichever is higher.
  • 在某些类中,是苔藓的一个类范畴,孢蒴以中空的圆筒状的孢间间隙和蒴壁离。
    category used in some classification systems for mosses having the spore case separated from the capsule wall by a hollow intercellular space.
  • 上皮由一层或几层被极少细胞间质隔的细胞构成的膜状组织,包着身体和器官的内外表面
    Membranous tissue composed of one or more layers of cells separated by very little intercellular substance and forming the covering of most internal and external surfaces of the body and its organs.
  • 通过截取、处理和析外来遥感勘测取得的情报。
    intelligence derived from the interception and processing and analysis of foreign telemetry.
  • 再过五钟那架飞机就将进入我们的警告及拦截系统范围内。
    Five minutes would bring the aircraft within range of our warning and interception system.
  • 雷达截击系统在1940年空战中得到了充考验。
    The radar interception system was fully put to the test by the air truffles of 1940.
  • 九十年代,进一步加大查禁过境贩毒的工作力度,“堵源截流”,在各地主要交通线及机场、车站、海港、码头公开查禁毒品,形成了统一布防、工协作,对入境毒品围追堵截的态势。
    In the 1990s, the work of banning transit drug trafficking was further intensified and attention was paid to "eradicating sources of drugs and obstructing their channels of trafficking." Checking was publicly done on key lines of communication, and at airports, railway stations, sea ports and harbors, so that a situation was created in which defense was organized in a unified way and actions were coordinated with due divisions of labor and incoming drug dealers were subject to encirclement, pursuit, obstruction and interception.
  • 二元论认为思维与肉体别行使自己的功能,互相不转化的观点
    The view that the mind and body function separately, without interchange.
  • 在减数裂初期一对同源染色体之间片段(遗传物质)的互换过程。
    the interchange of sections between pairing homologous chromosomes during the prophase of meiosis.
  • 既然大部美国人不清语法成份,他们就把动词和名词交互使用。
    Since most Americans can't name the parts of speech anyway, they use them interchangeably.
  • 配合这些情况的是不断增加的开发电话应用的工具箱,它们把cti项目中的互连部变成标准的数据编程,低成本的、易建立的电话问世了。
    Supplement these factors with an increasing number or telephony toolkits that turn the interconnect portion of a CTI project into standard data programming, and low-cost, easy-to-create telephony is born.
  • 我还对日本朋友说,如果开放政策在下一世纪前五十年不变,那末到了后五十年,我们同国际上的经济交往更加频繁,更加相互依赖,更不可,开放政策就更不会变了。
    I also explained to the Japanese friend that if the open policy remains unchanged in the first half of the next century, it will be even less likely to change in the 50 years after that, because then China will have more economic exchanges with other countries, and all countries will be more interdependent and inseparable.
  • 他以百之五的利息借给我这笔钱。
    He lent me the money at 5% interest.
  • 有趣的是,早在2000多年以前,孙子就主张要做swot析了。
    Interestingly, SWOT analysis was already advocated by Sun Tzu more than 2,000 years ago.
  • 有趣的是,早在2000多年以前,孙子就主张要做swot析了。他说:
    Interestingly, SWOT analysis was already advocated by Sun Tzu more than 2,000 years ago when he said:
  • 不易混合的液体油与水之间的界线形成的界面。
    an interface forming the boundary between the non-miscible liquids oil and water.
  • 1990年,中国参加了北太平洋海洋科学组织(pices),并于1992年参加了政府间海洋学委员会西太委会。
    China joined the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) and the Regional Committee for the Western Pacific of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission in 1990 and 1992, respectively.
  • 发展审批地区图是与区计划大纲图相类似的中期图则,涵盖的范围以新界乡郊地区为主,最终会为区计划大纲图取代。
    DPA plans are similar to OZPs but they are interim plans covering rural areas of the New Territories and would be eventually replaced by OZPs.