  • 昨天我从银行提500美元。
    I drew out $ 500 yesterday.
  • 一些暂时的决定。
    drew a few tentative conclusions.
  • 他拔出手枪对着我。
    He drew his gun onme.
  • 很自然地,中国得了结论。
    Naturally, China drew its conclusions.
  • 他们得了相同的结论。
    They drew the same conclusion.
  • 他们的演吸引了大量的观众。
    Their performances drew large audiences.
  • 从柜台下拔一支枪;拿一只鼓鼓的皮夹
    Drew a gun from beneath the counter; drew out a fat wallet.
  • 兴奋使他说不话来。
    Exictement dried up his words.
  • ”你让思绪转向未来你就会立刻走神,从状态中脱
    When you let your thoughts drift to the future,you go right out of your zone -- and take your concentration with you.
  • 当我们考虑过去5年的技术进步时,可以看进一步偏离传统的交流是完全可能的。
    When we consider the distance that technology has come in the past five years,a further drift from classic communication is not improbable.
  • 这一点我很清楚,人类历史上并不经常现一些铁血柔情式的人物。
    I am well aware of that, not often in the story of mankind has a man arrived on earth who is both steel and velvet, who is as hard as rock, and soft as drifting fog.
  • 当钻孔机钻井时,石油喷了来。
    Oil whooshed up when the drill hit the well.
  • 勘探者们在沙漠中花了几个月的时间钻井,终于钻了石油。
    After several months of drilling in the desert, the prospectors struck it rich.
  • 如果能把海水中的盐分离来,就可以把海水用作使用水。
    Sea water can be used for a supply of potable (or drinkable) water if it can be seperated from the salt dissolved in it.
  • 我邀请某人去喝酒。
    I invite someone out drinking.
  • 此处售软饮料和矿泉水。
    Soft drinks and minerals sold here.
  • 肉汁烹肉时滴的肉汁
    The juices that drip from cooking meat.
  • 发动机了毛病,所以船不得不靠港维修。
    There is something wrong with the engine, so the drip has to put in for repairs.
  • 都表示液体从容器或活门流的方式。
    Drip, leak, ooze, run, seepbindicate the way in which a liquid escapes from a container or tap.
  • 5个,两辆租车,行吗?
    Five? Two taxis, OK?
  • 嫉妒心可使人什麽都做得来。
    A man driven by jealousy is capable of anything.
  • 我开出租汽车。
    I drive a taxi.
  • 垂涎让口水从口中流;流口水
    To let saliva run from the mouth; drivel.
  • 他们乘车外出了。
    They have driven out.
  • 租车司机对那个爱指手画脚步的乘客越来越感到难以容忍。
    The taxi driver became more and more intolerant of the back-seat driver.
  • 租车司机驾驶租汽车的人
    A man who drives a taxicab.
  • 租汽车司机驾驶租汽车供人租用的人
    One who drives a taxicab for hire.
  • 靠开租车谋生的人。
    someone who drives a taxi for a living.
  • 门房位于一大宅子的私用车道的口处的小屋
    A lodge at the entrance to the driveway of an estate.
  • 一辆黑色的小车从公寓楼外的车道开了来,尾随着她丈夫。
    A black car moved out from the driveway beyond the apartment house and followed her husband.
  • 至今我的脑海里仍能显现那位被彻底压垮的老人的样子,他就盯着那个私人车道上他的小孙女事的地方,目光呆滞。
    I can still see in my mind's eye that devastated old man looking down at the place in the driveway where the child had been.
  • 租车一定很有趣。
    Driving a taxi must be fun.