  • 鞋或袜子上覆盖脚背的部
    the part of a shoe or stocking that covers the instep.
  • 跖骨人足形成足弓的中间部,包括脚趾与脚踝间的五块骨头
    The middle part of the human foot that forms the instep and includes the five bones between the toes and the ankle.
  • 金管局的政策力求高度透明,使金融界及广大市民能充了解货币发行局的运作情况,并加强公众对联系汇率的信心。
    The HKMA pursues a policy of transparency to ensure that the financial industry and the wider public are fully informed of the currency board operations and to instil public confidence on the link.
  • 给小孩的心灵灌输热爱学习思想并非十容易。
    It is not very easy to instill the minds of young children with the idea that they must love study.
  • 收益低、变化无常的天气和农民们对改变现状的本能抵制都妨碍农民们(早富有和最有远见者除外)充利用新型机械。
    Low profits, the uncertainties of the weather, and farmers' instinctive resistance to change prevented all but the richest and most far-sighted farmers from taking advantage of the new age of machines.
  • 把实现个人抱负作为生活首要激情的男人,很可能会爱上那些能在事业上帮助他们的女人。如果因为这种爱根源于利己的本能,就否认它是真爱,那么这种心理析未免过于肤浅。
    Men in whom ambition is the leading passion are likely to love women who assist them in their career, and it would be very shallow psychology to suppose that the love is not real because it has its instinctive root in self-interest.
  • 第七部分机构安排;
  • 盈富基金于十月二十五日开始首次推出发售,为香港零售认购和国际机构发售两部,零售认购在十一月四日截止申请,机构发售则于十一月五日截止申请。
    The initial offer of TraHK, comprising a Hong Kong retail offer and an international institutional offer, commenced on October 25. The retail offer closed on November 4, 1999 and the institutional offer closed on November 5.
  • 组成了两个研究小组,别处理法律/体制和数据/技术问题,以便编写国家报告。
    Two study teams were formed – to tackle legal/institutional and data/technical issues – in order to prepare national reports.
  • 在美国,这种习俗已经制度化:人们把它看成是一项服务的认可价格的一部
    In America,the custom has become institutionalized: it is regarded as part of the accepted cost of a service.
  • 玛尔龙,玛丽1870?-1938美国的一位厨师,是伤寒的免疫带原者,因她不时地换工作,将伤寒病传染给了五十多人。在卫生官员找到她后,她的余生大部时间是被禁止与人接触的
    American cook and immune carrier of typhoid fever who while moving from job to job infected more than50 people with the disease. After health officials found her, she was institutionalized for much of the rest of her life.
  • 二是实行医疗机构类管理,鼓励社会办医,促进医疗机构围绕质量和效率公平竞争;
    Secondly, classified regulation is to be carried out for medical institutions; social sectors are encouraged to run medical institutions; and fair competition for quality and efficiency is promoted among medical institutions.
  • 按照政事开原则,改革事业单位管理体制。
    We will reform the management system of institutions in accordance with the principle of separating the functions of government from those of institutions.
  • 动物优于人类的几点有:没有神学家为它们说教,殡殓不费文,更无一个对其遗嘱提出诉讼者。
    Animals have these advantages over man: they have no theologians to instruct them, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills.
  • 拟公映的电影预告、教育影片和文化影片也须送检,但无须级。
    Film trailers, instructional films and cultural films intended for public exhibition also require censorship but do not need to be classified into any categories.
  • 用于光学析的仪器。
    an instrument for spectrographic analysis.
  • 能够进行析的装置。
    an instrument that performs analyses.
  • 低音部音调或乐器的部音阶中最低的部
    The lowest part in vocal or instrumental part music.
  • 伴唱,伴奏伴随其他部(如独唱)的声部或器乐部
    A vocal or instrumental part that supports another, often solo, part.
  • 中音乐曲为这个音域的歌手或乐器创作的声乐或器乐曲部
    A vocal or instrumental part written for a voice or an instrument within this range.
  • 器乐前奏曲一种器乐乐曲,尤被用作长作品(如一部歌剧或圣乐的导言部
    An instrumental composition intended especially as an introduction to an extended work, such as an opera or oratorio.
  • 他们在这项工程中没有给以充的帮助。
    They gave insufficient help in this project.
  • 他们没有给以充的帮助。
    They gave insufficient help.
  • 不实施或不充实施;
    Failure to Work or Insufficient Working;
  • 表演不充表演(角色)不足或缺乏表现力
    To perform(a role) weakly or with insufficient expressiveness.
  • 人生是从不充的前提引申出充的结论的艺术。
    Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusion from insufficient premises.
  • 不充的没有足够的能力来实现某种需求或达到某种要求的;不足的
    Not adequate to fulfill a need or meet a requirement; insufficient.
  • 他认为那只是在小范围内作的不充的市场调查。
    He feels that insufficient market was done and only in a limited area.
  • 制冷器一种为迅速制冷和贮藏易腐坏的食物而保持着零度以下温度的热绝缘隔间,柜子或房间
    A thermally insulated compartment, cabinet, or room in which a subfreezing temperature is maintained for the rapid freezing and storing of perishable food.
  • 处于保护目的而隔开离。
    the act of insulating for the purposes of protecting something.
  • 机箱,套壳机器的隔离,包装,或保护盒或部
    An insulating, enclosing, or protective casing or part in a machine.
  • 解决噪音污染的措施包括对门、墙和天花板进行隔音处理,使用耳朵保护装置(尤其是在工业生产区),种植植物吸收并屏蔽噪音,对城市区使居住区与过量噪音区开。
    Solutions to noise pollution include adding insulation and sound proofing to doors,walls,and ceilings; using ear protection,particularly in industrial working areas; planting vegetation to absorb and screen out noise pollution; and zoning urban areas to maintain a separation between residential areas and zones of excessive noise.