  • 证人的人意料的揭发充满了戏剧性。
    The witness' unexpected disclosure was filled with drama.
  • 那出戏适宜上演。
    That drama will play.
  • 表演演出,如戏剧
    A performance, as of a drama.
  • 与演相比更适于阅读的戏剧。
    drama more suitable for reading that for performing.
  • 戏剧在舞台上的演
    the production of a drama on the stage.
  • 话剧改编自真人真事。
    The play is a dramatic representation of a real event.
  • 特写一种简要但有戏剧性的重要演员的场,如动作画面的单一场景
    A brief but dramatic appearance of a prominent actor, as in a single scene of a motion picture.
  • 扮演演,尤其指在戏剧作品中演
    To act, especially in a dramatic production.
  • 是很吸引人的,但解说太糟了。
    the play was dramatically interesting, but the direction was bad.
  • 这个简单的事实在加拿大一个小镇的一次民防演习中颇为戏剧性地展示来。
    This simple truth was demonstrated rather dramatically during a civil defence exercise in a small town in Canada.
  • 同时,如果现另一种截然不同的可能性,即股价继续下滑,这名投资者也可以很好地保护自己。
    Meanwhile, that investor would have dramatically protected himself from that other distinct possibility -- that the stock will keep sliding.
  • 在电讯和计算能力方面的进展不久将引人注目地扩大国家和国际在教育和训练上作努力的机会。
    Soon the advances in telecommunications and computational power will dramatically expand the opportunities for national and international efforts in education and training.
  • 1827年,柏辽兹狂热地、激情地、当然也是戏剧性地爱上了一位英国女演员哈里特·史密森。当时她正在巴黎的莎土比亚戏剧季节中演
    In 1827 Berlioz fell in love, wildly, passionately, dramatically of course, with an English actress, Harriet Smithson, then performing in a season of Shakespeare plays in Paris.
  • 正是这第二个方面抓住了公众的想象力,因为它提了一个激动人心的问题--克隆人这个科幻小说的梦想能否实现。
    It is this second aspect that has caught the public imagination, because it has dramatically brought forward the question of whether it could be possible to realize the SciFi dreams of cloned humans.
  • 别弄花巧了只管说事实经过吧!
    Don't dramatize--just give us the facts!
  • 声地喝;用高脚杯喝酒精饮料
    Drank noisily; drink from a goblet.
  • 在电影中费雯丽为了真实,有意使自己显得衰老些。使用浓妆、假发和强烈的灯光来掩盖她仍然美丽的容貌。一九五一年的秋天,观众惊讶地看见了一个完全不同的人物,几乎不能确认这就是十年前色地扮演过郝思佳的演员。一九五一年的这部影片结果仍然造成轰动,也许是费雯丽最成功的作品,为她再次赢得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。
    Vlvien purposely made herself look older and unflattering for the film一using heavy makeup,wige and drastic lighting which would hide her still beautiful features. Audiences in the autumn of l951were stunned to see such a different person,barely recognizing the actress that played Scarlett so exquisitely a decade earlier The resulting film in l951 was still powerful,perhaps Vivien's finest achievement,winning her a second best actress Oscar.
  • 然而要实现全面的民族抗战,必须国民党政策有全部的和彻底的转变,必须全国上下共同实行一个彻底抗日的纲领,这就是根据第一次国共合作时孙中山先生所手订的革命的三民主义和三大政策的精神而提的救国纲领。
    Such a war, however, requires a complete and drastic change in Kuomintang policy and the joint efforts of the whole nation from top to bottom to carry out a thoroughgoing programme of resistance to Japan, that is, a national salvation programme formulated in the spirit of the revolutionary Three People's Principles and the Three Great Policies drawn up personally by Dr. Sun Yat-sen during the first period of Kuomintang Communist co-operation.
  • 在世界社会主义发生严重曲折、国内外风云急剧变幻的局面中,我们党砥柱中流、岿然不动,社会主义在中国展现蓬勃的生机和活力。
    Even in a situation where world socialism experienced serious twists and turns and domestic and foreign situations changed drastically, our Party steadfastly stood its ground like a firm rock in midstream , and socialism in China has displayed its vigor and vitality.
  • 大力提高我国竞技体育科研管理水平,加快建立和培养一支高素质的竞赛组织管理人才队伍,造就一批在科学选才和科学训练方面的优秀研究员和教练员,培养一批竞技运动的新尖子人才;
    we will endeavor to drastically upgrade the management skills and the scientific research work of China's competitive sports, creating a strong team of organizers and managers for sports activities, a large number of researchers and coaches who excel in selecting and training athletes, and a large number of outstanding and promising athletes.
  • 在1982年联合国第二届裁军特别大会上,中国进一步提具体主张:美苏两国应停止试验、改进和生产核武器,并率先大幅度削减其各种类型的核武器和运载工具。
    In 1982 at the Second Special Session on Disarmament of the United Nations, China went a step further by putting forth a concrete proposal: The United States and the Soviet Union should stotesting, improving and producing nuclear weapons and should take the lead in drastically reducing their stockpiles of all types of nuclear weapons and means of delivery.
  • 努力实现中国体育事业的全面协调发展。大力提高中国竞技体育科研管理水平,加快建立和培养一支高素质的竞赛组织管理人才队伍,造就一批在科学选才和科学训练方面的优秀研究员和教练员,培养一批况技运动的新尖子人才;争取参加2008年奥运会所有大项和更多小项的比赛,力争金牌总数有新的突破,综合实力有明显增强;认真实施《全民健康计划纲要》,不断提高全体国民的身体素质和健康水平;加强体育法制建设,不断深化改革,加快体育社会化和产业化,促进体育事业持续、快速、健康发展。
    Striving for an all-round and concerted development in China's China will endeavor to drastically upgrade the management skills and the scientific research work of its competitive sports, creating a strong team of organizers and managers for sports activities, a large number of researchers and coaches who excel in selecting and training athletes, and a large number of outstandeing and promising athletes. While aiming at participating in all the sports and more events at the 2008 Olympic Games, China will make efforts for a breakthrough in the total number of gold medals and a noticeable improvement in the overall strength of the country's sports. China will implement the "National Sports For All Program" to improve the physical quality and fitness of the whole population. China will enhance sports legislation, further promote the reform of its administration and speed up its socialization and industrialization so as to achieve a sustainable, speedy and heal thy development of sports.
  • 这枝讨厌的钢笔写不字来.
    This dratted pen won't work.
  • 气候灾害[北方春旱]2001年是继1999年和2000年连续大旱之后的又一个特大旱灾年,尤其是北方地区遭受了严重旱灾,山西、山东、河南、辽宁等省旱情尤为突
    Climate Disasters Spring Draught in the North: The year 2001 is another year with extraordinary draught after the draughts in 1999 and 2000, especially that the northern part was hit by serious draughts. The draughts were especially serious in Shanxi, Shandong, Henan and Liaoning.
  • 从气象灾害角度来看,灾情属偏重年份,其中尤以干旱突
    From the point of climate disasters, it is a year with serious disasters, especially with draughts.
  • 基本气候状况2001年,全国大部地区气温偏高,降水偏少或接近常年。年内现了干旱、台风、沙尘暴、高温、暴雨洪涝、风雹、冻害及雪灾等多种气象灾害。
    Basic Climate Situation In 2001, the temperature in most of the areas in the whole country is on the high side and the precipitation is on the low side or close to that of the conventional years, with draughts, typhoon, sandstorms, high temperature, storms and flooding, wind and hailstorms, freezing disasters and snow disasters.
  • 戏吸引了大批的观众。
    The play is drawing big crowds.
  • 掏出钱包
    Draw out a wallet
  • 拟订合同;写一张清单
    Draw up a contract; draw up a list.
  • 勾出背景的轮廊
    Draw in the back- ground
  • 请把这些钉子拔来。
    Please draw the nails out.
  • 进口货物日後口时将退还其进口关税
    A drawback is made on custom duties on import goods when they are later exported