  • 史密斯一家以每月五百圆的期付款形式买下这幢房子。
    The smith pay for the house in monthly installment payment of five hundred dollars.
  • 为了今后的业务,这一次我们接受期付款的方式。
    With an eye to future business, we'll accept payment by installment this time.
  • 购买零售商的部销售合同的信贷公司(以一定折扣)。
    a finance company that buys (at a discount) the installment sales contracts of retail merchants.
  • 作为特殊情况,这次交易我们可以破例接受期付款方式。
    As a special case, we may exceptional adopt the installment payment for our present business.
  • 我们用期付款方法付电视机款,每月付一百元,五个月付清。
    We pay for the tv set in installment of 100 dollars a month for five months.
  • 在他停止支付租购期付款后,该金融公司试图收回他的汽车。
    After he stopped paying the hire purchase installment, the finance company tried to reclaim his car.
  • 一半以上的汽车、家具、家用电器是用期付款方式购买的。
    More than half of the automobiles, furniture and household appliances are purchased on the installment plan.
  • 期偿还,期付款用期付款和偿债基金的形式偿清(债务,如抵押)
    To liquidate(a debt, such as a mortgage) by installment payments or payment into a sinking fund.
  • 鉴于你我双方长期的业务关系,我们可以破例考虑接受期付款。
    In view of our long stand business relation, we can, as an exception, consider accepting payment by installment.
  • 如今,英国大部家庭用期付款的方式购买家具、家用电器和汽车。
    Today, a large proportion of all the families in Great Britain buy furniture, household goods and cars by installment.
  • 当采取期付款方式的顾客失业时,他们就很可能无力支付欠款。
    If the people on the installment plan lost their jobs, they would probably not be able to pay their payments.
  • 鉴于这笔交易数额较大,希望贵方能同意期付款。
    In view of the large amount involve in this transaction, we hope you'll agree to our request for installment payment.
  • 在美国,采用期付款这一购买方式的人所占的比例比英国高得多,他们将百之十以上的收人花在期付款上。
    In the US, the proportion is much higher than in Great Britain, and people there spend over 10 percent of their income on the installment plan.
  • 我们将按月期付款买房。
    We will pay for houses by monthly instalments.
  • 你什么时候付清最后一期期贷款?
    When will you pay the last instalment of the loan?
  • 他将按月期付款的方式偿还。
    He will pay back the money in monthly instalment.
  • 他付了25英镑的定金,其余的期付款。
    He put25 down and pay the rest in instalment.
  • 我们按月期付款购买电视机。
    We're paying for the ‘telly’ by monthly instalments.
  • 你可以期付款购买小轿车。
    You can buy a car on instalment purchase.
  • 他先付了50美元定金,其余的按每月期付款。
    He payed $50 down and the rest in monthly instalment.
  • 他付了25英镑的定金,其余的期付款。
    He put 25 down and pay the rest in instalment.
  • 期付的款可於每月最後一日交付。
    Instalment is payable on the last day of the month.
  • 期付款每季度末进行。
    The instalment is payable at the end of each quarter.
  • 我们用每月付50美元期付款的方式度假。
    We are paying for our holidays in instalment of $50 monthly.
  • 我们用每月付50美元期付款的方式度假。
    We pay for our holidays in instalment of $50 a month.
  • 我们以每月50英镑期付款支付这台计算机。
    We pay for the computer by paying instalment of 50 a month.
  • 我们以每月50英镑期付款支付这台计算机.
    We are paying for the computer by paying instalment of 50 a month.
  • 我们以每月50英镑期付款支付这台计算机.
    We is pay for the computer by pay instalment of 50 a month.
  • 例如,我们已经采用了期付款、补偿贸易等等。
    We have adopt, for example, payment by instalment, compensation trade and so on.
  • 设计此项货款的目的是要帮助你购买电视机或洗衣机之类的东西,而不用支付期付款方式购物索要的高额利息。
    The loans are primarily designed to help you buy such things as TV sets or washing machines rates asked for on instalment purchases.
  • 不久列宁在台上出现了,那种热烈的欢呼是我从未见过的。列宁先静静地站了几钟,让欢呼声继续着,然后用手在胸前横挥一下,喝彩声马上终止,于是连一根针落地的声音你都可以听得到。
    After a while Lenin came out on the stage. The ovation was unlike anything I have ever seen. Lenin let it continue for a few minutes, standing absolutely still, then with a single motion of his arms across his body stopped the uproar instantaneously and you could have heard a pin drop.
  • 得了95分,而不是100分
    Got a mark of95 instead of100.