| - 在罗马尼亚城市布拉索夫,十几只褐色大熊正欢畅地穿梭在灰蒙蒙的城市高楼间,它们围着一个个垃圾堆尽兴地"野餐",却全然不知身后的猎枪早已对准了自己。这将是它们最后的野餐。尽管在有些欧洲地区熊已经濒临灭绝,但在此地却是"熊满为患",人们只好从中筛选出一部分,"送它们上路"。
In Brasov, more than a dozen brown bears have been picnicking on garbage among the city's drab tower blocks, prompting authorities to begin culling the animals, which have been hunted to extinction in much of the rest of Europe. - 请查收所开出的下列汇票:。
Enclosed please find draft draw as follow :. - 他已写出了初稿。
He has written out a first draft. - 中国曾多次派人参加由联合国主持的有关研究裁军和安全问题的专家组、讨论会,认真负责地为拟订公正合理的研究报告作出了自己的贡献。
On many occasions China sent representatives to UN expert group meetings and symposiums on disarmament and international security issues, conscientiously and responsibly making its own contribution to the drafting of fair and rational research reports. - 中国曾多次派人参加由联合国主持的有关研究裁军和安全问题的专家组、讨论会,认真负责地为拟订公正合理的研究报告作出了自己的贡献。
On many occasions it sent representatives to UN expert group meetings and symposiums on disarmament and international security issues, conscientiously and responsibly making its own contribution to the drafting of fair and rational research reports. - 该法由中华全国妇女联合会首先倡议,全国人大代表、政协委员以及妇女大会的代表提出议案、提案和建议,得到了全国人大常委会的重视和采纳,并委托全国妇联、民政部和中华全国总工会承担起草任务。
The idea of drafting such a law was first put forward by the All-China Women's Federation. Drafts and proposals to this effect were submitted by deputies to the NPC, members of the CPPCC and representatives to the Women's Congress. The proposal gained the attention and acceptance of the Standing Committee of the NPC, which entrusted the drafting work to the ACWF, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. - 下列汇票在短期内交由外国出票人向您提出。
The following drafts will be shortly be presented to you by foreign drawers. - 在建国以来的二十九年中,我们连一个刑法都没有,过去反反复复搞了多少次,三十几稿,但是毕竟没有拿出来。
For the 29 years since the founding of New China we have had no criminal law.Though we tried repeatedly to draw up such a code and it went through more than 30 drafts, nothing ever came of the project. - 该法由中华全国妇女联合会首先倡议,全国人大代表、政协委员以及妇女大会的代表提出议案、提案和建议,得到了全国人大常委会的重视和采纳,并委托全国妇联、民政部和中华全国总工会承担起草任务。
Drafts and proposals to this effect were submitted by deputies to the NPC, members of the CPPCC and representatives to the Women's Congress. The proposal gained the attention and acceptance of the Standing Committee of the NPC, which entrusted the drafting work to the ACWF, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. - 他们从我口里逼出秘密?
They dragged the secret out of me. - 你非得把这些老掉牙的丑事都翻出来不行吗?
Must you drag up all these old scandals? - 一出很赚钱的戏
A show that dragged down good money - 会开得很长,也没作出什么结论。
The meeting dragged on without reaching any conclusion. - 警察把足球迷拖出了球场。
The police dragged the football fans off the pitch. - 警察逼罪犯招出实情。
The police dragged the truth out of the prisoner. - 那个小偷给拉到派出所去了。
The thief was dragged off to the police station. - 一组马正从森林中拖出一根大木头。
A team of horses was dragging a big log out of the forest. - 龙的嘴里射出烟花火焰来。
The dragon shot fumes and flames out of its mouth. - 他研究了蜥蜴、昆虫和飞虫,汲取它们的细微之处,画出了一个令人生畏的逼真的龙。
He studied lizards, insects and flies, and took details from different species to make a fearsomely realistic dragon. - 这个女人怕她的衣服沾上泥,撩了一下裙子,露出了一段迷人的小腿,他都几乎不敢望一眼。
He scarcely dares glance at the slim ankles which she reveals in her efforts to avoid dirtying her dress as it drags on the ground. - 大雨过后,下水道溢出水来。
The drains overflowed after the heavy rain. - 使排出液汁
To drain of sap. - 我们必须排出沼泽的水。
We must drain swamps. - 水不久便会流出了。
The water will soon drain away. - 清除液体;从……中排出液体。
empty of liquid; drain the liquid from. - 出水口阴沟、下水道或河流排水的地方
The place where a sewer, drain, or stream discharges. - 当枯树叶子从排水沟中被清除后,脏水很快大量流出去了。
When the dead leaves were cleared away from the drainage ditch dirty water surged out. - 一种水由此排出的水渠(尤其是一种用作屋顶沟槽的排水装置)。
a channel through which water is discharged (especially one used for drainage from the gutters of a roof). - 放出空气或浓缩或排泄的小栓或旋塞或阀。
a small cock or faucet or valve for letting out air or releasing compression or draining. - 水从排水管中迅速流出。
Water escaped rapidly from the drainpipe. - 排水管把多余的水从井中排出。
The drainpipe conducts excess water from the well. - 普利茅斯英格兰西南一自治市,位于普利茅斯湾沿岸,该湾为英吉利海峡的一个小海湾。英国的一个主要港口,曾是迎战西班牙无敌舰队的英国舰队的出发点(1588年),也是德雷克、罗利和其他两位早期探险家出发地。人口250,300
A borough of southwest England on Plymouth Sound, an inlet of the English Channel. A major port, it was the embarkation point for the fleet that fought the Spanish Armada(1588) and for Drake, Raleigh, and several other early explorers. Population,250, 300.