  • 他向听众发表了雄辩的演
    He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech.
  • 淡黄色的卷发,或者不如是金黄色的,松松地垂在她那细嫩的颈上。
    flaxen ringlets, or rather golden, hanging loose on her delicate neck;
  • “我敢,我不是爱达,”爱丽丝,“因为她是长长的卷发,而我的根本不卷。
    `I'm sure I'm not Ada,' she said, `for her hair goes in such long ringlets, and mine doesn't go in ringlets at all;
  • 那时我碰巧在打字室,所以我听到了那位新来的姑娘对主管她能胜任什么样的打字工作。
    I happened to be in the typing pool, so I had a ringside seat when the new girl told the supervisor what she could do with the typing job.
  • 他们可治百病—从风湿到金钱癣,从疝痛的蛇咬伤—全都能治。
    They are said to cure everything from rheumatism to ringworm, colic to snakebite—the lot.
  • 此外,他们还,相比之下在阴天里,他们更容易见到别人出现或者亲历"驾驶综合症",或者变得更加愤怒和充满敌意。
    Additionally, students were more likely to report observing aggressive driving, engaging in aggressive driving themselves, or having more feelings of anger and hostility on cloudy days than on sunny days.
  • "开始时,政府很难服人们离开里约热内卢去巴西利亚落户。"
    "At first, the government had great difficulty in persuading people to leave Rio and to settle in Brasilia."
  • 他的演激起了群众且引起一阵骚动。
    His speech provoke the crowd and cause a riot.
  • 他的演煽动了群众并且引起了一阵骚动。
    His speech provoked the mob and caused a riot.
  • 我听警察来过,这是否与周六晚上你们举行的狂欢聚会什么关系?
    I hear the police have been round. Has it anything to do with that riotous party you had on Saturday night?
  • 而不是苦干、钻研的去打开他成功的大门。他曾这样:「有若干人,开始一桩事业的时候,怀着极大的希望和兴趣,所以能在早期获得部份的成就。
    This industrial leader doesn’t put much faith in the old adage that hard work alone is the magic key that will unlock the door to our desires, “I have known people,” he said,“who succeeded because they had a rip-roaring good time conducting their business.
  • 设演角落的时机成熟了吗?
    Is time ripe for Speakers' Corner yet?
  • 水面的小漩涡明池子里尽是鱼。
    Tiny rippling whirlpools on the water's surface suggest that the ponds are full of fish.
  • 当然,我不是所有的高级干部都是这样,我们的许多高级干部是很艰苦朴素的,但确实有些人特殊化比较厉害。
    Of course, I'm not saying that all senior cadres are like that.Many, in fact, live very simply.However, there are indeed some whose addiction to personal privileges is rather serious.
  • 非医学原因(通常对于改变心的效应来)服用的一种药;药物滥用能导致身体和精神损害(用一些物质)甚至产生依赖、上瘾。
    a drug that is taken for nonmedicinal reasons (usually for mind-altering effects); drug abuse can lead to physical and mental damage and (with some substances) dependence and addiction.
  • 说出来到唇边的话。
    Say whatever rise to our lips.
  • 我又说,更焦急了。
    I continued, with rising irritation.
  • 总的来,物价还在上涨。
    Overall, prices are still rising.
  • 伊安·威尔摩特博士是克隆羊多利的负责人,他也加入了反对克隆人的阵营。他这样做风险太大。
    Dr Ian Wilmut, the Brition responsible for cloning Dolly, has joined the campaign against human cloning, saying it is too risky.
  • 反过来,尽量美化族群之间的差异,不切实际地制造族群和平共处的假象是危险的。
    On the other hand, playing down ethnic differences and creating a false sense of racial unity is impractical and worse still, risky.
  • 青年人也什么都不在乎。譬如,他们会跟你:抽烟会上瘾,酒精会使人判断不清。话犹未(同时),他们就会坦诚对你他们即使抽烟也不会上瘾,即喝酒头脑也会清醒。
    Adolescents also think of themselves as invulnerable. They will tell you, for example, that smoking is addictive and that alcohol will cloud a drinker's judgment. In the same breath, they will confide that they won't become addicted if they smoke, and that if they drink they'll still be able to think clearly.
  • 若不是剧作家兼导演昆廷·塔伦蒂诺在百忙之中抽出12个小时服约翰·特拉沃尔塔在他的《低俗小》中饰演瘾君子职业杀手文森特·威格,这位前超级巨星也许现在还是一位属于坡形高跟鞋和金表链时代的让人回忆起来还蛮喜欢的昔日大腕。
    If it weren't for the fact that writer-director Quentin Tarantino took 12 hours out of his hectic1 life to convince the former superstar to play heroin-addicted hit man Vincent Vega in his Pulp Fiction,Travolta might have remained a fond throwback to the era of platform shoes and gold chains.
  • 当我进一步追问时,他他上网“上了瘾”,要“强迫”自己下网。
    When I questioned him further he said that he was " addicted," and had " forced" himself to go off-line.
  • 有些人如此嗜夸张成瘾,致使他们不撒谎就不出真话来。
    There are people so addicted to exaggeration that they can not tell the truth without lying.
  • 有些人如此嗜夸张成瘾,至使他们不撒谎就不出真话来。
    There are people so addicted to exaggeration that they can't tell the truth without lying.
  • 对于印第安人来,圣灵是真的存在的,只不过他存在于仪式之中。
    For them, the Holy Spirit very much exists, but it exists in ritual.
  • 那个小男孩是个侦探小迷。
    The little boy is addicted to reading detective novels.
  • 他将我女儿的婚礼比作英国黛安娜王妃的葬礼,他继续那葬礼只是礼节上走走过场,因为女王不喜欢黛安娜。
    He compared my daughter's wedding to the ritual that the Queen of England held at Princess Diana's funeral. He went on to say that the funeral was a ritual because the Queen disliked Diana.
  • 父亲他在豪华饭店时曾有应召女郎找上他
    Dad said he was proposition by a call girl at the ritzy hotel
  • 父亲他在豪华饭店时曾有应召女郎找上他。
    Dad says he is propositioned by a call girl at the ritzy hotel.
  • 到美,没有哪个城市能与威尼斯竞争。
    No city can rival Venice in beauty.
  • 一种附加的描述性的解释或明性注解。
    An added descriptive comment or explanatory note.