  • 第三,华语与语的相对地位如何,不十分明确。
    Third, the status of Mandarin vis-a-vis that of English was ambiguous.
  • 她并不想成为雄,只不过是一个雄心勃勃追求梦想的女孩而已。
    She did not want to become a hero; just an ambitious girl pursuing her dreams.
  • 人们将铭记她雄的行为,勇敢的精神和动力。
    Amelia will be remembered for her heroism, courageous attitude and motivation.
  • 她已飞行了“两万里”,还剩七千多里的行程。
    So far Amelia had covered "Twenty Thousand miles". There were still 7,000 more miles to go.
  • 在穿越了新几内亚之后,艾米丽雅还有两千多里的路程。
    After crossing New Guinea Amelia had only about 2,000 more miles left. She was right on course.
  • 这个标准的最大优点是美国和国的算法一样,因此可以直接拿来作比较。
    A major advantage of this measure is that Amen-can and British systems are similar and so transatlantic comparisons can be made directly.
  • 你方第0841号信用证少250镑请速电改以便赶装五月七日启航的“红星”轮。
  • 你0841号信用证少250镑请速电改以便赶装5月7日启航的“红星”轮。
    L/c0841 amount short stg 250 plscable amendment atone enable catch creditor sailing May 7th.
  • 英属北美殖民地
    British colonies in North America
  • 美国在1776年脱离国。
    America separated from England in 1776.
  • 他把国和美国加以对比。
    He contrasted Britain and America.
  • 那幅画拍卖时以5000镑售出(给一个美国商人).
    The painting was knocked down (to an American dealer) for 5000.
  • 分布在华盛顿到属哥伦比亚的美洲印第安语系的一个分支。
    a family of Amerindian languages spoken in Washington and British Columbia.
  • 在舞会上较成功的是和蔼可亲的彬格莱先生和伊丽莎白的秀美动人、性情温和的姐姐洁。伊丽莎白十分喜欢她。
    More successful at the ball are the amiable Mr. Bingley and Elizabeth's lovely, good-natured older sister, Jane, to whom Elizabeth is closely attached.
  • 从一本文畅销书的作者巴克曼上述形象的比喻中,我们可以找出新加坡政府为什么能够在经济危机中获得国人信任这个问题的正确答案。
    From the metaphor one can see why the Singapore government has succeeded in winning the people's trust amid the economic crisis.
  • 人们为他的访问做了大量准备工作。克拉克将军本尤其希望王的访问能够顺利进行。
    Extensive preparations were made before the visit, and General Clark himself was especially anxious that nothing should go amiss.
  • 国同法国、美国分别有贸易协定。
    trade agreement between Great Britain, France and the United States
  • 国,进教堂做礼拜的年轻人越来越少了,年轻的基督徒们正在通过网络寻找自己生命中的另一半。
    Church attendance amongst Britain's youth may be dwindling but young Christians are turning to the Internet in droves to find love.
  • 在她众多的演出活动中包括她十一岁时为国女王的演奏。
    Amongst her many international concerts as a featured classical soloist is a command performance for the Queen at the age of eleven.
  • 卡鲁,托马斯1595?-1639?国诗人,其爱情诗和轻快的抒情诗受查理一世的喜爱
    English poet whose amorous, light lyrics were favored by Charles I.
  • 他的黑人侍从爱默士,曾写了一本关于他的书,书名是「西道尔.罗斯福恃从心目中的雄」,在那本书?,爱默士说出一椿感人的故事:
    His valet, James E. Amos, wrote a book about him entitled Theodore Roosevelt, Hero to His Valet. In that book Amos relates this illuminating incident:
  • 他们负债总计一百万镑以上。
    Their debt amount to over&1m.
  • 5镑能帮你解决问题吗?
    Would & 5 help you out?
  • 我们获利50英磅。
    We were &50 to the good.
  • 国的bruce父子公司有意进口中国的茶叶.
    Bruce & Sons Co. , Ltd. In Britain are interested in importing Chinese Tea.
  • 中央电视台科教部《希望——语杂志》(outlook—englishmagazine)将于近期筹备成立“希望语”俱乐部。
    CCTV Science& Education Dept. Outlook English Magazine, will establish a"Outlook English" club recently.
  • 海关人员共检获39公斤海洛、858公斤大麻、1.5公斤生鸦片、2.5公斤熟鸦片、33.1公斤可卡因、50克甲基苯丙胺、3片"摇头丸"及15607片其他精神科药物;
    Officers seized 39 kilograms of heroin, 858 kilograms of cannabis, 1.5 kilograms of raw opium, 2.5 kilograms of prepared opium, 33.1kilograms of cocaine, 50 grams of met amphetamine, three tablets of Ecstasy and 15 607 tablets of other psychotropic drugs.
  • 5镑就足够我用的了。
    £5 will be ample for my needs.
  • 新阿姆斯特丹(现在的纽约)的荷兰人对后到的国人持怀疑态度,国人不相信德国人,德国人拒绝雇佣爱尔兰人,爱尔兰人瞧不起俄国人和波兰人,俄国人和波兰人不愿与越南人作邻居,等等。
    The Dutch in Nieuw Amsterdam (now New York) viewed the English arrivistes with suspicion;the English mistrusted the Germans, who refused to hire the Irish, who discriminated against the Russians and Poles, who won't live next to the Vietnamese,and so on.
  • 国的公立学校已经落伍过时了。
    English public schools are anachronistic.
  • 仍按前面相同的比喻,pci-x是一条64车道的高速公路,其最高限速为每小时133里,与pci相比,在给定的时间内,能运送大约10倍的流量。
    Using the same analogy as before, a PCI-X bus would be a 64-lane highway, with a speed limit of 133 mph, capable of carrying roughly 10 times the traffic in a given time frame compared with PCI.
  • 分析句子成分就能多了解一些语语法。
    By analyse the parts of the sentence we learn more about english grammar.