  • 林地生长的每年落叶的只开一次白的欧洲种银莲
    European anemone with solitary white flowers common in deciduous woodlands.
  • 白头翁属的任何一种植物;现在常归入银莲属。
    any plant of the genus Pulsatilla; sometimes included in genus Anemone.
  • 北美东部一种普通的只开一次略带粉红色白的银莲
    common anemone of eastern North America with solitary pink-tinged white flowers.
  • 包括一组在有些分类中归入银莲属的植物;翁草。
    includes a group of plants that in some classifications are included in the genus Anemone: pasqueflowers.
  • 林地里生长的一种银莲,因为解剖后叶片呈现的美丽螺纹和其迷人的朵而著称。
    any woodland plant of the genus Anemone grown for its beautiful flowers and whorls of dissected leaves.
  • 银莲一种白头翁属多年生草本植物,主要生长在北方气候温和地区,有掌状裂片叶和艳丽萼片的大
    Any of various perennial herbs of the genus Anemone, native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having palmately lobed leaves and large flowers with showy sepals.
  • 银莲,白头翁一种银莲属植物尤指银莲长有蓝色、紫色或白色的大,每朵能结出许多显眼的羽状瘦果
    Any of several plants of the genus Anemone, especially A. patens, having large blue, purple, or white flowers, each producing many conspicuously plumed achenes.
  • 独活一种伞形科当归属草本植物,有羽状复叶和白色或淡绿色的小组成散状序,特别是圆当归,它的根和果实可用作酒的香料,茎有甜味可食用
    Any of various herbs of the genus Angelica in the parsley family, having pinnately compound leaves and small white or greenish flowers in compound umbels, especially A. archangelica, whose roots and fruits are used in flavoring liqueurs and whose stems are candied and eaten.
  • 一个欧洲产的巢菜状草本植物,已在美国东部归化,具有粉红及白色,成伞形序及锐棱荚果。
    European vetchlike herb naturalized in the eastern United States having umbels of pink-and-white flowers and sharp-angled pods.
  • 美国东南的艳丽的常绿灌木,有发亮的叶子和成角的枝条,和伞状序的粉色到红色的丛。
    showy evergreen shrub of southeastern United States with shiny leaves and angled branches and umbel-like clusters of pink to reddish flowers.
  • 水玉簪科的模式属;一个产于温带的细瘦的草本属,叶似鳞片,具三角的或三翅的被。
    type genus of the Burmanniaceae; slender herbs of warm regions with leaves resembling scales and flowers with a 3-angled or 3-winged perianth.
  • 热带美洲仙人掌的一个属,攀缘或附生,茎上有棱,常为白色,非常芳香。
    genus of climbing or epiphytic tropical American cacti with angular stems and mostly white very fragrant flowers.
  • 对着特德送的,安感动得说不出话来。
    Ann choked up over the flowers Ted gave her.
  • “安娜贝尔,”他说,“把你佩戴的那朵玫瑰给我,好吗?”
    “Annabel,” he said, “give me that rose you are wearing, will you?
  • 她心情不好,懒洋洋的而且不切实际;一个……懒洋洋的、无精打采的公子——p·g·沃德豪斯。
    she was annoyingly lackadaisical and impractical; a...lackadaisical, spiritless young man-about-town- P.G.Wodehouse.
  • 一、二年生花卉
    annual and biennial flowers
  • 欧洲常见的一年生金盏
    the common European annual marigold.
  • 长满一年生开植物的坛。
    a border of annual flowering plants.
  • 开红的欧洲一年生山黧豆。
    annual European vetch with red flowers.
  • 十字科独行菜属植物,一年生植物,被用作沙拉绿色食品。
    annual herb used as salad green and garnish.
  • 的薄片裹饰着树木。
    snow flakes tinseled the trees.
  • 只有微风习习雪飘落。
    Of easy wind and downy flake.
  • 工厂检查员平均每人每年25,000英镑。
    Factory inspector cost on average??25,000 per head per annum.
  • 每年每人平均费25000英镑。
    Representative cost on average 25,000 per head per annum.
  • 工厂检查员平均每人每年25,000英镑。
    Factory inspector cost on average £25, 000 per head per annum.
  • 战争绝不能解决两岸的对立,我觉得我们那么多的钱在武器上是非常错误的。
    War has absolutely no way to resolve the antagonism between the two sides. I think it is a gross mistake that we are spending so much money on weapons.
  • 碎米荠属植物的任意一种,通常有羽状的叶子和白色,粉红色或紫色的总状序;除南极外遍布全球。
    any of various herbs of the genus Cardamine, having usually pinnate leaves and racemes of white, pink or purple flowers; cosmopolitan except Antarctic.
  • 猫头鹰的脚趾能够前后自由转动;昆虫灵活的触角能够上下或向侧边自由转动;松散的附属的药能够随风自由散播。
    an owl's versatile toe can move backward and forward; an insect's versatile antennae can move up and down or laterally; a versatile anther of a flower moves freely in the wind.
  • 纤细的开黄的欧洲芥末常作为野草;曾作为驱肠虫剂。
    slender yellow-flowered European mustard often troublesome as a weed; formerly used as an anthelmintic.
  • 药是的雄蕊上带粉的部分。
    Anther is a part of a flower that contains the pollen.
  • 开裂,裂开到达成熟期时在一定的位置裂开的口子,以释放或显露出内含物,如从果实的裂口处释放出来的种子或从粉囊中散发出的
    An opening at definite places at maturity to release or expose the contents, such as seeds from a fruit or pollen from an anther.
  • 丝在雄蕊里产生药的柄
    The stalk that bears the anther in a stamen.