  • 检讨结果显示,市民普遍希望保留区议会,不少更认为应加强区议会在地方事务方面的谘询和监察功
    The review found that the public was generally in favour of retaining the Boards and many felt that their role in advising government and monitoring services at the district level should be expanded.
  • 如您确参加,请来函告知您抵达的时间以便我们为您安排会晤。
    Please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of---- we can arrange for you to be met.
  • 首先是编写够简便地访问关系数据库的java代码的力。
    First is the ability to write Java code that easily accesses relational databases.
  • (1)把编写容易访问关系数据库的力与数据库中运行java程序的力结合在一起;
    Combine the ability to write Java code that easily accesses relational databases and the ability to run Java code in the database server.
  • *加强区议会在市政服务方面的谘询和监察功
    * enhance the DBs' role in advising on and monitoring municipal service delivery; and
  • 由sun公司的javasoft分部制定的jdbc是java类的标准集,对关系数据提供独立于供应商的存龋
    JDBC, specified by Sun Microsystems, Inc.'s JavaSoft unit, is a standard set of Java classes that provide vendor-independent access to relational data.
  • tcl够利用的程序有oracle、sybase和informix公司的关系数据库管理系统以及够输入和输出文本的命令行程序。
    The programs that Tcl can leverage include relational database managers from Oracle Corp., Sybase Inc. and Informix Corp. and command-line programs that can input and output text.
  • 一种基于xenix的多用户关系数据库管理系统,其特点是源程序和数据文件与dbaseiiiplus相兼容,同时具有dbaseiiiplus的记录锁定和文件锁定功
    A XENIX based multi user relational database management system featuring source language and data file compatibility with dBASE III plus, as well as dBASE III plus record locking and file locking system.
  • oracle9ilite的核心部分是oracle9ilite数据库,它作为一个强大而轻巧的关系型数据库,可提供全面的事务型支持、数据完整性约束和构建移动查询的功
    At the heart of Oracle9i Lite is Oracle9i Lite database, a powerful lightweight relational database that offers complete transactional support, data integrity constraints, and the ability to construct queries on the fly.
  • 在后端,对象链接和嵌入数据库(oledb)——访问不同类型数据而不管它们所在位置的接口,将提供对关系的和非关系的数据源的访问。
    on the back end, Object Linking and Embedding Datebase or OLE DB -- an interface for accessing different types of data regardless of location -- will provide access to relational and nonrelational data sources.
  • 存储在磁盘上的关系数据库对于编制和管理公司的数据仓库和数据集市而言,可是很适宜的,可是让它们来对付明天以因特网为中心的应用环境可就不够快。
    Relational databases stored on disk may be just fine for building and managing corporate data warehouses and data marts, but they may not be fast enough to handle tomorrow's Internet-centered application environment.
  • 破坏东西方关系的危险。
    The risk of rupturing East-West relations
  • 为了使得关联关系中的任一方对于关联关系的公共可见性都具有一定的控制力,因此另一个设计目标就是确保在一个潜在的关联关系中双方在同一时刻都表示该同意该假设事实,那么才使该关联关系可见。
    In order to make it possible for either party in a relationship to have some control over the visibility of the relationship, another design goal was to make sure that visible relationships were only visible if both parties involved in a potential relationship expression actually agreed to the fact that such a relationship exists at a given point in time.
  • 铅不需要太高温度即溶化。
    Lead will fuse at a relatively low temperature.
  • 从相对论的角度讲,这是不可的。
    this is relativistically impossible.
  • 甚至回到艾萨克·牛顿时代,科学家就曾猜测有这样的物体存在。但今天我们知道利用爱因斯坦广义相对论,更好地描述黑洞。
    Even back in Isaac Newton's time, scientists speculated that such objects could exist, even though we now know they are more accurately described using Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.
  • 如果科学发展到这一地步,让一个在本世纪上半叶阐述广义相对论的人重新回来,在下半叶破解裸奇点的奥秘,那么我们坚持不运用这一技术吗?
    If a scientific method were developed so that the man who explained general relativity in the first half of the century could be brought back to crack the secrets of naked singularities in the second, could we resist using it?
  • 爱因斯坦,阿尔贝特1879-1955德裔美国理论物理学家,他创立的狭义和广义相对论使现代关于时间和时间性质的想法发生突破性进展并给原子的利用提供了理论基础。因其对光电效应的解释获1921年诺贝尔奖
    German-born American theoretical physicist whose special and general theories of relativity revolutionized modern thought on the nature of space and time and formed a theoretical base for the exploitation of atomic energy. He won a1921 Nobel Prize for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.
  • 我终于够松一口气了。
    Finally, I can relax a little bit.
  • 休息放松或平静下来。
    inability to rest or relax or be still.
  • 那么员工怎样才做到休假期间既可以完全放松自己又没有内疚感呢?
    So how can employees relax without feeling guilty?
  • 学会放松你学会的最宝贵的技之一是如何放松。
    Learn to Relax One of the most valuable skills you can learn is how to relax.
  • 我惟有知道你平安无事才放心.
    I'll only relax when I know you're safe.
  • 有些人即使在家也不很好地放松。
    Some people can't even relax when are at home.
  • 一种不可燃的吸入产生全身麻醉的气体;用在止痛和肌肉放松等外科手术上。
    a nonflammable inhalation anaesthetic that produces general anesthesia; used along with analgesics and muscle relaxants for many types of surgical procedures.
  • 几种亲脂性胺被用作镇静剂或者镇静药或者催眠药或者肌肉弛缓药;长期使用产生依赖性。
    any of several similar lipophilic amines used as tranquilizers or sedatives or hypnotics or muscle relaxants; chronic use can lead to dependency.
  • 建议我买哪一样吗?
    Can you advise me which to buy?
  • 塑性的够历经持续变形而不断裂或松弛的
    Capable of undergoing continuous deformation without rupture or relaxation.
  • 放松活动帮你改变压力造成的生理反应。
    Relaxation activities help to reverse the physical reactions to stress.
  • 思想上不有丝毫的放松。
    the relaxation of requirements: the loosening of his grip; the slackening of the wind.
  • 定期练习放松的技巧,使你在压力大的时候达到一种宁静状态。
    Practicing relaxation techniques regularly will enable you to reach a state of peace during stressful times.
  • 听音乐使我们放松。
    Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.