  • 那镂刻着二十八座列王雕像神龛的锯齿状束带层,那正中巨大的花瓣格子窗户,两侧有两扇犹如助祭和副助祭站在祭师两旁的侧窗,那用秀丽小圆柱支撑着厚重平台的又高又削的梅花拱廊,还有两座巍巍、黝黝的钟楼,石板的前檐,上下共六大层,都是那雄伟壮丽整体中的和谐部分,所有这一切,连同强有力依附于这肃穆庄严整体的那无数浮雕、雕塑、镂錾细部,都相继而又同时地,成而又有条不紊地展现在眼前。
    the broidered and dentated cordon of the eight and twenty royal niches; the immense central rose window, flanked by its two lateral windows, like a priest by his deacon and subdeacon; the frail and lofty gallery of trefoil arcades, which supports a heavy platform above its fine, slender columns; and lastly, the two black and massive towers with their slate penthouses, harmonious parts of a magnificent whole, superposed in five gigantic stories;--develop themselves before the eye, in a mass and without confusion,with their innumerable details of statuary, carving, and sculpture, joined powerfully to the tranquil grandeur of the whole;
  • 这位祖父一直在尽量避开人,此时,他在桌旁的一把椅子上坐着,侧面对着我。他没有意识到我的存在,只是呆呆地盯着那具小小的尸体,脸上是一副让人琢磨不透的表情。
    Somehow the grandfather had managed to stay away from the crowd. He was sitting on a chair beside the table, in profile to me and unaware of my presence, looking uncomprehendingly at the swaddled corpse.
  • 这一声枪响惊得牛在畜栏内乱跑乱转。
    The report of the gun stampeded the cattle and sent them milling about in the corral.
  • 当我们改正错误的时候,人民众就说:共产党回来了。
    When we corrected the mistakes, they said the real Communist Party was back.
  • 渐变,生态在特性或特征上穿越物种或人口的分布区域的逐渐变化,通常与环境或地理变迁相关
    A gradual change in a character or feature across the distributional range of a species or population, usually correlated with an environmental or a geographic transition.
  • 走廊上挤满了一的小学生。
    The corridor were jammed with hordes of school - children.
  • 事实上,利用内部网代替贵得多的件和电子邮件软件包可能成为一种趋势。
    Indeed, using intranets to replace much more costly groupware and E-mail packages may become a trend.
  • 我国各族与跟自己同文同种的外国人之间,通过文化、学术、社交和经济联系,建立了重要的国际网络。
    Through cultural, intellectual, social and economic links with their ethnic counterparts overseas, the different communities in Singapore have built up their own valuable international networks.
  • 磁县北朝墓群
    Tombs of the Northern Dynasties at Cixian County
  • 五月二十一日许克祥在长沙发动反革命事变(即“马日事变”),屠杀革命众。
    On May 21, Hsu Keh-hsiang staged a counter-revolutionary coup in Changsha and massacred the revolutionaq masses.
  • 四一二事变,是蒋介石于一九二七年四月十二日在上海发动的反革命事变。在这次事变中,蒋介石残酷地屠杀了大批共产党人和革命众。
    The April 12th Incident was the counter-revolutionary coup staged by Chiang Kai-shek in Shanghai on April 12, 1927, during which a great number of Communists and revolutionary workers, peasants and students and intellectuals were massacred.
  • 他们是老奸巨滑的政客。
    They are crafty politicians.
  • 拥挤到一起的人;聚会
    A group that has been crammed together; a crush.
  • 假如我们这般生活在一八三○年的人能凭借想象,厕身在十五世纪这巴黎人中间,跟他们一起被拉来扯去,被撞来撞去,跌跌冲冲,挤进司法宫宽阔无比的大厅——在一四八二年一月六日这一天却显得那么狭小——,就不会觉得眼前的景象索然无味,不会觉得没有吸引力,正好相反,我们周围所见的事物尽是如此之古老,反而觉得十分新鲜。
    If we of the nineteenth century could mingle in imagination with these Parisians of the fifteenth century, could push our way with that hustling, elbowing, stamping crowd into the immense Hall of the Palais, so cramped on that 6th of January, 1482, the scene would not be without interest or charm for us, and we would find ourselves surrounded by things so old that to us they would appear quite new.
  • 简伸长脖子张望,在人中找她的母亲。
    Jane craned her neck to look for her mother in the crowd.
  • 疯狂了;疯狂的想要试试他的新自行车。
    the crowd went crazy; was crazy to try his new bicycle.
  • 簇群,即产生分组;
    clusters, or creating groups;
  • 我们的宣传,要防止在众中造成各种不符合实际的印象。
    In our propaganda, we should avoid creating any false impressions.
  • 我们可以从众的创作中吸取营养。
    We can draw nourishment from the creations of the masses.
  • 既善于通过提出和贯彻正确的理论路线带领众前进,又善于从众的实践创造和发展要求中获得前进动力;
    We must be good at both leading the people ahead by putting forward and implementing the correct theory and line and acquiring the motivation for progress from the people's creations in practice and their desire for development.
  • 这会激发人民众的巨大创造性。
    This will release the tremendous creative powers of the people.
  • 人民众是历史的创造者
    masses are the creator of history
  • 星命名的造物主也知道我们今天缅怀的7位亡灵的名字。
    The same Creator who names the stars also knows the names of the seven souls we mourn today.
  • 汉森,吉姆1936-1990美国木偶剧表演家,提线木偶即包括青蛙克米特、厄尼和伯特以及大鸟的一木偶形象的创造者
    American puppeteer and creator of the Muppets, a troupe of puppets including Kermit the Frog, Ernie and Bert, and Big Bird.
  • 基督教团体(派别)一坚持特定教义的崇拜者或教堂
    A church or group of worshipers adhering to a specific creed.
  • 一种东印度岛产的缠绕草本植物。
    perennial East Indian creeping or climbing herb used for dye in the orient.
  • 一群舞台工作人员
    A crew of stagehands.
  • 众将那个发言人给轰了下去。
    The crowd cried down the spokesman.
  • 俄国和包括英格兰法国土耳其撒丁的民族体在克里米亚的战争;1853年到1856年。
    a war in Crimea between Russia and a group of nations including England France Turkey Sardinia; 1853-1856.
  • 赤卫队虽不至完全消灭,党和众的基础将受到极大的摧残,除山头割据可以保存一些外,平地均将转入秘密状态,如八九月间一样。
    Although not all our Red Guards would be wiped out, the Party and our mass base would receive a crippling blow, and while there are places in the mountains where we might retain a foothold, in the plains we would all have to go underground as in August and September.
  • 这表现在“四人帮”横行、毛主席病重、周总理去世时,一九七六年四月五日天安门广场爆发的反抗“四人帮”的众运动。
    This was shown by the mass movement against the Gang of Four which erupted at Tiananmen Square on April 5, 1976, when the Gang were still riding high, Chairman Mao was critically ill and Premier Zhou had passed away.
  • 众发表意见[批评]。
    Let the people air their views[criticize].