  • 第七,只作紧急关头的或重要的情报供
    Seventh, they should supply no information unless it is very urgent or important.
  • 然而一旦布什的提议成为法律,这些妇女又会动摇起来。是逃离虐待自己,根本已经无爱可言的丈夫,独自一人面对今后的生活,还是为了得到可以用来抚养孩子的额外公众补助而回到自己带来梦魇的恶魔身边?面临这样的选择,很多妇女都会倾向于后者。
    Faced with the choice of leaving an abusive, unloving partner or getting additional public assistance to care for their children in return for marrying their tormentor, some women might opt to take the money.
  • 她恳求他们不要他儿子太重的处罚。
    She beg them not to punish her son severely.
  • 自己缝了件外衣。
    She sew a new coat for her self.
  • 你怎么没把扣子钉上?
    Why did not you sew the button on?
  • 给水排水卫生
    hygienic management of water supply and sewage
  • 他儿子死这一被悲惨事件他的晚年生活投上了阴影。
    The later part of his life was shadowed by his son 's tragic death.
  • 予或形成阴影的;遮阴的
    Affording or forming shade; shady.
  • 我们可不能让小孩晒在太阳里,要他们找个荫凉的地方才行。
    We must not have the sun beating down on the children, and have got to look for a shady place for them.
  • 人们他们提供了大量的食品;他非常感谢她。
    they were abundantly supplied with food; he thanked her profusely.
  • 浓密乌黑的鬃毛虽然雄狮带来不少的麻烦,除了夏天格外闷热之外,还会招来捕猎者的注意,不过研究人员发现,雄狮的鬃毛对母狮来说却具有无法抵抗的性吸引力。
    A big, black mane is hot, shaggy and attracts trophy hunters, but it makes a lion irresistibly sexy to the lionesses, researchers reported.
  • 我巧克力泡沫牛奶。
    Make me a chocolate milk shake.
  • 我巧克力牛奶冰淇淋。
    Make mine a chocolate milk shake.
  • 我这一生,从没像这次从车子里出来那么高兴过。他可把我吓坏了。
    I was never so glad to get out of a car in my life. He had me shaken rigid.
  • ‘我——我想你泡杯茶,’他颤抖地解释道。
    `I--I 'm going to make you a cup of tea ,' she explained shakily.
  • 要打开给你看吗?
    Shall I open it?
  • 我说,"爸爸,您去后我要您我个信号,告诉我您一切都好。"爸爸对这荒唐的想法哈哈大笑;
    I said,“Dad,after you have gone I want a sign from you that you are fine,”He laughed at the absurdity of that;
  • 有些不便之处几乎是没有办法避免的,而且如果希望一点不便也没有对方造成,则通常会被认为是在佯装。
    Some inconvenience is almost inevitable,and the hope that no inconvenience whatever has been caused is usually recognized for the sham that it is.
  • 争吵和纠纷随之在演员们中间发生了,他们当中大部分都急急忙忙、不顾羞耻地将他们的角色交了替身演员。
    quarrels and dissensions ensued among the cast, most of whom hurriedly and shamefacedly handed over their parts to understudies.
  • 至于利润分成,我们打算贵方40%的份额,这对贵方是够公平的了。
    As for the profit sharing, we shall give you a share of 40%, which is fair enough to you.
  • 他是我的朋友,今天早上还说要借钱我,象我借他一样。
    He's my friend, and this morning offered to share his money with me, as I shared mine with him.
  • 抽象的概念以具体的形式。
    giving concrete form to an abstract concept.
  • 他用大剪刀几下子就把灌木修剪好了。
    With a few quick snip of the shear he prune the bush.
  • 加布里埃尔·希尔是一个极具魅力却又十分危险的间谍。为了他自己所谓的爱国主义行动筹措资金,他需要进入这个世界。
    Gabriel Shear,a charismatic and dangerous spy wanting to finance his own brand of patriotism,needs to get inside this world.
  • 每一产品只需贡献一丁点,通常是微不足道的一丁点,就足以酬报上面所说的劳动和节欲,就足以补偿直接生产者预付工具制造者的报酬。
    It is enough if each product contributes a fraction, commonly an insignificant one, towards the remuneration of that labour and abstinence, or towards indemnifying the immediate producer for advancing that remuneration to the person who produced the tools.
  • 旅行者提供小屋居住
    Lodges travelers in the shed.
  • …增加光泽、釉或光彩
    To give a gloss, glaze, or sheen to.
  • 上轧波纹(丝、麻或金属)表面上光泽
    To give a sheen to the surface of(silk, linen, or metal).
  • 喂,沈先生,我很高兴你我打电话。纽约的史密斯先生有一封介绍信你。
    Why, hello, mr. Sheen. I am glad you call me, I have a letter of introduction to you from mr. Smith of new york.
  • 仅仅几秒钟的时间,所有的人都用西红柿瞄准身边的每一个人或建筑,或扔或砸或抛,地上红色的粘土辉映着西红柿汁形成的红雾,顷刻间就广场染上了一层红晕。
    Within seconds, the square was covered in a sheen of red slime and clouds of tomato-colored mist as people threw, tossed, pitched and aimed the vegetables at everyone and everything.
  • 羊供给我们羊毛。
    Sheep provide us with wool.
  • 他懦弱地把钱还了她。
    sheepishly he handed her back the money.