  • 钡的氧化物,一种发的有毒粉末。
    an oxide of barium; a whitish toxic powder.
  • 色有毒晶体,将氧化钡溶于水中制成。
    white poisonous crystals; made by dissolving barium oxide in water.
  • 一种色或无色矿物(baso),是钡的主要来源。
    a white or colorless mineral (BaSO4); the main source of barium.
  • 一种色的有毒粉末,通过加热空气中的氧化钡而得到。
    a white toxic powder obtained by heating barium oxide in air.
  • 重晶石硫酸钡的黄色、色或无色的晶体矿物,baso4,用作涂料和钡化学物的主要来源
    A yellow, white, or colorless crystalline mineral of barium sulfate, BaSO4, that is used in paint and as the chief source of barium chemicals.
  • 他们不明,狗怎么老叫。
    They wondered why the dogs kept on barking.
  • 警方在远离劫案发生地近50英里的地方开始调查,恐怕他们是在费心机。
    I’m afraid the police are barking up the wrong tree by starting their investigation nearly 50 miles from where the robbery happened.
  • 酒吧服务员用银质小量器量兰地酒。
    The barman uses a small silver measure for brandy.
  • 一辆敞篷四轮马车停在那儿,一个穿着一身色衣服的女人从车上下来。
    An open barouche was standing there, and a woman in white had stepped out of it.
  • 我至少还不会在天把门闩住。
    At least, I would not keep my doors barred in the day time.
  • 伊丽莎·巴蕾特·朗宁曾以这样的诗句描述她对她丈夫的忠贞不渝:“我所做的一切以及我的梦想都不能没有你。”
    And Elizabeth Barret Browning wrote of her constancy to her husband Robert in such lines as this: That I do and what I dream include thee.
  • 伊丽莎·巴蕾特·布朗宁曾以这样的诗句描述她对丈夫的忠贞不渝:"我所做的一切以及我的梦想都不能没有你。"
    And Elizabeth Barret Browning wrote of her constancy to her husband Robert in such lines as this:"What I do and what I dream include thee."
  • 主要指带有色色带黑色的北方蝴蝶。
    mainly dark northern butterflies with white wing bars.
  • 美国东部毛茛科的一种高草本植物,具有大的基生叶和色花瓣的花。
    tall perennial of the eastern United States having large basal leaves and white summer flowers.
  • 钓钟柳一种长年生的茎细有成簇状且浓密的叶子和蓝色或色钟状花的植物(圆叶风铃草风铃草属)
    A perennial plant(Campanula rotundifolia) having slender stems, dense clusters of basal leaves, and bell-shaped blue or white flowers.
  • 一种杂草,具有羽状半裂的基叶和小花构成的细小总状花序,继之的是一个籽的有翼短角果。
    annual herb having pinnatifid basal leaves and slender racemes of small white flowers followed by one-seeded winged silicles.
  • 岩扇属的任何一种植物;多年生草本常绿植物,叶基生、平滑而坚韧,花美丽、单生、色。
    any plant of the genus Shortia; evergreen perennial herbs with smooth leathery basal leaves and showy white solitary flowers.
  • 一种草本植物,有基生叶和多叶、有毛的茎,花单生,有色或乳色的边花;生在美国西北部。
    herb with basal leaves and leafy hairy stems bearing solitary flower heads with white or pale cream rays; northwestern United States.
  • 北美西部的一种植物,具有木质根茎、成簇的、挺直的草状基生叶,穗状、乳色的花。
    plant of western North America having woody rhizomes and tufts of stiff grasslike basal leaves and spikes of creamy white flowers.
  • 七筋菇属的任何一种温带百合科植物,叶基生、宽阔,花色、淡黄色或略带紫色,浆果蓝色或黑色。
    any temperate liliaceous plant of the genus Clintonia having broad basal leaves and white or yellowish or purplish flowers followed by blue or black berries.
  • 北欧或北美的一种罕见的沼泽兰,花单一,从色到紫色,笔直的茎呈微红色,茎顶部有紫色斑点。
    rare north temperate bog orchid bearing a solitary white to pink flower marked with purple at the tip of an erect reddish stalk above 1 basal leaf.
  • 辣根一种十字花科的粗糙植物(辣根辣根属),产于欧亚大陆,其根很厚实,略带色,有刺鼻气味,叶子底部大,色花呈圆锥形花序
    A coarse Eurasian plant(Armoracia rusticana) in the mustard family, having a thick, whitish, pungent root, large basal leaves, and white flowers in a terminal panicle.
  • 木树如美国鹅掌揪、椴、三角叶杨等各种落叶树
    Any of various deciduous trees such as the tulip tree, basswood, or cottonwood.
  • 欧亚大陆普通的蝙蝠,毛发的尖部为色。
    common Eurasian bat with white-tipped hairs in its coat.
  • 蝙蝠天睡觉,夜里才出来寻觅食物
    Bats sleep in the daytime and come out to hunt for food at night
  • 我看见战场上一些泛的尸骸。
    I saw some bones bleaching on the battlefield.
  • 勃姆石色至深红褐色斜方晶矿物,alo(oh),存在铝土岩中
    A white to dark reddish-brown orthorhombic mineral, AlO(OH), present in bauxite.
  • 这本小说中有一段激烈的刃战的生动描写。
    There is a vivid description of a fierce bayonet charge in the novel.
  • 生活在侏罗纪和垩纪时期已经灭绝的能飞行的爬行动物,嘴形似鸟嘴,膜状的翅膀由每个前肢中非常长的脚趾支撑。
    extinct flying reptile of the Jurassic and Cretaceous having a birdlike beak and membranous wings supported by the very long fourth digit of each forelimb.
  • 海鸥一种鸥科水鸟,主要生于海岸附近,生有长翼、蹼足、略呈弯勾状的长喙、羽毛通常为灰
    Any of various chiefly coastal aquatic birds of the family Laridae, having long wings, webbed feet, a thick, slightly hooked beak, and usually gray and white plumage.
  • 几种四足食草性长角的恐龙,巨大的颅骨呈鸟嘴状;生活在后垩纪的北美和蒙古。
    any of several four-footed herbivorous horned dinosaurs with enormous beaked skulls; of the late Cretaceous in North America and Mongolia.
  • 酪蛋是一种大型、坚硬、致密、极难消化分解的凝乳。
    bean curd; lemon curd.