  • 他泄露了他们翻政府的阴谋。
    He revealed their conspiracy to overthrow the government.
  • 一伙人被指控阴谋翻选举产生的合法政府。
    A group of men were charged conspiring against the duly elected government.
  • 一夥人被指控密谋翻政府。
    A group of men is charged with conspire against the government.
  • 许多医生荐含有丰富食物纤维的天然食物,因为它有助于防止便秘,以取代万不得已而使用的泻药。原因显而易见-治病总是不如防病。
    Many doctors prefer a natural food, rich in dietary fibre, which will help you to avoid constipation, rather than having to resort to purgatives. The reason is obvious-prevention is always better than cure.
  • 那些自由党党员们已举一名参加首相选举的候选人,但是那必定是绝少成功希望的计划而已。
    The Liberals have put up a candidate in the Prime Minister's constituency, but it must be a forlorn hope.
  • 政府宜即开放党禁,扶植舆论,以为诚意行宪政之表示。
    The government should immediately lift the ban on the political parties and encourage freedom of opinion to show that it sincerely intends to put constitutionalism into practice.
  • 加入世贸组织后,中国将与包括欧盟在内的世贸组织各成员密切合作,发挥积极和建设性的作用,动新的多边贸易谈判的进程。
    After entering the WTO, China will closely cooperate with all WTO members including the EU playing a positive and constructive role in promoting the new round of multilateral trade negotiations.
  • 导出一个法则或着得出一个意思。
    deduce (a principle) or construe (a meaning).
  • 演绎,解释断(原则或教义);分析(意义)
    To deduce(a principle or doctrine); construe(a meaning).
  • 年内,研究资助局与德国学术交流协进会和法国驻港领事馆继续行联合研究计划,以加强香港与海外高等教育院校的联系。
    During the year, the RGC continued to operate joint research schemes with the German Academic Exchange Service and the French Consulate General in Hong Kong to strengthen existing links between local and overseas tertiary institutions.
  • 年内,研资局与英国文化协会、德国学术交流服务处及法国驻港领事馆继续行联合研究计划,以加强香港与海外高等教育院校的联系。
    During the year, the RGC continued to operate joint research schemes with the British Council, the German Academic Exchange Service and the French Consulate General in Hong Kong to strengthen existing links between local and overseas tertiary institutions.
  • 职业安全健康局通过教育及训练、宣传广、顾问服务、研究和资讯服务,致力动香港职业安全健康的发展。
    The Occupational Safety and Health Council is dedicated to furthering the occupational safety and health development in Hong Kong by education and training, promotion, consultancy, research and information services.
  • 该中心亦为17所行校本课程的小学提供训练及咨询服务。
    The centre also offers training and consultation to 17 primary schools with school-based programmes.
  • 这些活动还包括香港专业服务的广项目,向内地宣传香港的会计、法律及商业顾问等服务。
    These activities also covered promotions for professional services such as accounting, legal and business consulting, sectors that are opening up in the Mainland.
  • 消委会也排解消费方面的纠纷,为消费者提供资讯、解答查询,以及行消费者教育活动等。
    It also mediates in consumer disputes, disseminates consumer information and advice and organises consumer education activities.
  • 过去,农民得坐火车进城销他们的产品,既花时间,效率又低。
    In the past farmers had to go by train to the cities to find buyers of their products,which was both time consuming and inefficient.
  • 然而,难道这些就是引发亚洲金融风暴的全部原因吗?尽管国际货币基金行多项大规模的新计划,有时候似乎亦未能扭转局面。
    But, are these the only reasons that has created the contagion in Asia which massive new IMF programs at times did not seem to be able to stem the tide?
  • 1997年召开的中共十五大在总结经验的基础上,从国家跨世纪发展的高度,在重申三步走发展战略的同时,将民主法制建设摆到了一个突出的地位,强调要继续进政治体制改革,进一步扩大民主,健全法制,“依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”,并将依法治国确立为基本的治国方略。
    At the 15th National Congress of the CPC held in 1997, on the basis of summing up experiences, and from the height of China's cross-century development, while reiterating the three-stage development strategy, emphasis was placed on democracy and legal system building.The congress stressed the continuance of the reform of the political system, the further expansion of democracy, the perfection of the legal system, and making "exercising the rule of law'' a basic state policy.
  • 电子政务建设不断进。
    E-government continued to develop.
  • 我们正在继续把社会主义事业向前进。
    We are continuing to push the socialist cause forward.
  • 如果政策对,能动社会主义社会生产力发展,使人民生活逐步好起来,这种政策本身就保证了它的连续性。
    If the policy is right and can promote the development of the productive forces in a socialist society and gradually raise the people's living standards, the policy itself ensures its continuity.
  • 中国的男性节育技术研究已处于世界领先地位,有的已被世界志愿手术节育协会列为广技术。
    China leads the world in the research on male contraception techniques, some of which have been listed as the ones to be promoted by the World Association of Voluntary Surgical Contraception (AVSC).
  • 中国早在六十年代就开展了避孕节育的科学研究工作,取得了大量成果并在全国普遍广。
    Back in the 1960s, China embarked on scientific research on contraception, and soon made a large number of achievements, which were popularized all over the country.
  • 全面行医疗卫生和生殖健康服务,开展避孕措施的知情选择,孕产妇死亡率降低到42/10万左右,婴儿死亡率降低到31‰左右。
    Comprehensive medical and reproductive health services are to be offered. Informed choice of contraceptive measures is practiced.
  • 积极进避孕方法知情选择,开展妇女病的普查和防治。
    We will promote the informed choice of contraceptive measures, conduct public surveys and preventive treatment of women's diseases.
  • 全面行医疗卫生和生殖健康服务,开展避孕措施的知情选择,孕产妇死亡率降低到42/10万左右,婴儿死亡率降低到31‰左右。
    Comprehensive medical and reproductive health services are to be offered. Informed choice of contraceptive measures is practiced. The maternal mortality rate is to be reduced to 42 per 100,000 with infant mortality dropping to 31‰.
  • 通过阻止神经动力的传输或减弱运动终板或其他的活动的兴奋性来减轻肌肉的收缩的药物。
    a drug that reduces muscle contractility by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses or by decreasing the excitability of the motor end plate or by other actions.
  • 四是广泛行了项目法人负责、监理单位控制、施工单位保证、政府监督相结合的质量管理体制。
    4. An integrated quality management system has been promoted with the legal person's responsibility, the supervision unit's control, the contractor's obligations, and the government's supervision combined;
  • 逆说,悖论一种尽管从可接受的假设中导出来但其核心是自相矛盾的论断
    An assertion that is essentially self-contradictory, though based on a valid deduction from acceptable premises.
  • 促进,进有助于…的进步或成长;更进一步
    To contribute to the progress or growth of; further.
  • 这些歌曲在当初出时,听起来似乎造作,但如今已经深入人心了。
    The songs, which sounded contrived when they were launched, have become a part of us.
  • 向顾客提供一个互动的网址,每个顾客都可以通过它便利地定购到符合自己特殊需求的电脑。戴尔公司削减了零销商、销员、库存及其他方面的成本,向人们提供完全符合他们需要的机器,三天即可供货并且享受价格优惠。
    By providing customers with an interactive Web site where each could order a PC to his specifications easily and conveniently, Dell was able to " disintermediate" retail stores, salespeople, inventory, and other costs, thereby providing people the precise machine they wanted, delivered in three days, at a discount.