  • 他挥手向我道别。
    He waved to me to say good-bye.
  • 她隔街向我手致意。
    She waved to me across the street.
  • 新上任的将军与其他指官们意见不合。
    The new general is not on the same wavelength as the other commanders.
  • 动着手,看着他们从视野中消失。
    She watched them out of sight, waving.
  • 他出来时向人群舞著文件。
    He came out waving the document at the crowd.
  • 少先队员手向队员致敬。
    The pioneers greeted the cagers by waving their hands.
  • 他们舞着手绢已经有半小时了。
    They've been waving handkirchiefs for the last half hour.
  • 约翰手中动着一张纸,怒气冲冲地闯进了会议室。
    John stormed into the meeting waving a piece of paper about.
  • 她正在手告别,眼里充满泪水。
    She is waving good- bye, with her eyes full of tears.
  • 发言人舞双手强调他所说的。
    The speaker emphasized what he was saying by waving his hand.
  • 随着告别的列车越走越快,她渐渐地消失在舞的人群之中。
    As the train was going faster and faster, she verged into the waving crowds.
  • 舞旗帜作为一种信号。
    send a signal by waving a flag or a light according to a certain code.
  • 他一直在舞着一张通知—是有关增加工资的。
    He's been waving a notice around—something to do with an increase in pay.
  • 她站在走廊里,动着两支胳膊,我真不知道她为何这样!
    She stood in the passage waving her arms about. I couldn't imagine why!
  • 当他跑回来时,手里动着一张纸我知道他通过了。
    When he ran back, waving a piece of paper about-I know he passed.
  • 孩子们一进入农田,那农场主就舞着大棒追了过来。
    As soon as the boys entered the field the farmer come after them waving a big stick.
  • 当我们开始穿越那片田地时,农场主就动着粗棍子跟踪而来。
    As soon as we started across the field the farmer came after us waving a big stick.
  • 列车开离车站时,月台上的人不停地向他们的朋友手帕,送飞吻。
    People on the platform were waving handkerchiefs and blowing kisses to their friends as the train left the station.
  • 每次情况都一样--查利手请我们进屋,埃玛用手拍拍床等待博去舔她,两个人总是那么高兴。
    Always the same response Charlie waving us in and Emma patting the bed,waiting for Beau's licks,both so alive.
  • 他听到有人叫他的名字,就回头去,看到一个妇人正沿着街道跑过来,手里着钱。
    He heard his name being called, looked over his shoulder and saw a woman running down the street, waving money.
  • 管弦乐队新来的指一上任就先把较差的演奏人员清除出去了
    The new conductor started by weeding out the weaker players in the orchestra.
  • 当汽车开动时,坐在轮椅里的那个女人动着手,手里紧紧地握着那束紫丁香花。
    As the car pulled away, the woman inthe wheelchair waved, and clutched the lilacs.
  • 有关内容包括社群、康乐和社区活动,以协助青少年增广知识、发技能、体验人际关系、认识本身的社区,以及提高对社区的责任感。
    Social, recreational and community activities are held for participants to widen their knowledge, develop their skills, appreciate human relationships, understand the community in which they live and enhance their sense of responsibility to the community.
  • 2000年5月,国务院、中央军委颁布了《关于建立依托普通高等教育培养军队干部制度的决定》,明确要充分发普通高等教育在国防和军队现代化建设中的作用,拓宽选拔培养高素质军队建设人才的途径。
    In May 2000, the State Council and the CMC promulgated the Decision on Establishing a System for Training Military Cadres by Reliance on Regular Institutions of Higher Learning, clearly stressing the role of regular higher education in the modernization of national defense and the armed forces, so as to widen the channel for the selection and training of high-caliber personnel for the military.
  • 但他们所不知的是,在这瓷器般精美的外表后面,这些温婉柔弱的女性也可剑、击拳,比训练有素的武士还要出色。
    But what they don't know is that behind the porcelain masks,these soft,delicate women can wield a sword and throw a punch better than the best trained soldiers.
  • 她想像中编辑的生活就是坐在扶手椅上动蓝铅笔。
    She imagines that an editor's life consists in sitting in an armchair wielding a blue pencil.
  • 挥霍致贪。
    Wilful waste makes woeful want.
  • 第二,善于在政治原则下,团结共事的非党干部,让他们充分理解、乐于接受、赞助和执行我们的政策主张,大大发自己的工作积极性,并经过他们去达到团结各阶级各抗日党派,团结大多数之目的。
    Second, on political grounds, to unite with non-Party cadres who work with them, helping them fully understand Party policies so that they will willingly accept, support and implement them, giving full play to their enthusiasm for the work; through them to unite with every class, every anti-Japanese party and the majority of the people.
  • 他虽然赢得了钱,但霍无度,不久又像以前一样穷了。
    He played ducks and drakes with his winnings and was soon as poor as before.
  • 谁是你那时代最伟大的指家?
    Who wold you name as the greatest conductor of your time?
  • 猎人被一群狼困住,他舞着一根很重的棍子向四面八方乱打。
    The hunter trapped by a pack of wolves laid about with a heavy stick.
  • 谁在指挥工人们?
    Who is directing the workmen?