  • 他在意外事件中一点受伤。
    He narrowly escaped being hurt in the accident.
  • 他在不多三十年前参加了海军。
    He joined the navy nearly 30 years ago.
  • 火车差不多满座了。
    The train was nearly full.
  • 这工作不多完成了。
    The job's nearly finished.
  • 她差点儿死了。
    She nearly died.
  • 我朝下一望看到一个警察时,上点从梯子上掉下来。
    I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman.
  • 差不多十年
    For nearly ten year
  • 我差点儿忘了。
    It nearly slipped my mind.
  • 你差一点就说对了。
    Li You are nearly right.
  • 这个阴谋一点得逞了。
    The scheme nearly came off.
  • 战争不多要结束了。
    The war was nearly finished.
  • 他绊了一下一点跌倒。
    He tripped up and nearly fell.
  • 他们不多所有的人都讲得还不错。
    Nearly all of them speak passably.
  • 我们的汽油不多用光了。
    We're nearly out of petrol.
  • 她的项链和你的项链不多一样。
    Her necklace is about the same as yours.
  • 买一套衣服价钱只一角钱是无所谓的。
    In buying a suit, a difference of ten cents in prices is negligible.
  • 天资、才智和知识的异与大家所共有的人心的一致相比,是可以忽略的。
    The differences in talents, intelligence, and knowledge are negligible in comparison with the identity (of the human core) common to all men.
  • 此处的邻居素质最近多了。
    This neighbourhood has gone down a lot recently.
  • 最新的反对理由是鉴定实验室的误率,这也是辛普森案件中辩护队排除dna证据的论据的核心。
    The newest objection, which is at the heart of the Simpson defense team's argument to exclude DNA evidence, is the testing lab's error rate.
  • 每年,不多每个人都参加“最佳花园”竞赛,而joe却每次都得最优奖。
    Nearly everybody enters for "The Nicest Garden Competition" each year, but Joe wins every time.
  • 尼克从战斗中撤下来,出现在我的面前,衬衣不多都撕成了两半。
    Nick emerged from the fight with his shirts torn nearly in half.
  • 面包点烤焦了,幸好我及时关了煤气。
    The toast was about to burn, but I turned off the gas in the nick of time.
  • 汽车突然抄到卡车前面,一点儿酿成事故。
    The car nicked in ahead of the lorry and almost caused an accident.
  • 他离家差不多有20哩。
    He was nigh upon 20 miles.
  • 他离家不多只有二十英里了。
    He was nigh upon 20 miles from home.
  • 爱情样样好,牢狱处处
    No love is foul, no prison fair.
  • 有色金属工业很薄弱;机械工业的力量也很
    The nonferrous metals industry and machinery industry are also very weak.
  • 他的马以一鼻之取胜。
    His horse won by a nose.
  • 他在选举中以些许之败给了一个较年轻的人。
    He was nosed out in the election by a younger man.
  • 这个民主党国会议员候选人以几百票之击败了对手。
    The Democratic candidate nosed out his rival for Congress by a few hundred votes.
  • 他的早期作品和後期作品之间有明显的异。
    There is a notable difference between his earlier and later writing.
  • 两者一样。;两者不多。;没有什么可挑的。
    There is nothing to choose between the two.; There is not much to choose between the two.