  • 那些在本月超额完成定额的推销员会得一笔奖金。
    Those salesmen who go over the top this month will get a bonus.
  • 会内设有卖品部,供参观者选购。
    A salesroom will be set up in the exhibition, where visitors can make purchases.
  • 万一他同时接见七八个人,省长、军或是驻军的参谋,或是教士培养所的几个学生,他们就得到牛棚里去找冬斋的椅子,经堂里去找祈祷椅,卧室里去找围椅。这样,他们可以收集到十一张待客的坐具。
    When, by chance, he received seven or eight persons at one time, the prefect, or the general, or the staff of the regiment in garrison, or several pupils from the little seminary, the chairs had to be fetched from the winter salon in the stable, the prie-Dieu from the oratory, and the arm-chair from the bedroom: in this way as many as eleven chairs could be collected for the visitors.
  • 他们大部分肉用盐腌起来,以备日后用。
    They salted down most of the meat for their later use.
  • 军决定使出绝招,派坦克参加战斗。
    The general decided to play his ace and send in the tanks.
  • 死海海水中蕴含大量碳酸钾;同时还是旅游胜地,吸引众多游客来此泡盐水浴。但是照此发展下去,未来50年内死海会永远消失。
    A goldmine for potash extractors and a magnet for tourists who come to bathe in its salty waters, the Dead Sea could disappear in 50 years.
  • 腌制食物准备(食品)以备来使用,如用罐装或腌制的方法
    To prepare(food) for future use, as by canning or salting.
  • 我们靠上她的船,让海难救援人员上去。
    We'll pull alongside her and put a salvage crew aboard.
  • 在菲律宾,“”一个人并不是抢救那个人,而是他处决,而“”(即疏散)一字在上流社会中是不便启齿的,因为它有如厕之义。
    In the Philippines, to salvage someone means to execute that person. And the word, evacuate, is not uttered in polite society. It means to move one's bowels.
  • 在菲律宾,“salvage”一个人并不是抢救那个人,而是他处决,而“evacuate”(即疏散)一字在上流社会中是不便启齿的,因为它有如厕之义。
    In the Philippines, to salvage someone means to execute that person instead of saving him. And the word, evacuate, is not uttered in the upper society, as it means to move one's bowels.
  • 研究所的分析他们的调查与另外三位分别来自美国、芬兰和丹麦的科学家所作的调查作了对比。认为这三位的调查进行了更可信的取样,并且是以医学报告为依据,而不仅仅是简单地采访一些病患者。
    It contrasted those with three studies in the United States, and studies in Finland and Denmark, which Paulsson said used more reliable sampling methods and were based on medical reports rather than interviews with patients.
  • 或者,如果卫星云图有关沿海海域的图像和取样显示了和霍乱的发生相关的海藻在开花的话,官员们也能够警告大家污水过滤,以及建议多安排一些额外的医护人员、床位和治疗供应品等医疗设施。
    Or if sateffite images and sampling of coastal waters indicate that algal blooms related to cholera outbreaks are beginning, officials could warn people to filter contaminated water and could advise medical facilities to arrange for additional staff, beds and treatment supplies.
  • 如果人们敢于互相推心置腹地讲心里话,一百年后世界会减少许多痛苦。
    If people would dare to speak to one another unreservedly, there would be a good deal less sorrow in the world a hundred years hence. ---------Samuel Butler
  • 将san与nas结合起来
    Meld SAN and NAS
  • 永远无法过那种只喝可口可乐的日子。
    He would never accustom himself to drinking nothing but cocacola.
  • 她的两个表姐从旧金山来看望她。
    Her two girlcousins are visiting her from San Francisco.
  • 由于马湾东湾仔北面沙堤会因新鸿基地产有限公司一项大型住宅发展计划而受到影响,古物古迹办事处于六月底至十一月中期间,也在该处进行了一次大规模抢救发掘工作。
    From late June to mid-November, the AMO conducted a large-scale rescue excavation at the northern sandbar of Tung Wan Tsai on Ma Wan, site of a large-scale residential development by the Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd.
  • 他坐起来,感到圣卡塔林纳的黑黢黢的墙壁他团团围住了。
    He sat up and felt the dark walls of Santa Caterina close in on him.
  • 这位诗人也作为幽默作家和讽刺家被人们怀念。
    The poet will also be remembered as a humorist and a satirist.
  • 我们尽力使您满意。
    We will try our best to satisfy you.
  • 并且随着暖雨融化冰雪或者下到水量已饱和的地面,大洪水泛滥的危险急剧增长。
    And with warm rains melting snow or drenching already saturated ground, the risk of extreme floods will rise dramatically.
  • 通过非常纤细的玻璃毛细管放在饱和的水蒸气中产生的这种“聚合水”的粘滞性和密度都很大,其折射系数与玻璃的相似。
    This polywater, made by ex posing very fine glass capillanes to a saturated atmosphere of water vapor, was very viscous, dense and had a refractive index similar to that of glass.
  • 如果一项促进和平的安排开始进行,沙特阿拉伯直接参与有关航运及污染等地区性问题的多边谈判。
    If a peace process got under way, Saudi Arabia would participate directly in multilateral talks about such problems of regional concern as shipping and pollution.
  • 联邦调查局说,鉴于“最近显然有人目标对准驻在沙特阿拉伯的、以美国为首的军队,美国的执法部门应该时刻对肩扛式防空导弹可能被用来袭击美国飞机的情况保持警惕。”
    As a result of the " recent apparent targeting of U.S.-led military forces in Saudi Arabia, law-enforcement agencies in the United States should remain alert to potential use of manpads against U.S. aircraft," the FBI said.
  • savagebeast公司的创建者之一兼公司的首席音乐官timwestergren介绍说,"通过音乐分解成400种非主观的特质,我们的引擎旨在避免用主观标准对歌曲分类。
    Chief Music Officer and company co-founder Tim Westergren says by breaking down music into 400 non-subjective traits, Savage Beast's engine avoid subjective song evaluations.
  • 普瓦斯基,卡齐米尔1747-1779波兰爱国主义者和军,在美国独立战争中曾支持美军,指挥了查理斯顿防御战(1779年)并在萨瓦纳之围时率领一个骑兵旅,在这场战斗中受重伤而牺牲
    Polish patriot and general who aided American forces in the Revolutionary War, commanding the defense of Charleston(1779) and leading a cavalry brigade in the siege of Savannah, during which he was mortally wounded.
  • 受害最严重的是加拿大的下北极苔原,俄罗斯树木繁茂的乌拉尔山针叶林,智利、阿根廷和玻利维亚安第斯山脉中部的干冷高原,蒙古的干草原,印度和尼泊尔两国东北部的热带稀树草原,非洲南部的高山硬叶灌木群落。
    The most severely damaged will be the Canadian Low Arctic Tundra; the wooded Ural Mountain taiga in Russia; the central Andean dry puna in Chile, Argentina and Bolivia; the Daurian steppe of Mongolia; the savannah of north-east India and Nepal; and the fynbos of southern Africa.
  • 工程技术人员尤其必须能够迅速而准确地自己的想法传达给别人。
    The engineer in particular must be able to communicate his ideas to others rapidly and accurately.
  • 他们下周拆除脚手架。
    They're taking the scaffolding down next week.
  • 这种绷带也可能导致皮肤发炎,而炎症会影响无疤痊愈的效果。”
    The scaffolds could also cause inflammation, which would interfere with scarless healing.
  • 其敷在伤日上可以刺激新血管的形成,以便为新敷的生物绷带提供营养(皮肤长期肿痛通常是由血液循环不良造成的)。
    Applied to a wound, it stimulated new blood vessels to form creating a pipeline that can nourish the newly implanted scaffold (chronic sores are often caused by poor circulation).
  • 在出口开始再增加之前,进口必须缩减。
    Imports will have to be scaled down until exports begin to rise again.