  • 他的髭须,眼镜,又粗又厚的眉毛,和两眉间的皱纹,合组而成一个恶魔似的貌。
    There was such a diabolical conglomeration of mustache, glasses, fairly bushy eyebrows and knitted lines where the eyebrows met!
  • 我们对你的不称职已经忍太久,已经开始使我们的顾客感到不满。
    We have tolerated to your bust very long(ly), and have started making our customer to feel discontentedly.
  • 以从的姿势坐在安乐椅的扶手上——j·s·皮瑞曼;她也许是超然甚或无情,但至少不是虚伪的热情洋溢;漠然的旁观者。
    adopted a degage pose on the arm of the easy chair- J.S.Perelman; she may be detached or even unfeeling but at least she's not hypocritically effusive; an uninvolved bystander.
  • 千字节计算机记忆量的测量单位,等于1,024(210)位元组
    A unit of measurement of the memory capacity of a computer, equal to1, 024(210) bytes.
  • 最小储存信息的磁道长度;除非特殊说明一个扇区的量为字节。
    the minimum track length that can be assigned to store information; unless otherwise specified a sector of data consists of 512 bytes.
  • 这个方法告诉我们需要多少字节才能纳一个特定字串里的信息(字串里的每个字符都是16位,或者说2个字节、长整数,以便提供对unicode字符的支持)。自变量的类型为string,而且叫作s。
    This method tells you how many bytes are required to hold the information in a particular String. (Each char in a String is 16 bits, or two bytes, long, to support Unicode characters.) The argument is of type String and is called s.
  • 高速缓存与主存中的内必须保持一致。
    Relative to the on-CPU cache, main memory is positively crawling.
  • 最快的的存储器是高速缓存,它被用来暂存主存中的内
    The fastest memory is known as cache memory and is what it sounds like- memory that is used to temporarily hold, or cache, contents of the main memory.
  • 换句话说,对应于地址空间的同一个位置,如果该位置的数据被缓存入高速缓存,则其内必须和主存中的一致。
    The cache and main memories must be kept in step(coherent). In other words, if a word of main memory is held in one or more locations in cache, then the system must make sure that the contents of cache and memory are the same.
  • 因此,并不是把与该url有关的ip地址看成网络地址,该地址指向web交换机的虚拟ip地址(vip),它起到缓存或内流量管理器的作用,其结果是:web网站用户有了始终一致的性能。
    So instead of viewing the IP address associated with the URL as the network address, this address points to the virtual IP address (VIP) of the Web switch, which functions as a cache or content traffic manager.The result:a consistently positive performance for Web site users.
  • 尽管他当时才40岁,就已是满头白发,形枯槁。当他照镱子,看到的自己"几乎是一具僵尸"。
    At 40, gray-haired and frail, he saw" a cadaver almost" when he looked at himself in the mirror.
  • 目前,女皇陛下的法官们似乎被视为是圣洁、诚实之士,不我们怀疑。这真荒唐。
    Nowadays Her Majesty’s judges are treated as if they were Caesar’s wives and we should be unsuspicious. This is nonsense.
  • 夺取潜水冠军对她来说太易了
    The diving championship was a cakewalk for her.
  • 为了避免打电话时找不到人而捉迷藏,要及时给别人回电话,因为你很易找到打电话的人,这样你的留言就不会堆积起来。
    To avoid playing telephone tag,return phone calls right away,because you're likely to catch the caller and your messages won't pile up.
  • 他回答得平和从容.
    His reply was soft and calm.
  • 如果他们做事能更沉着一点,从一点,而不是将一天的活一下子拼命干完,那就好了!
    If only they'd do things a little more calmly and quietly instead of steaming through their day's work at full throttle!
  • 平静的情绪;一种从的、镇定的情绪。
    a feeling of calmness; a quiet and undisturbed feeling.
  • 卡尔文做了面部整手术,看起来年轻多了。
    Calvin has had a face-lift and looks much younger.
  • 花萼水果(例如草莓)胀大的花萼,通常为绿色,易剥离
    The enlarged calyx of a fruit, such as a strawberry, that is usually green and easily detached.
  • 战俘营中难以形的恐怖
    The nameless horrors of the prison camp
  • 虽说有过一些友善的调情信号,坎贝尔还向巴斯滕保证,如果她送给自己一张照片的话,他会把它当作偶像照片钉在墙上。这位前海员称两人谈及的内纯粹是关于各自家乡和学校的事。
    Despite some mild flirting - Campbell assured Batstone if she sent him a picture he would make her the pin-up girl of the ship - the former sailor says the contacts were purely innocent messages about their hometowns and school backgrounds.
  • 这些青少年接受的调查内包括对大麻、安非他明、兴奋剂、迷幻药、镇静剂等药物的服用和酗酒的情况。
    They were questioned about their use of cannabis, amphetamines, ecstasy, LSD, tranquilizers and alcohol.
  • 用来开启密封的器(瓶子或铁罐)的手工具。
    a hand tool used for opening sealed containers (bottles or cans).
  • 大峡谷的宏伟不是笔墨所能形的。
    The grandeur of the Grand Canyon transcends description.
  • 这个帽儿应该易拧开。
    The cap should twist off easily.
  • 少许,少量一只便帽所能纳的数量
    The amount that a cap can hold.
  • 一个帽子所能纳的量。
    the quantity that a cap will hold.
  • 比例、范围或量极小的。
    extremely small in scale or scope or capability.
  • (合并形式)在刻度、范围或量上非常大的。
    (combining form) very large in scale or scope or capability.
  • 可以说服的;易说服的
    Capable of being persuaded; persuadable.
  • 可忍受的能够被忍的,忍受的:可忍的
    Capable of being tolerated; endurable.
  • 量为特征的电器装置。
    an electrical device characterized by its capacitance.