  • 他以好的眼光仔细地打量我。
    He surveyed me with an inquisitive look.
  • 她像所有女孩一样,有点好
    She was a bit inquisitive, as girls are.
  • 如果有人看见谁在爬灯柱子,他们也许会好;好的皱起了眉毛。
    if someone saw a man climbing a light post they might get inquisitive; raised a speculative eyebrow.
  • 克里比牌戏一种由2至4人玩的纸牌戏,通过把小钉插入成行排列在一块小木板上的孔中记分
    A card game for from two to four players in which the score is kept by inserting small pegs into holes arranged in rows on a small board.
  • 怪,我上火车前,竟然没有人查看我的车票。
    It was strange that nobody inspected my ticket before I got on the train.
  • 例如给他人一本励志的书,就是为他带来一些可使他的生命充满迹的东西。
    Give someone a good inspirational book,for instance,and you give that person something that will work wonders in his or her life.
  • 怪得激起了害怕的感觉。
    so strange as to inspire a feeling of fear.
  • 观,特的或罕见的引起人们惊叹的事件或行为
    An act or event so extraordinary or rare as to inspire wonder.
  • 由充满惧怕的好与尊敬感引起。
    inspired by a feeling of fearful wonderment or reverence.
  • 令人惊讶的激起神秘和好感的
    Inspiring a sense of mystery and wonder.
  • 为了鼓励人们去保护世界上这最美丽的自然观之一,黄石国家公园在我们的排名中位居第六。
    For inspiring the vision to preserve one of the world's most beautiful natural wonders,Yellowstone lands at number six on our list.
  • 布鲁斯采纳传英雄威廉·华莱士所献的计策,完成了自治大业。
    the Declaration of Independence was celebrated, at the instigation of King Robert the Bruce.
  • 说也怪,我对器乐竟一点也不感兴趣。
    Instrumental music, oddly enough, leaves me cold.
  • 偶性一个整数数或偶数的性质。假如两个整数都是数或都是偶数,则它们具有相同的偶性;假如一个是数,一个是偶数,它们则具有相异的偶性
    The even or odd quality of an integer. If two integers are both odd or both even, they are said to have the same parity; if one is odd and one even, they have different parity.
  • 在凯音乐和马格里特的绘画这组例子中,人们做出的是枯燥乏味、抽象深奥、理智性的反应,主要带有艺术批评性质;
    In the first, one has a dry, abstract and intellectualized response essentially critical in nature;
  • 利用多次垂直扫描来重显一幅完整图象的扫描技术。电视中使用2:1的交错率,即每帧分两场,垂直扫描两次,一场扫描数行,另一场扫描偶数行。
    In scanning, the technique of using more than one vertical scan to reproduce a complete image. In television, 2:1 interlace is used, giving two vertical scans(fields) per frame; one field scans odd lines, and one field scans the even lines of the frame.
  • 一幅藤、花缠绕的异图案。
    a fanciful pattern with intertwined vines and flowers.
  • 似乎有神力量的介入而对事件做出预言。
    foretelling events as if by supernatural intervention.
  • 这本书特的书名引起我阅读的兴趣。
    The book's unusual title intrigue me into read it.
  • 让双方寻求利用科学的迹,而不是乞灵于科学造成的恐怖。
    Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors.
  • 退缩由于惊或疼痛而惊起或退缩
    To start or wince involuntarily, as from surprise or pain.
  • 当时不知道那狭窄的小屋通到哪里,就只好还站在那儿,不料却无意亲眼看见我的房东做出一种迷信的动作,这很怪,看来他不过是表面上有头脑罢了。
    when, ignorant where the narrow lobbies led, I stood still, and was witness, involuntarily, to a piece of superstition on the part of my landlord, which belied, oddly, his apparent sense.
  • 因突然的惊或惊慌而兴奋并做出快速的非随意运动。
    excited by sudden surprise or alarm and making a quick involuntary movement.
  • 对于伊拉克收容扎卡威和他的手下我们并不怪。
    We are not surprised that Iraq is harboring Zarqawi and his subordinates.
  • 怪的是,将古代世界分成亚洲与欧洲的分法很可能是希腊人从腓尼基人也就是今天黎巴嫩人的祖先那里借用过来的。
    Ironically, the division of the ancient worldsintosAsia and Europe was probably borrowed by the Greeks from the Phoenicians, the ancestors of today's Lebanese;
  • 有天晚上烫衣服时,想着这位仁兄的近况,我突发思,也想找个妻子。
    As I thought about him while I was ironing one evening, it suddenly occurred to me that, I too, would like to have a wife.
  • 因此,中国花园里的假山多数是未加琢磨的石头,也许是化了石的树皮,十尺或十五尺高,象一个伟人孤零零地直立着,屹然不动,或是由山湖沼和山洞得来的石头。上有窟窿,轮廓极为突。
    Consequently most of the rockeries found in Chinese gardens are uncut rocks, which may be the fossilized bark of a tree ten or fifteen feet high standing vertically alone and unmovable like a great man, or of rocks found in lakes and caves, generally bearing perforations and having the utmost irregularity of outline.
  • 并不怪,这不过是大狗小狗饱狗饿狗之间的一点特别有趣的争斗,一个不大不小的缺口,一种又痒又痛的矛盾。
    No, it is not strange at all, but merely a particularly interesting example of a fight between large and small dogs, between well-fed and ill-fed dogs. It is not a big rift, but neither is it small; it is at once an irritating and painful contradiction.
  • 幼小的螨,吸包括人在内的脊椎动物的血并引起痒。
    larval mite that sucks the blood of vertebrates including human beings causing intense irritation.
  • 答意大利记者奥琳埃娜·法拉
  • 杰克逊是流行音乐的传人物之一。
    Jackson is one of the legends of pop music.
  • 然而《华尔街日报》记者珀尔2002年1月23日在巴基斯坦南部城市卡拉遭到绑架后,(并没有这么幸运),却惨遭杀害。
    But Pearl, the Wall Street Journal reporter abducted Jan.23 in the southern Pakistani city of Karachi, was killed.