  • 对不起打扰您,但是盥洗室的排水管堵了。
    I'm sorry to bother you, but the lavatory drain is blocked.
  • 对不起打扰您,但是盥洗室的排水管堵了。
    I am sorry to bother you, but the lavatory drain be block.
  • 为跳舞伴奏的乐队:伯恩斯坦于1918年出生在马萨诸州劳伦斯市,是第一代在美国出生的犹太族美国人。
    Dance band: A first-generation Jewish American, Bernstein was born in Lawrence, Mass. in 1918.
  • 里纳德·伯恩斯坦在1918年生于美国马萨诸州的劳伦斯,1957年至1969的年任纽约爱乐交响乐团首席指挥。
    Leonard Bernstein was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts, U.S.A. in 1918. From 1957 1969, he was the principal CONDUCTOR of the New York Philharmonic Symphony ORCHESTRA.
  • 用这个塞住漏洞。
    Use this to plug the leak.
  • 他那时正在寻找一个能为那些管子的漏裂处填的工人。
    He was looking for a plumber to pack the leaking joints of the pipes.
  • 拉利昂的疟蚊,由于它过去曾使这个国家成为“白人的坟墓”,使欧洲人无法在此定居,如今受到了人们的赞誉。
    The malaria-carrying mosquito is honoured in Sierra Leone today for making the country the"white man's grave" in the past and preventing Europeans settling there.
  • 把功课硬进我脑袋里
    Drubbed the lesson into my head.
  • 尔希望新型的微型小汽车能占领欧洲市场以刺激公司目前不十分景气的销售业绩,但是对于巴西他并不乐观,只希望能降低亏损程度。
    Nasser hopes the new Focus subcompact will jump-start lethargic sales in Europe, but in Brazil he'll be happy just to limit his losses.
  • 数不清的谎言和其他搪之辞
    Numberless lies and other prevarications.
  • 他们了解到,石灰粉末会堵管道。
    They learned that powdery limestone would stop up the tuyeres.
  • 填装、填或填的动作
    The act of stuffing, filling, or lining.
  • 小男孩把球入洞里了。
    The litter boy forced the ball down a small hole.
  • 这是利物浦或默西德郡的“节拍”。
    This was the Liverpool, or Merseyside, beat.
  • 由于血液供应阻而导致局部阻
    localized necrosis resulting from obstruction of the blood supply.
  • 每种微小乳状液都必须按该营养食品的特殊要求来设计,使用尖端科学仪器进行广泛的研究工作,加尔蒂和阿林研究了这种新型媒介物的纳米结构和营养物质在界面上的位置。
    Each microemulsion must be specifically designed to suit the nutraceutical. This involves extensive research using highly sophisticated equipment that allows Garti and Aserin to study the nanostructure of the new vehicles and the locus of the solubilizate (nutraceutical) at the interface.
  • 这就形成一种学生"堵"---那些赴美留学条件已合格的学生由于院校不能及时地把他们的资料提交给政府从而失去到美国学习的机会。
    That could create a "logjam" of students who are qualified to enter the country and study, but whose colleges can't send their information to the government.
  • 它创造了一种单条后腿跑跳的新方法,腿像活似地左右摆动,既有劲又稳定。
    He invented a new stroke for his lone rear leg,moving it piston like from side to side to achieve both power and stability.
  • 内加和柏拉图叫我离开你那套。
    Senec and Plato call me from thy lore.
  • 真幸运,我们带有耳,因为房间外面的车辆噪音太大。
    Luckily we take earplugs with us, as the traffic outside our room are very noisy.
  • 真幸运,我们带有耳,因为房间外面的车辆噪音太大。
    Luckily we take earplugs with us, as the traffic outside our room is very noisy.
  • 奥尔巴尼美国俄勒冈州西北部威拉米特河上的城市,位于勒姆南方。它是木材业和冶金业中心。人口29,462
    A city of northwest Oregon on the Willamette River south of Salem. It is a lumbering and metallurgical center. Population,29, 462.
  • 这个枕头得鼓鼓的,我打开套子发现了一个礼物,用婚礼的包装纸裹着。
    The pillow felt lumpy. I unzipped the case and discovered a gift, wrapped in wedding paper.
  • 腺样增殖体位于咽喉上部的鼻后淋巴组织增长体,吞咽时可能堵正常的呼吸及使言语困难。通常用复数形式
    A lymphoid tissue growth located at the back of the nose in the upper part of the throat that when swollen may obstruct normal breathing and make speech difficult. Often used in the plural.
  • 里昂警方又拘捕了包括维兰克在内的费斯蒂纳车队队员和总经理布鲁诺·拉尔和队医艾里克·里杰克特在内的5名车队官员,对他们进行审问。
    The Lyons police arrested Festina director, team doctor and three riders. They were detained and questioned by police.
  • 天鹅座北半球靠近拉尔达和利拉的星座,包括天津四星
    A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Lacerta and Lyra, containing the star Deneb.
  • 又不是我爱上了美苔丝小姐——是你。
    I am not in love with Mademoiselle Mercédès;
  • 曾在坦桑尼亚的伦盖蒂国家公园研究狮子的瓦斯特说,有待我们研究的一个重要问题是,为什么只有雄狮才有鬃毛。
    One big question about lions is why the males even have a mane, said West, who studied lions in Tanzania's Serengeti National Park.
  • 下周三晚,马·马索要来这里演出。
    Then next Wednesday Marcel Marceau will be doing a one-nighter.
  • 比如,他曾经紧密跟踪研究了电学领域各种发现的进展情况。最近,他研究了马尔·德普利的各种发现。
    For example, he followed closely the development of the discoveries made in the field of electricity and recently those of Marcel Deprez.
  • “还有,高格要到火星去。”鲁船长说。
    "And Gog is going to Mars," Seru said.
  • 在为那不勒斯队效力的7年中,他曾请求ferlaino转会到马足球俱乐部。
    During his 7th year in Naples Diego asked the president Ferlaino to be transferred to Marseilles Football Club.