  • 孔,洞开,如洞、缝隙或缺
    An opening, such as a hole, gap, or slit.
  • 狭长的子是供投硬币用的。
    A slit is provided for the coin to drop through.
  • 一个小裂缝(比如硬币投币或信箱的投信)。
    a small slit (as for inserting a coin or depositing mail).
  • 她的长裙按中国方式开开到膝盖处。
    Her long dress was slit up to the knee in Chinese style.
  • 钮扣眼用于紧固钮扣的衣服或织物上的小开
    A small slit in a garment or piece of fabric for fastening a button.
  • 中国的旗袍两边衩一直开在大腿。
    The skirt of the Chinese "Qipao" is slit up to the thigh on each side.
  • 通过把离子偏转到狭长切并用静电计测量离子流获取光谱的仪器。
    an instrument for obtaining a mass spectrum by deflecting ions into a thin slit and measuring the ion current with an electrometer.
  • 由外衣外面的垂直或斜的裂缝可以进入的外衣上的袋(通常在腰部)。
    a pocket in a garment (usually below the waist) to which access is provided by a vertical or diagonal slit in the outside of the garment.
  • 磨碎机用来摩擦的东西,如一种带有边缘锋利的切和孔用来磨碎食物的器具
    One that grates, as an implement with sharp-edged slits and perforations on which to grate foods.
  • 中世纪固定或活动在头盔上保护脸部的盔甲(眼部有开)。
    a piece of armor (with eye slits) fixed or hinged to a medieval helmet to protect the face.
  • 你看那老人,他吃东西时流好多水。
    Look at that old man. He slobbers over the food so much.
  • 当狗食被宣扬是新的和改进了的味的时候,是谁作的味鉴定?
    When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it?
  • 政客所提出的缺乏诚意和深度的
    A facile slogan devised by politicians.
  • 政治号,尤指政治
    A slogan, especially a political one.
  • 这一号也受到广泛宣传。
    This slogan was also given wide publicity.
  • 他们提出了什么号[政策]?
    What slogan [policy] did they put forward?
  • 那条广告号是双关语。
    The advertising slogan was a play on words.
  • 他们多数人都投票赞成这一号。
    The majority of them voted for this fighting slogan.
  • 胡汉民所依托的两广派军阀,也在所谓“收复失地”和“抗日剿匪并重”(蒋介石的是“先剿匪,后抗日”)的欺骗号之下,同蒋介石对立。
    The warlords of the Kwangtung and Kwangsi cliques who back Hu Han-min are also opposing Chiang Kai-shek, under the deceitful slogans of "Recover our lost territory", and "Resist Japan and at the same time suppress the bandits" (as against Chiang Kai-shek's slogan of "First suppress the bandits, then resist Japan").
  • 在这种情况下,我们的结论不是回到“停止内战”或“争取和平”的旧号去,而是前进一步,提出“争取民主”的新号,只有这样才能巩固和平,也只有这样才能实现抗战。
    Such being the case, we have come to the conclusion that, instead of reverting to the old slogans of "end the civil war" and "fight for peace", we should take a step forward and adopt the new slogan of "fight for democracy", for this is the only way to consolidate internal peace and bring the war of resistance against Japan into being.
  • 他们的号是“时间就是金钱,效率就是生命”。
    Their slogan is "Time is money, efficiency is life."
  • 他们的号是"开仓济贫"。
    Their slogan was"Open the granaries to relieve the poor."
  • 众口难调
    It is difficult to cater to all tastes.; One man's meat is another man's poison.
  • 这个方针的正确的号,就是“耕者有其田”。
    "Land to the tiller" is the correct slogan for this policy.
  • 我们在所有广告上使用了“史密斯公司能成功”的号。
    We are using the slogan 'Smith can make it' on all our publicity.
  • 当然,这个号在某些人来说是一个陪衬,其目的是用反腐败来蛊惑人心。
    Of course, certain persons used this slogan as a pretext for misleading the people.
  • (为共同事业而斗争的人们所用的)标语或
    Slogan or rallying cry of a group of people fighting for the same cause
  • 我们提出了一个确实使战士感到鼓舞的号。
    We put forward a slogan that really fired the imagination of the rank and file.
  • 毛泽东在这里把“统一”这个号从国民党反动派手里夺取过来,变为革命的号,用以反对国民党的反人民反民族的分裂行动。
    Comrade Mao Tse-tung wrested the slogan of "unification" from the Kuomintang reactionaries and turned it into a revolutionary slogan for opposing the Kuomintang's divisive activities against the people and the nation.
  • (一三)我们过去的工农民主共和国的号是否错了呢?
    Was our past slogan of a workers' and peasants' democratic republic wrong?
  • 杰夫:这是奥林匹克号,也叫座右铭。
    Jeff:That is the slogan of the Olympics. It is also called the "motto".
  • 这是奥林匹克克,也叫座右铭。
    That is the slogan of the Olympics. It is also called the "motto".