  • 1986年到2000年的15年间,在中国村贫困地区修建基本田9915万亩,解决了7725万多人和8398万多头大牲畜的饮水困难。
    During the 15 years from 1986 to 2000, 99.15 million mu (one mu equals 1/15 ha) of basic farmland was constructed in poverty- stricken rural areas, and the problem of drinking water for more than 77.25 million people and more than 83.98 million draught animals were solved.
  • 拿冀鲁豫来说,经过一年的内线作战,民的鸡、猪、牲口看见的不多了,村里的树也少了,试问,扭在解放区打,我们受得了吗?
    After fighting on interior lines in the Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Area for one year, for example, the number of chickens, swine and draught animals raised by the local peasants dropped sharply, as also did the number of trees in the villages. We may well ask whether we can afford to restrict the fighting to the liberated areas.
  • 对抗日根据地,敌人实行了一面封锁一面掠夺的政策,封锁我们的必需物资,吸收我们的有用物资(如粮食),不断地对边地蚕食和在每次“扫荡”时大肆抢掠摧毁——杀人、捉壮盯烧房子、毁具、抢耕畜、烧粮食、损毁青苗。
    With regard to the anti-Japanese base areas, the enemy has been pursuing a policy of blockade and plunder, i.e., blocking the supply of the materials we need, taking the materials he needs (like grain), incessantly "nibbling" the border areas and flagrantly plundering and trampling on the base areas in each "mopping-up" operation--killing and press-ganging people, burning houses, destroying farm tools, seizing draught animals, burning grain and ruining growing crops.
  • 新闻媒介用枯燥无味并大多为虚报的业生产统计数字来充塞人们的大脑。
    The press stuffed the people's heads with dreary, and largely false, statistics for agricultural production.
  • 场被流沙淹没了。
    The farm was engulfed in drifting sands.
  • 第十三条 各级地方人民政府应当根据当地情况,组织业集体经济组织和国营、林、牧场,种植薪炭林和饲草、绿肥植物,有计划地进行封山育林育草、轮封轮牧、防风固沙,保护植被。
    Article 13 The local people's governments at various levels shall, in light of respective actual conditions, organize agricultural collective economic organizations as well as state-owned agricultural, forest, and livestock farms to plant firewood forests, forage and green manure crops, and to conduct in a planned way the closing of hillsides for facilitating afforestation and growing grass and the rotation of closing and grazing periods, so as to check winds, fix drifting sand and preserve vegetation.
  • 交汇口车行道和街道的交叉点,尤指在村地区
    The point of intersection of a driveway and a road, especially in a rural area.
  • 在广大牧区实现了电影藏语化,基本解决了牧民看电影的问题。
    Films are dubbed in Tibetan in agricultural and pastoral areas so that farmers and herdsmen can understand them.
  • 电影坚持面向基层、面向牧区,每年保证有25部新译制的藏语电影在各地放映。
    The cinema is oriented toward grassroots and farming and pastoral areas, guaranteeing that at least 25 movies newly dubbed into the Tibetan language are shown in the various places in Tibet every year.
  • 为了村生活的模糊好处,人们为何甘愿忍受着每天在路上花四个小时,这便超越我的见识了。
    Why people are prepared to tolerate a four hour journey each day for the dubious privilege of living in the country is beyond my ken.
  • 双轮运货车一种双轮的小车,尤指民使用的,可以翻卸货物的小车
    A two-wheeled cart, especially a farmer's cart that can be tilted to dump a load.
  • 粪肥湿的家粪肥;人畜粪
    Moist farmyard dung; manure.
  • 施肥的车;在法国革命过程中用来带犯人到断头台的一种马车。
    a farm cart for carrying dung; carts of this type were used to carry prisoners to the guillotine during the French Revolution.
  • 这时,拿未曾改造的知识分子和工人民比较,就觉得知识分子不干净了,最干净的还是工人民,尽管他们手是黑的,脚上有牛屎,还是比资产阶级和小资产阶级知识分子都干净。
    I came to feel that compared with the workers and peasants the unremoulded intellectuals were not clean and that, in the last analysis, the workers and peasants were the cleanest people and, even though their hands were soiled and their feet smeared with cow-dung, they were really cleaner than the bourgeois and petty-bourgeois intellectuals.
  • 那个可怜的民被投进了地牢。
    The poor peasant was thrown into a dungeon.
  • 农舍农场上的住所
    A dwelling on a farm.
  • 干旱使农作物歉收。
    Drought has dwindled the crops.
  • 而多数朝代的更换,都是由于民起义的力量才能得到成功的。
    And most dynastic changes came about as a result of such peasant uprisings.
  • 只是由于当时还没有新的生产力和新的生产关系,没有新的阶级力量,没有先进的政党,因而这种民起义和民战争得不到如同现在所有的无产阶级和共产党的正确领导,这样,就使当时的民革命总是陷于失败,总是在革命中和革命后被地主和贵族利用了去,当作他们改朝换代的工具。
    However, since neither new productive forces, nor new relations of production, nor new class forces, nor any advanced political party existed in those days, the peasant uprisings and wars did not have correct leadership such as the proletariat and the Communist Party provide today; every peasant revolution failed, and the peasantry was invariably used by the landlords and the nobility, either during or after the revolution, as a lever for bringing about dynastic change.
  • 倘若让他干点儿机械活,从修门的合叶到磨具,他都干得起劲。
    Give him a mechanical job to do, from mending the hinges of a gate to sharpening tools, and he would set to work eagerly.
  • 各地民自动组织的,往往不合合作社的原则,因此做民工作的同志,总是殷勤地问“章程”。
    As these spontaneously organized peasant co-operatives often fail to conform to co-operative principles, the comrades working among the peasants are always eagerly enquiring about "rules and regulations".
  • 他试过许多谋生之道,最后他做了场工人。
    He tried many ways of earning, in the end he became a farm labourer.
  • 中国人已向民和其他当地居民分发了(防震)手册以便每个家庭都参与防震活动。
    The Chinese have distributed publications to farmers and other rural residents so that every household can join in helping to prdict earthquakes.
  • 此外,东西部地区在干部交流、人才培训、援建学校、建设基本田、修筑公路、解决人畜饮水困难等方面也开展了协作。
    The eastern and western regions have also cooperated in cadre exchange, personnel training, establishing schools, building basic farmland and highways, easing the shortage of drinking water for people and livestock, and so on.
  • 抓好生态示范区和生态业县的建设,发展高效型生态业;
    we will establish some ecological demonstration zones and ecological agriculture counties. Specifically, high-efficiency ecological agriculture will be developed;
  • 抓好远郊区县创建生态示范区和生态业县的工作,发展高效型生态业,实现生态良好地区社会经济持续发展和生态系统良性循环。
    Establishing Ecological Demonstration District and Ecological Agriculture County will be promoted in the rural area. Highly efficiency and ecologically sound agriculture will be developed to realize sustainable development and build a healthy ecological system.
  • ——业生产和开发注重与环境保护、生态建设同步进行。
    — Environmental protection and ecological improvement are synchronized with agricultural production and development.
  • 它会影响植物的光合作用,引起生态受损,降低业产量。
    It may interfere with plant photosynthesis, causing ecological damage and reducing agricultural production.
  • 在贫困地区的开发中,中国政府重视生态环境的保护,鼓励民发展生态业、环保业。
    Eco-environmental Protection and Family Planning While developing the poor areas, the Chinese Government pays close attention to the protection of the ecological environment, and encourages peasants to develop ecologically-and environmentally-friendly agriculture.
  • 中国将继续加强生态业建设,开展大规模的水土保持,综合治理小流域水土流失,防治土地荒漠化和草场退化,努力提高森林植被覆盖率。
    China will continue to promote agricultural construction in an ecologically friendly way, start large-scale water and soil conservation, control soil erosion in small river valleys in a comprehensive way, prevent desertification and grassland deterioration, and strive to increase the coverage rate of forests.
  • 村也受到大规模使用杀虫剂的影响。首先,捕杀昆虫导致了生态的失衡。
    The countryside has also been affected by the large-scale use of insecticides.For one thing the killing of insects has resulted in a loss of balance of the ecology.
  • 这些措施既保障了牧民收入和生活水平的稳步提高,又确保了草原生态的良性发展。
    These measures not only have steadily raised the income of farmers and herdsmen and enhanced their living standards, but also ensured the sound development of the grassland ecology.