  • fèi chéng duì xíng 1973 nián chuàng sài lián shū chū 20 chǎng de ér lán duì zài 1982 nián kuà liǎng sài lián shū 24 chǎng
    Philadelphia set a record of 20 consecutive defeats in 1973 in the same season and Cleveland lost 24 straight games in 1982 over a two-season span.
  • sāng měi guó 'é hài 'é zhōu běi chéng shìwèi lán sāng wān yán 'àngāi wān shì de kǒusāng liú chéng yuē 241 gōng ( 150 yīng ), xiàng běi zhù gāi wānsāng jiàn 19 shì chū shì shū gǎng zhì zào zhōng xīnrén kǒu 29, 764
    A city of northern Ohio west of Cleveland on Sandusky Bay, an inlet of Lake Erie. The Sandusky River, about241 km(150 mi) long, flows west and north into the bay. Sandusky was founded in the early1800's and is a port of entry and manufacturing center. Population,29, 764.
  • shè xiǎng xià guǒ gōng zuò zhǐ shì cóng chuáng shàng láichuānzhuó shuì zǒu dào suàn qiánhuò zhě wèi niǔ yuē de xiāo shòu ménwèi jiù jīn shān de shì chǎng ménwèi de ménwèi lán de zhì zào mén wèi shèng de it mén kāi huìér yòng rèn rén kāi bàn gōng shìhuān yíng lái dào gōng
    Imagine if going to work were a matter of simply rolling out of bed and walking over to your computer while still in your pajamas.Or if a meeting with the New York-based sales department, San Francisco-based marketing department, Dallas-based distribution department, Cleveland-based manufacturing arm and St. Louis-based IT department occurred without anyone having to leave an office.Welcome to the virtual corporation.
  • shàng xiào shuài lǐng de 'ài 'ěr lán shì bīng zhuāng yán xuān shì yào zhàn dǒu dào zuì hòu rén
    The Irish under Col. Clifford took the sacrament to fight it out to the last man.
  • xiāng gǎng xīn lán jīng mào zuò xié dìng
    Hong Kong and New Zealand Closer Economic Partnership Agreement
  • yòng lán liào zhì chéng
    made of superfine Flemish cloth.
  • ài 'ěr lán shēngzhǎng de zhǒng huáng de sān cǎotōng cháng bèi rèn wéi shì zhēn zhèng dezhèng zōng de sān cǎo
    clover native to Ireland with yellowish flowers; often considered the true or original shamrock.
  • yóu lán mài wēi shì shuǐ zhì chéng de jiǔ
    Scotch malt whiskey and club soda.
  • duō jiā niǔ fēn lán de fēnwèi duō bàn dǎo de dōng běi zǎo zài 10 shì dài de kān de wéi de hǎi yuán jiù céng dào guò zhè de hǎi 'ànzhè hòu lái chéng wéi xùn wān gōng de suǒ yòu cái chǎnbìng 1927 nián zuì zhōng pàn gěi niǔ fēn lán shěng
    The mainland territory of Newfoundland, Canada, on the northeast portion of the Labrador Peninsula. Its coastline was visited by Norse seamen as early as the tenth century. The area later became a possession of the Hudson's Bay Company and was eventually awarded to Newfoundland in1927.
  • zài lán péi de bái cháng máo xiǎo liè quǎn
    small white long-coated terrier developed in Scotland.
  • zhè wēi 'ěr shì rén zhī dào 'ài 'ěr lán rén shēng xìng bào zào xún xìn shēng tán lùn zhe tǎo yàn de 'ài 'ěr lán rén jiù shì xiǎng
    Knowing the lrishman to be hottempered, the Welshman trailed his coattails talking loudly about the "dirty lrish" just in order to anger him.
  • kǒu 1886 nián 5 yuè 8 dàn shēng měi guó zuǒ zhì zhōu de lán chéng shì
    Coca-Cola was born in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on May 8, 1886.
  • lán shuō dàoshì shì
    You do talk cock, Frank, don't you?
  • xuě zhěxuě chuán niǔ fēn lán yán hǎi de cóng shì xuě de mín huò chuán
    One engaged in cod fishing off Newfoundland.
  • zhì suǒ jiǎng de shénme dǎo méi héng héng hēi men jiù shì cóng zhè dǎo méi zhōng zào chéng xīn yīng lán de 'ādǎo méi jiā shàng xuě
    As for what you're calling hard luck héng well, we made New England out of it, that and codfish.
  • zhì suǒ jiǎng de shénme dǎo méi héng héng hēi men jiù shì cóng zhè dǎo méi zhōng zào chéng xīn yīng lán de 'ādǎo méi jiā shàng xuě
    As for what you are called hard luck- well, we make new England out of it, that and codfish.
  • zhì suǒ jiǎng de shénme dǎo méi héng héng hēi men jiù shì cóng zhè dǎo méi zhōng zào chéng xīn yīng lán de 'ādǎo méi jiā shàng xuě
    As for what you is call hard luck well, we make new england out of it, that and codfish.
  • shí shì zhōng zài chá tái hàn guó ( měnggǔ chéng hàn 'èr chá tái zài jiàn de fān shǔ guó ) de qiáng zhì tuī xíng xià lán jiào zhú jiàn chéng wéi chá tái hàn guó de měnggǔ rénwéi 'ěr rén rén 'ěr rén rén děng xìn yǎng de zhù yào zōng jiào
    In the middle of the 14th century, under the coercion of the Qagatay Khanate (a vassal state created by Qagatay, the second son of Genghis Khan, in the Western Regions), Islam gradually became the main religion for the Mongolian, Uygur, Kazak, Kirgiz and Tajik peoples in that region.
  • fēn lán rén de cái zhì jìn xiǎn men duì rán de 'ài rán de xié tǒng
    The genius of the Finns lies in their commitment and coexistence with nature
  • lán jiào chuán hòuxīn jiāng jǐn wéi chí liǎo duō zhǒng zōng jiào bìng cún de miànér qiě yòu yòu jiàotiān zhù jiào děng zōng jiào chuán
    After the introduction of Islam, the coexistence of diverse religions continued to be the order of the day in Xinjiang, to be joined later by Protestantism and Catholicism.
  • huì tóu gòng cún de shǔxīn lán chǎn de
    coextensive with the order Rhynchocephalia: tuataras.
  • zài yīng lán mǎi liǎo zhè fēi
    I bought this coffeepot in England.
  • 'ā shì liǎng zhǒng yōu zhì bái lán .
    Cognac and Armagnac are fine brandies.
  • guó bái lán jiǔ yóu bái táo jiǔ zhēng liú huò de zhǒng bái lán jiǔchǎn niè jìn
    A brandy distilled from white wine and produced in the vicinity of Cognac.
  • càn guó bái lán níng méng táng de hēi fēi
    black coffee with cognac and lemon peel and sugar.
  • zhè shì lìng rén gǎn xīng de niè bái lán zhǒng zuì shàng děng de jiǔ
    It is the most interesting Cognac brandy, a supernaculum.
  • é de gān zàngjìn pào zài bái lán jiǔ zhōng kuài jūn zhì chéng de zhǒng nǎo dài
    a pate made from goose liver (marinated in cognac) and truffles.
  • guó niè de zhǒng jīng zhēng liú zhì chéng de gāo zhì liàng de táo bái lán
    high quality grape brandy distilled in the Cognac district of France.
  • zhǐ yōu de niǎo 'ér de 'ěr de kǒu de bái lán yǎn de bái guāng nòng huā liǎo de yǎn jīngzǒu láng mǎn shì de yān
    the harsh cry of a blue jay; harsh cognac; the harsh white light makes you screw up your eyes; harsh irritating smoke filled the hallway.
  • liǎng jiā yòu míng de niàng jiǔ gōng lán huìjīn tiān zài zhēng bìng gòu tài cognac niàng jiǔ gōng chuàng bàn 1715 niánshí tān pái
    Two of the biggest names in wine and spirits the Seagram Company and Grand Metropolitan P.L.C. – faced off today in a battle over Martell S.A., the cognac house founded in 1715.
  • lán wéi tóng yuán yán .
    German and Dutch are cognate languages.
  • huā fěn kuài yóu yòu nián xìng de huā fěn xíng chéng de kuàicháng jiàn lán huā jīn huā zhōng
    A mass of coherent pollen grains, found in the flowers of orchids and milkweeds.