  • 费城队形1973年创一个赛季连输出20场的纪录,而克利夫队则在1982年跨两个赛季连输24场。
    Philadelphia set a record of 20 consecutive defeats in 1973 in the same season and Cleveland lost 24 straight games in 1982 over a two-season span.
  • 桑达斯基美国俄亥俄州北部一城市,位于克利夫西部桑达斯基湾沿岸,该湾是伊利湖的一个入口。桑达斯基河,流程约241公里(150英里),向西北注入该湾。桑达斯基建于19世纪初叶,是一个输入港和制造业中心。人口29,764
    A city of northern Ohio west of Cleveland on Sandusky Bay, an inlet of Lake Erie. The Sandusky River, about241 km(150 mi) long, flows west and north into the bay. Sandusky was founded in the early1800's and is a port of entry and manufacturing center. Population,29, 764.
  • 设想一下,如果去工作只是从床上爬起来,穿着睡衣,走到计算机前,或者与位于纽约的销售部门、位于旧金山的市场部门、位于达拉斯的批发部门、位于克利夫的制造部门和位于圣路易的it部门开会,而不用任何人离开办公室,欢迎来到虚拟公司。
    Imagine if going to work were a matter of simply rolling out of bed and walking over to your computer while still in your pajamas.Or if a meeting with the New York-based sales department, San Francisco-based marketing department, Dallas-based distribution department, Cleveland-based manufacturing arm and St. Louis-based IT department occurred without anyone having to leave an office.Welcome to the virtual corporation.
  • 克利弗上校率领的爱尔士兵庄严宣誓要战斗到最后一个人。
    The Irish under Col. Clifford took the sacrament to fight it out to the last man.
  • 香港与新西经贸合作协定。
    Hong Kong and New Zealand Closer Economic Partnership Agreement
  • 用特级佛德衣料制成。
    made of superfine Flemish cloth.
  • 爱尔生长的一种黄色的三叶草;通常被认为是真正的、正宗的三叶草。
    clover native to Ireland with yellowish flowers; often considered the true or original shamrock.
  • 由苏格麦芽威士忌和苏打水制成的酒。
    Scotch malt whiskey and club soda.
  • 拉布拉多加拿大纽芬的陆地部分,位于拉布拉多半岛的东北部。早在10世纪,古代的斯堪的纳维亚的海员就曾到过这里的海岸。这一地区后来成为哈得逊湾公司的所有财产,并于1927年最终判给纽芬
    The mainland territory of Newfoundland, Canada, on the northeast portion of the Labrador Peninsula. Its coastline was visited by Norse seamen as early as the tenth century. The area later became a possession of the Hudson's Bay Company and was eventually awarded to Newfoundland in1927.
  • 在苏格培育的白色长毛小猎犬。
    small white long-coated terrier developed in Scotland.
  • 这个威尔士人知道那个爱尔人生性暴躁,故意寻衅,大声地谈论着“讨厌的爱尔人”,就是想气气他。
    Knowing the lrishman to be hottempered, the Welshman trailed his coattails talking loudly about the "dirty lrish" just in order to anger him.
  • 可口可乐于1886年5月8日诞生于美国佐治亚州的亚特大城市。
    Coca-Cola was born in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on May 8, 1886.
  • 克,你胡说八道,是不是?
    You do talk cock, Frank, don't you?
  • 捕鳕鱼者,鳕渔船纽芬沿海的从事捕鳕鱼的渔民或渔船
    One engaged in cod fishing off Newfoundland.
  • 至于你所讲的什么倒霉——嘿,我们就是从这倒霉中造成新英格的啊,倒霉加上鳕鱼呢。
    As for what you're calling hard luck—well, we made New England out of it, that and codfish.
  • 至于你所讲的什么倒霉——嘿,我们就是从这倒霉中造成新英格的啊,倒霉加上鳕鱼呢。
    As for what you are called hard luck- well, we make new England out of it, that and codfish.
  • 至于你所讲的什么倒霉——嘿,我们就是从这倒霉中造成新英格的啊,倒霉加上鳕鱼呢。
    As for what you is call hard luck well, we make new england out of it, that and codfish.
  • 十四世纪中叶起,在察合台汗国(蒙古成吉思汗二子察合台在西域建立的藩属国)的强制推行下,伊斯教逐渐成为察合台汗国的蒙古人、维吾尔人、哈萨克人、柯尔克孜人、塔吉克人等信仰的主要宗教。
    In the middle of the 14th century, under the coercion of the Qagatay Khanate (a vassal state created by Qagatay, the second son of Genghis Khan, in the Western Regions), Islam gradually became the main religion for the Mongolian, Uygur, Kazak, Kirgiz and Tajik peoples in that region.
  • 人的才智尽显于他们对大自然的热爱及与自然的和谐统一。
    The genius of the Finns lies in their commitment and coexistence with nature.
  • 伊斯教传入后,新疆不仅继续维持了多种宗教并存的局面,而且又有基督教、天主教等宗教传入。
    After the introduction of Islam, the coexistence of diverse religions continued to be the order of the day in Xinjiang, to be joined later by Protestantism and Catholicism.
  • 与喙头蜥目共存的一属;新西产的大蜥蜴。
    coextensive with the order Rhynchocephalia: tuataras.
  • 我在英格买了这个咖啡壶。
    I bought this coffeepot in England.
  • 科尼亚克和阿马尼亚克是两种优质白地.
    Cognac and Armagnac are fine brandies.
  • 法国白地酒由白葡萄酒蒸馏获得的一种白地酒,产于科涅克附近
    A brandy distilled from white wine and produced in the vicinity of Cognac.
  • 掺法国白地、柠檬皮和糖的黑咖啡。
    black coffee with cognac and lemon peel and sugar.
  • 这是令人感兴趣的科涅克白地,一种最上等的酒。
    It is the most interesting Cognac brandy, a supernaculum.
  • 鹅的肝脏(浸泡在白地酒中)和块菌制成的一种脑袋。
    a pate made from goose liver (marinated in cognac) and truffles.
  • 法国科涅克地区的一种经蒸馏制成的高质量的葡萄白地。
    high quality grape brandy distilled in the Cognac district of France.
  • 一只忧郁的鸟儿的刺耳的哭泣;涩口的白地;刺眼的白光弄花了你的眼睛;走廊里满是刺鼻的烟雾。
    the harsh cry of a blue jay; harsh cognac; the harsh white light makes you screw up your eyes; harsh irritating smoke filled the hallway.
  • 两家赫赫有名的酿酒公司-西格和大都会-今天在争取(并购)马太cognac酿酒公司(创办于1715年)时摊牌。
    Two of the biggest names in wine and spirits – the Seagram Company and Grand Metropolitan P.L.C. – faced off today in a battle over Martell S.A., the cognac house founded in 1715.
  • 德语和荷语为同源语言.
    German and Dutch are cognate languages.
  • 花粉块由有粘性的花粉粒形成的块,常见于花和马利筋花中
    A mass of coherent pollen grains, found in the flowers of orchids and milkweeds.