  • sun司开发的javabeans是编程接口,用于生成可重复使用的预制程序代码。
    JavaBeans, developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc., are programming interfaces used to create blocks of reusable, prebuilt code.
  • 答:sun司今年3月布了(企业javabeans)的技术规范,它为可重复使用的组件在服务器软件中运行的方法制定了详细的技术蓝图。
    A: Sun released the specification -- the detailed technical blueprint for the way reusable components will run on the server software -- in March.
  • 那些在寻找建立更复杂应用的司可以把应用服务器连到分开的软件服务器上,而这些软件服务器处理订单和其他事务,把那些称作对象的可重用的应用程序代码分发给用户。
    Companies looking to more complex applications can hook application severs to separate software servers that process orders and other transactions and that distribute reusable chunks of application code called objects to users.
  • 船上装载的青铜或许来自东部的省份。罗马人在那里收集了共场所破旧的雕像,准备重新利用它们。
    Its bronze cargo may have come from eastern provinces, where Romans collected worn statures from public areas for reuse.
  • 法院休庭,给予诉方找到觅失的证人的时间。
    The court adjourn to allow the prosecution time to find the missing witness.
  • 采用英特尔司bx芯片组和350mhz以上处理器的更新的pc机将其总线速度提高到100mhz,因此用于这些pc机的sdram速度必须更高。
    Newer PCs using Intel's BX chipset and 350 MHz and faster processors rev their bus at 100 MHz, so the SDRAM for these machines must be faster.
  • 资产负债表考虑到了司财产的重新估价。
    The balance sheet take into account the revaluation of the company's properties.
  • 资产负债表考虑到了司财产的重新估价。
    The balance sheet takes into account the revaluation of the company 's properties.
  • 这个司的财产已重新估价了。
    The company's properties have been revalued.
  • 这个司的财产已重新估价了。
    The company 's properties have been revalued.
  • 朱利安-麦克唐纳最近刚被法国纪梵奇时装屋选中成为他们的艺术指导,又受英航之托,重新设计这家航空司的制服。
    Designer Julien MacDonald, recently tapped as artistic director for the French fashion house of Givenchy, has been commissioned by the national carrier to revamp its staff uniforms.
  • 修改首席执行官报酬制度不被列入司开支的大量股票期权诱使司管理者投机取巧来提高股票的短期价格。
    Revamp CEO compensation. The magnitude of stock options -- and the fact that they were not treated as a company expense -- gave execs too much incentive to cut corners to pump up stock prices in the short term.
  • 署亦已改良该署的网页,以提高效率,使浏览更加方便,为市民提供更全面的资讯。
    In addition, the PCO revamped its web site to enhance the efficiency and user-friendliness in featuring comprehensive information about itself.
  • 西尔斯百货司昨天宣布结束“大本”商品目录(邮购业务)。……(这本目录在乡间美国家庭里与圣经并列已有九十七年。)作为司重整计划的一部分。此外司将关闭113家分店,解雇5万人。
    Sears, Roebuck & Company announced yesterday that it was pulling the plug on its "big book" catalogues, …as part of an extensive revamping that will close 113 of its stores and carve 50,000 jobs from its payroll.
  • 许多森林研究人员相信在未来的几年内,林业司会完全改变乔木的基因组,创造出全新的树种一矮小、健硕、元枝一和郊区场院里看到的松树及桦树毫无相似之处。
    Within the next few years, many forest researchers believe, companies will be totally revamping arboreal genomes, creating wholly new kinds of trees -- short, fat, almost branchiess -- that will look nothing like the pines and birches in suburban backyards.
  • 1979年改革开放以来,中国实行以有制为主体的多种所有制经济,并对国家统包就业制度作了改革,实行劳动部门介绍就业、自愿组织起来就业和自谋职业相结合的方针,广辟就业门路;
    Since the policy of reform and opening to the outside world was adopted in 1979, China has instituted a multi-ownership economic system with public ownership of the means of production taking the dominant position. The employment system whereby the state assigns virtually all the jobs has been revamped and the principle has been carried out to open up all avenues for job opportunities by combining the efforts in three fields--job placements by labor departments, employment in enterprises organized by those who need jobs, and self-employment.
  • 我感觉到有义务不开这个名字。
    I feel obliged not to reveal the name.
  • 恐怕我有责任不开这个名字。
    I'm afraid I'm obliged not to reveal that name.
  • 无须开的;有权保守秘密的
    That need not be revealed; legally secret
  • 开的;保密的,不透露的。
    not open or public; kept private or not revealed.
  • 揭露,泄露;开揭露或揭发的行为或过程
    The act or process of revealing or uncovering.
  • 每例案件中都有司机密材料被盗,包括涉及司经营策略细节的电子邮件。
    In each case, sensitive company data were stolen, including e-mails revealing details of the company's business strategies.
  • 有时他们所说的并非开诚布。1940年,罗斯福想悄悄地规避战争问题。当他这样做瞒不了人时,他干脆扯谎。
    And sometimes what they do say isn't revealing at all. In 1940, Franklin Roosevelt tried to tiptoe around the war question and when that didn't wash, he simply lied about it.
  • 摊牌把自己的动机或意图坦白明了地布出来
    To make frank and clear revelation, as of one's motives or intentions.
  • 但是,戴安娜婚姻危机的曝光并没有影响众对这位王妃的喜爱程度。
    But the revelations of Diana's problems did not decrease the public's affection for her.
  • 尽管他没有上班,可还是拿到了司收入的一份。
    a slice of the company's revenue.
  • 如果老板对雇员与客户平、尊重,这同样会在雇员身上得到体现。
    If bosses treat employees and customers with fairness and respect,this,too,will reverberate.
  •  (一)建筑工程的消防设计未经安消防机构审核或者经审核不合格,擅自施工的;
    Those who start construction when the fire control design of the construction projects have not be reviewed and approved or be considered disqualified after the review and examination by relevant public security fire control institutions.
  • 公营房屋架构检讨。
    Review of Institutional Framework for Public Housing
  • 然而,司不想全部重写已有旧的应用程序,或者使其禁锢在一个僵硬的系统中,他们要eai快速完成,并要它非常灵活。
    What a company doesn't want, however, is to completely rewrite legacy applications or to lock itself into a rigid system.They want this done quickly, and they want it to be flexible.
  • 有些司,其中有sap、peoplesoft等司,计划走得更远,把应用程序改写成一系列的java构件,这些构件将让用户以web浏览器构成客户机/服务器套件的所有功能。
    Some vendors, including SAP, and PeopleSoft, plan to go much further by rewriting their applications as a series of Java components, which will let users deploy all the functions of a client/server suite with a Web browser.
  • 瓦伦斯法国东南部罗纳河上的一座城市,位于里昂以南,建立罗马时期,分别于元413年和730年被西哥特人和阿拉伯人所侵占。人口66,356
    A city of southeast France on the Rhone River south of Lyons. Settled in Roman times, it was captured by the Visigoths in a.d.413 and the Arabs c.730. Population,66, 356.