  • 若必要的话,键入的错误可以被正过来,可以对单词、句子、段落或整页进行添加或删除;
    If necessary,key errors may be corrected;words,sentences,paragraphs,or pages may be added or deleted ;
  • 若必要的话,键入的错误可以被正过来,可以对单词、句子、段落或整页进行添加或删除;
    If necessary, key errors may be corrected;words, sentences, paragraphs, or pages may be added or deleted;
  • 允许批评,允许反批评;要坚持真理,正错误。
    In the process, both criticism and counter-criticism should be permitted, the truth should be upheld and mistakes corrected.
  • 老师将改意见写在页底空白处。
    The teacher wrote the proposed correction at foot.
  • 改得一塌糊涂的文稿
    a copy disfigured by numerous corrections
  • 没有受到正和管教。
    not subjected to correction or discipline.
  • 对程序中的错误的改,通常是临时性的改或绕过错误代码。
    A correction of an error in program; usually a temporary correction or bypass of defective code.
  • 我将不揣冒昧,提出一个改意见。
    I will venture to send a suggested correction of it.
  • 撰写或打字机打出的没有改或没有错误的文件。
    Document which is write or typed with no correction or mistake.
  • 撰写或打字机打出的没有改或没有错误的文件。
    Document which was wrote or typed with no correction or mistake.
  • 请仔细看一下我对你文章改过的地方。
    Look carefully at the correction which I have written in your essay.
  • 抽屉里有一些必备用品:有曲别针、订书器、胶水、正液等等。
    In the drawer, there're some office paper clips, a stapler, paper glue, correction fluid, etc.
  • 脚脚或脚指甲的
    Cosmetic care of the feet and toenails.
  • 足疗脚病或脚指甲的治疗
    A cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails.
  • 指甲一种对指甲的美容,包括剪和磨光
    A cosmetic treatment of the fingernails, including shaping and polishing.
  • 他们把房子出售前,只做了一番表面上的整
    They made only cosmetic repairs on the house before they sold it.
  • 理你的汽车最低限度要100美元。
    Repairing your car will cost a minimum of 100 dollars.
  • 花费很大的旧校舍的复工程受到大多数老师的批评。
    The costly renovation of the old college building was criticized by most teachers.
  • 那城堡要用钜资进行全面整.
    The castle will undergo extensive and costly renovations.
  • 这样一所大房屋一定得花不少钱。
    It must be very costly to keep up a large house like this.
  • 琼斯政务员发扬了高度的热心公益的精神,他捐款500英镑为在老人公寓附近建一个新的公共汽车候车亭。
    Councilor Jones displayed much public spirit by donating five hundred pounds for a new bus shelter by the old people's home.
  • 为适应改革开放和经济形势发展的需要,更有效地打击假冒商标、制止商标侵权行为,切实保护商标注册专用权,中国于1993年又分别对商标法及其实施细则进行了改,扩大了商标的保护范围,除商品商标外,增加了服务商标的注册和管理的规定。
    In order to meet the requirements of the reform and opening up and of economic development, to more effectively crack down on trademark counterfeiting and stop acts of infringement, and to conscientiously protect the right to exclusive use of a registered trademark, in 1993 China revised both its Trademark Law and the rules for its implementation to expand the range of trademarks protected. Regulations on commodity trademarks were joined by regulations on the registration and management of service trademarks;
  • 修水县黄庭坚纪念馆
    Huang Tingjian Memorial in Xiushui County
  • 人们误以为选语言课程较轻松“
    Language courses are wrongly thought to be soft options.
  • 建造理飞机的手艺。
    the craft of building and repairing airplanes.
  • 制造理汽车的手艺。
    the craft of building and repairing automobiles.
  • 一个以制造或理木桶或浴盆为业的工匠。
    a craftsman who makes or repairs wooden barrels or tubs.
  • 一个安装和维管道、固定装置和器械的工匠。
    a craftsman who installs and repairs pipes and fixtures and appliances.
  •  真正最见工夫的细活,莫过于对窟内壁画病害的防治和复了。
    Nothing can compare with the prevention and control of the decay of the murals and the restoration of damaged ones in the grottoes, which can best represent true craftsmanship.
  • 自1950年开始,组建了文物复工厂,1980年扩建为文物保护科学技术部,继承、利用传统工艺技术和引进自然科学新成果,对残损的文物进行复,数十年来为本院及兄弟单位累计复文物达十一万余件。
    A workshop was established in the 1950s and extended in the 1980s to encompass a scientific and technological restoration department. These not only carried forward the traditions of craftsmanship, but also drew upon the discoveries of natural science to facilitate the restoration of damaged relics which have numbered as many as 110,000 pieces in the last decade.
  • 富爸爸站起来,推开那扇破旧失的窗子,”如果你学会了这一课,你就会成为一个智慧、快乐而富有的人。
    Rich dad stood and shut the creaky old wooden window that needed repair. "If you learn this lesson, you will grow into a wise, wealthy and happy young man.
  • 弥诺陶洛斯半人半牛的怪物。它住在克里特岛的迷宫中并吃掉雅典进贡的童男童女直至被忒斯杀死
    A monster who was half man and half bull, to whom young Athenian men and women were sacrificed in the Cretan labyrinth until Theseus killed him.