  • 高科技竞的负面影响
    Negative Effects of Competition in the Hi-tech Industry
  • 尽管我们对工作计划存在着分歧,但我们应该联合起来与自然灾害作斗
    We must band ourselves against natural calamities despite the disputes on the working plan.
  • 成群进行抢劫的印第安人;掠夺战;抢劫团伙。
    bands of marauding Indians; predatory warfare; a raiding party.
  • 总统的反对者们攻击他操纵战,不久所有的报纸都看风使舵,发表批评文章。
    The president's opponents attacked him for his handling of the war, and soon all the newspapers were climbing on the bandwagon, publishing critical articles.
  • 帕麦尔的尊严不容许她与社会地位与她低的人吵。
    Palmer's dignity did not allow her to bandy words with her social inferiors.
  • 1971年孟加拉国人民遭受到种种危险:洪水、饥荒、瘟疫和战
    In1971 people in Bangladesh were exposed to every kind of danger flood, famine, disease and war.
  • 1971年孟加拉国人民遭受到种种危险:洪水、饥荒、瘟疫和战
    In 1971 people in Bangladesh were exposed to every kind of danger flood, famine, disease and war.
  • 如今,银行业面临许多竞
    Banking faces much competition nowadays.
  • 人类正义战的旗帜是拯救人类的旗帜,中国正义战的旗帜是拯救中国的旗帜。
    The banner of mankind's just war is the banner of mankind's salvation. The banner of China's just war is the banner of China's salvation.
  • 这个战不但是解放中国的旗帜,而且是具有国际的革命意义的。
    This war is not only the banner of China's liberation, but has international revolutionary significance as well.
  • 是野蛮人干的事。
    War is the business of barbarians.
  • 跟着这个退步性,加上日本又是一个带军事封建性的帝国主义这一特点,就产生了它的战的特殊的野蛮性。
    It is this reactionary quality, coupled with the military-feudal character of Japanese imperialism, that gives rise to the peculiar barbarity of Japan's war.
  • 犬牙交错的战形态,就是颇为特殊的一点,这是由于日本的野蛮和兵力不足,中国的进步和土地广大这些矛盾因素产生出来的。
    One of the special features of this war is the interlocking "jig-saw" pattern which arises from such contradictory factors as the barbarity of Japan and her shortage of troops on the one hand, and the progressiveness of China and the extensiveness of her territory on the other.
  • 日本战的退步性和野蛮性是日本战必然失败的主要根据。
    The reactionary and barbarous character of Japan's war constitutes the primary reason for her inevitable defeat.
  • 日本是小国,其战是退步的和野蛮的,其国际地位将益处于孤立;
    Japan is a small country, her war is reactionary and barbarous, and she will become more and more isolated internationally;
  • 但是大势所趋,是降不了的,日本战的坚决性和特殊的野蛮性,规定了这个问题的一方面。
    But the general trend of events will not permit capitulation; The obstinate and peculiarly barbarous character of Japan's war has decided this aspect of the question.
  • 这是根据敌人战的退步性野蛮性而来的,“在劫难逃”,于是形成了绝对的敌对。
    This rage is engendered by the reactionary and barbarous character of Japan's war -- "there is no escape from fate", and hence an absolute hostility has crystallized.
  • 欺他是异民族,且执行极端的野蛮政策,游击队就可以放手取千百万人民的拥护;
    taking advantage of the fact that the enemy is an alien invader and is pursuing a most barbarous policy, the guerrilla units can boldly enlist the support of millions upon millions of people;
  • (一二)这样看来,日本的军力、经济力和政治组织力是强的,但其战是退步的、野蛮的,人力、物力又不充足,国际形势又处于不利。
    12. Thus it can be seen that Japan has great military, economic and political-organizational power, but that her war is reactionary and barbarous, her manpower and material resources are inadequate, and she is in an unfavourable position internationally.
  • 这样,兵力不足(包括小国、寡民、资源不足和他是封建的帝国主义等等),异国作战(包括战的帝国主义性和野蛮性等等),指挥笨拙,使得日本军阀虽然处在进攻战和外线作战的有利地位,但其主动权却日益减弱下去。
    Thus, despite the advantage of being on the offensive and operating on exterior lines, the Japanese militarists are gradually losing the initiative, because of their shortage of troops (their small territory, small population, inadequate resources, feudalistic imperialism, etc.), because of the fact that they are fighting on foreign soil (their war is imperialist and barbarous) and because of their stupidities in command.
  • 再则,当日本举行战的时候,正是世界各国或者已经遭遇战或者快要遭遇战的时候,大家都正在或准备着为反抗野蛮侵略而战,中国这个国家又是同世界多数国家和多数人民利害相关的,这就是日本已经引起并还要加深地引起世界多数国家和多数人民的反对的根源。
    Moreover, Japan has undertaken this war at a time when many countries have been or are about to be embroiled in war, when we are all fighting or preparing to fight against barbarous aggression, and China's fortunes are linked with those of most of the countries and peoples of the world. This is the root cause of the opposition Japan has aroused and will increasingly arouse among those countries and peoples.
  • 如果国家还没有达到那样的发展阶段,还处于未开化或半开化状态,它的农业生产力甚至还没有脱离最原始情况,如果输入国外制成品输出原料时,仍然可以使它一年一年地发展起来,可以使它的精神力量和社会力量不断有所启发和增长,如果这样的贸易关系能够继续下去,不致由于国外禁止输入原料品或由于战而使贸易中断,或者如果这个农业国家是处于热带的;那么在这样情况下输人国与输出国双方的利得是均等的,也是符合于自然规律的,因为处于这样地位的国家,在以本国农产品交换外国工业品的影响下,比之完全依靠它自己的力量时,可以更迅速、更稳健地实现文化的发展与生产力的提高。
    If it has not yet attained that stage, and still remains in a barbarous or half-civilised state, if its agricultural power of production has not yet developed itself even from the most primitive condition, if by the importation of foreign fabrics and the exportation of raw products its prosperity nevertheless increases considerably from year to year, and its mental and social powers continue to be awakened and increased, if such commerce as it can thus carry on is not interrupted by foreign prohibition of importation of raw products, or by wars, or if the territory of the agricultural nation is situated in a tropical climate, the gain on both sides will then be equal and in conformity with the laws of nature,because under the influence of such an exchange of the native products for foreign fabrics, a nation so situated will attain to civilisation and development of its productive powers more quickly and safely than when it has to develop them entirely out of its resources.
  • 15岁那年,帕勃洛在和成年画家取考人巴塞罗那美术学院的竞中,用一天工夫就画出了其他画家要花一个月才能完成的作品。
    While the 15-year--old Pablo was competing with adult painters in the entrance examination for the Art Academy of Barcelona, he did in one day what it took other artists a month to finish.
  • 那时候他们得赤手空拳和虫害作斗
    In those days they had to fight the pests barehanded.
  • 讨价还价;争论不休
    To bargain or haggle for.
  • 讨价还价,争论不休
    An instance of bargaining or arguing.
  • 中央情报局对俄罗斯间谍的逮捕对取苏联在几个棘手问题上作出满意答复是极为重要的讨价还价的筹码。
    The arrest of the Russian spy made by the CIA was a very important bargaining counter for obtaining satisfaction from the Soviet Union on a number of thorny matters.
  • 比较采购为交易而通过比较相互竞的商标或商店的价格来选购
    To shop for bargains by comparing the prices of competing brands or stores.
  • 科林真是一个老是想与别人论的人,不管什么事,他都要论。
    Colin is a right barrack-room lawyer; he’ll argue about anything just for the sake of it.
  • 哈里喜欢夸口说他在战中的英勇行为,但有一次我碰巧得知,他在军队的整个服役期间只不过是个科切斯特营房中的一个仓库管理员。
    Harry is fond of shooting his mouth off about his daring exploits in action during the last war, but I happen to know he was a storeman at Colchester barracks for the whole of his time in the army.
  • 继续这种无聊的辩是无用的。
    It's useless to continue such a barren argument.
  • 她在维护女权这一富有论性的议题上力不懈。
    She fought on the barricades for women's rights.