  • 警察:那是典型的伦敦共汽车。
    That' a typical London bus.
  • 警察:那是典型的伦敦共汽车。
    That' a typical London bus.
  • 小型客车一种特别用于短途旅行的小共汽车
    A small bus typically used for short trips.
  • 这次护士罢工集中地反映出众对医疗事业的关心.
    The nurses' strike typifies public concern about our hospitals.
  • “atypingpool”就是司里面集中在一间大办室中负责一切打字业务的一群打字员。
    A typing pool is a group of typists, in one large office, who do all the typing for a company.
  • 他听说这个司曾登广告再雇一个打字员。
    He had heard that the firm was advertising for another typist.
  • 生活在暴政下的人民开反叛了
    The people living underneath the tyranny rise in open revolt
  • 史密斯先生在他办室里是个专横跋扈的独裁者。
    Mr Smith was a high-handed tyrant in his office.
  • 把土豪劣绅捉了,送进知事署的监狱,关起来,要知事办他的罪。
    A local tyrant or one of the evil gentry is arrested and sent to the county jail;he is locked up and the county magistrate has to try him and punish him.
  • 您的飞机是美国航空司十二班机。
    Your flight will be UA 12.
  • 柯克里安先生不接受访问,可是米高梅/联艺的新主管巴巴可夫先生坚称司情况在改进中。
    Mr.Kerkorian doesn't give interviews, but Mr.Barbakow, MGM/UA's new chief executive, insists that the company is on the mend.
  • 室聚会办室的另一种传统是聚会,庆祝重大事件--分娩送礼会、结婚送礼会、退休欢送会,普遍性的生日晚会等等。
    Office Parties Another office tradition is giving parties to celebrate big events ? baby showers,wedding showers,retirement parties,and the ubiquitous birthday parties.
  • 近半数的人相信政府对众封锁飞碟存在的消息。
    Almost half believe the government is keeping information from the public about the existence of UFOs.
  • 英国是中国司进入广阔的欧洲市场的首选。
    the UK is the natural home for Chinese companies to access the wider European market.
  • 布格河西欧的一条河流,位于苏联乌克兰西南部,全长853里(约530英里),主干向东南流入黑海
    A river of western European U.S.S.R. rising in the southwest Ukraine and flowing about853 km(530 mi) generally southeast to the Black Sea.
  • 他的最终目标是组建自己的司。
    His ultimate goal is to set up his own company.
  • 由仲裁人提出的不正要求
    An unfair call by an umpire.
  • 他是我见过的最正的裁判。
    He is the fairest umpire I’ve ever seen.
  • 在我老到之前我暂时充当裁判。
    I'll be the umpire until my husband arrives.
  • 在我老到之前我暂时充当裁判。
    I'll is the umpire until my husband arrives.
  • 猎头司通过面试淘汰那些不能胜任的人选,从而为客户司节省了时间和费用。
    Headhunters save a company time and money by interviewing candidates to screen out those who are unacceptable.
  • 采取了开指控罪名这样鲁莽的措施
    Took the unadvised measure of going public with the accusations.
  • 欠考虑的努力;接收这一提议会是轻率的;采取这种轻率的、会陷入众谴责的措施。
    ill-advised efforts; it would be ill-advised to accept the offer; took the unadvised measure of going public with the accusations.
  • 未经告的设计单位不得从事相应等级的水利工程设计。
    The unannounced design institutes cannot be engaged in design for relevant water project construction.
  • 对电话司来说,提供isdn服务是昂贵的,从而使其在人人都来购买isdn服务所需要的低价位下,失去了吸引力。
    ISDN is expensive for the phone companies to deliver, making it unattractive to them at the low rates required to get anybody to buy it.
  • 室门上贴有标志“闲人免进”。
    A sign on the office door said"Off limits to all unauthorized personnel".
  • 华纳兄弟司一向把网络盗版看成是对电影事业的严重威胁,势必运用一切法律手段来打击网络盗版。"
    "Warner Bros. takes the threat of Internet piracy very seriously and employs all legal means to contain the unauthorized copying and distribution of our films on the Internet."
  • 由于七号信令网对共电话网的健康运行至关重要,此控制装置必须提供安全功能,以阻断未经允许的报文进入七号信令网。
    Because the SS7 network is critical to the health of the public telephone network, the device must provide security to block unauthorized messages from getting on the SS7 network.
  • 投标结果还没有出来,但g司有可能中标。
    Tender result still unavailable however g company likely successful.
  • 发言人显然没有注意到,狗是一种社会害。
    The speaker is apparently unaware (that) dog is a public nuisance.
  • 我们不知道发红利给本司的职员违反了税法。
    We were unaware that offering bonuses to our employees violated tax regulations.
  • 随着病情的恶化,他在办室里脾气越来越坏。
    As his health grew worse, his disposition became unbearable at the office.