  • 他当著全体同事的面说我撒谎,未免太过
    It was a bit inordinate of him to call me a liar in front of the whole department.
  • 好色的对性方面的事情过感兴趣的;好色的
    Inordinately interested in matters of sex; lascivious.
  • 酯一类有机化合物,相当于无机盐,是由一子有机酸和一子酒精构成的
    Any of a class of organic compounds corresponding to the inorganic salts and formed from an organic acid and an alcohol.
  • 化能自养体相对于光合作用,细菌和原生动物等通过无机化合物的氧化来获取养的有机体
    An organism, such as a bacterium or a protozoan, that obtains its nourishment through the oxidation of inorganic chemical compounds as opposed to photosynthesis.
  • 无机元素无机元素,如铝、铁、钾、钠或锌,为人类、动物和植物营养必不可少的成
    An inorganic element, such as calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, or zinc, that is essential to the nutrition of human beings, animals, and plants.
  • 粘液一种由粘膜细胞或腺泌的作为润滑保护层的粘滑物质,主要成份为粘液、水、细胞和无机盐
    The viscous, slippery substance that consists chiefly of mucin, water, cells, and inorganic salts and is secreted as a protective lubricant coating by cells and glands of the mucous membranes.
  • 这种形势与1940年的欧洲十相似。
    The situation closely resembles that of Europe in 1940.
  • 她说这个地区的商店常遭小偷光顾,向第四十七警察局报案又没人理会。
    She said that complaints of break-ins and thefts plaguing businesses in the neighborhood had fallen on deaf ears at the 47th Precinct.
  • 末页通常置于书尾部的记录,说明该书的出版事项
    An inscription placed usually at the end of a book, giving facts about its publication.
  • 勒迈里认为现在这一墓志铭的发现能够说明一些问题,尽管还有部谜团未解。例如在过去的19个世纪中这份墓志铭究竟存在于何处等。
    Lemaire believes that has changed, though questions remain, such as where the piece with the inscription has been for more than 19 centuries.
  • 许多体型从中等到小型食虫类蝙蝠,布于世界各地的洞穴、树木和建筑物中。
    any of numerous medium to small insectivorous bats found worldwide in caves and trees and buildings.
  • 他的名字和中国历史是不开的。
    His name is inseparable with the history of China.
  • 分不开的岩层
    Inseparable pieces of rock.
  • 权利与义务是不可的。
    Rights are inseparable from duties.
  • 台湾是中国领土不可割的一部
    Taiwan is an inseparable part of Chinese territory.
  • 健全的精神是与健康的身体不可割的。
    A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body.
  • (五)与人民打成一片,同人民建立血肉不可离的关系。
    5) To become one with the people, as inseparable as flesh and blood.
  • 国内政治的改进,是和抗战的坚持不能离的。
    Political progress at home and perseverance in the War of Resistance are inseparable.
  • 我认为应该“用英语教英语”,而且,语言与文化是不可割的。
    I believe we must"use English to teach English" and that language and culture are inseparable.
  • 中国革命和建设的成就是同世界人民的支持不开的。
    China's achievements in revolution and construction are inseparable from support by the people of the world.
  • 合同背面的基本条款是本合同的一个不可割的组成部
    The general term and condition on the back page constitute an inseparable part of this contract.
  • 将来的被解放了的新中国,是和将来的被解放了的新世界不能离的。
    The liberated new China of the future will be inseparable from the liberated new world of the future.
  • 人们习惯地把“刘邓”连在一起,在我们两人心里,也觉得彼此难以开。
    People always spoke of us together, calling us Liu-Deng. And indeed, in our hearts we felt we were inseparable.
  • 这种专政是国内斗争,有些同时也是国际斗争,两者实际上是不可的。
    This dictatorship is an internal struggle and in some cases an international struggle as well;in fact, the two aspects are inseparable.
  • 敌后的经济战线,包含了两个不能离的环节,一是对敌展开经济斗争,一是在根据地展开经济建设。
    The economic front behind enemy lines consists of two inseparable factors--the economic struggle with the enemy and economic development in the base areas.
  • 统一战线政策就是阶级政策,二者不可割,这一点不弄清楚,很多问题是弄不清楚的。
    United front policy is class policy and the two are inseparable; whoever is unclear on this will be unclear on many other problems.
  • 这样说来,问题是很清楚的,我们要革除的那种中华民族旧文化中的反动成,它是不能离开中华民族的旧政治和旧经济的;而我们要建立的这种中华民族的新文化,它也不能离开中华民族的新政治和新经济。
    Thus it is quite clear that the reactionary elements of the old national culture we want to eliminate are inseparable from the old national politics and economics, while the new national culture which we want to build up is inseparable from the new national politics and economics.
  • 文化传承的意识是跟人文教育不开的,而不重视人文教育却是我们长期存在的偏差。
    The idea of cultural preservation and the teaching of humanities are inseparable. However, there has been a long-standing lack of emphasis on the latter.
  • 首先,传统意义上的爱国是与忠君联系在一起的,它把对君主个人的忠诚与对国家的忠诚混为一谈,不加区
    Nationalism in the old days did not just refer to loyalty to the country. It was closely tied up with loyalty to the emperor or sovereign king. Both were inseparable.
  • 首先,传统意义上的爱国是与忠君联系在一起的,它把对君主个人的忠诚与对国家的忠诚混为一谈,不加区
    First of all, nationalism in the old days did not just refer to loyalty to the country. It was closely tied up with loyalty to the emperor or sovereign king. Both were inseparable.
  • 新疆自古以来就是一个多民族聚居和多种宗教并存的地区,从西汉(公元前206年—公元24年)开始成为中国统一的多民族国家不可割的组成部
    Since ancient times, Xinjiang has been inhabited by many ethnic groups believing in a number of religions. Since the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-24 A.D.), it has been an inseparable part of the unitary multi-ethnic Chinese nation.
  • 这两个被不可地连接在一起。
    these two are inseparably linked.