Chinese English Sentence:
  • 里有跳蚤, 得喷强力杀虫剂. Cf 参看 insecticide (insect).
    The flea-infested room had to be sprayed with a strong pesticide.
  • 售价在7英镑和10英镑之.
    Prices range between 7 and 10.
  • 我找医生治病只用了两分钟--别管受罪不受罪, 反正时短. thick as two short planks =>thick. > shortness n [U].
    I only needed two minutes with the doctor the visit was short and sweet.
  • 他们想把生产汽车的时缩短. Cf 参看 lengthen (length).
    They want to shorten the time it takes to make the car.
  • 你要是在墙上挂几幅画, 这个房就更有生气. Cf 参看 any1.
    If you put some pictures on the wall the room will look brighter.
  • 我上午没空, 但10点15分时可以挤出点时来给你.
    at 10.15.
  • 足球开赛时定於下午2时 30分.
    Kick-off is timed for 2.30.
  • 我的工作时是(从)9点到5点.
    9 to 5.
  • 你定时间吧。
    You name the time.
  • 欧,谢谢。这段时你好吗?
    Oh, thank you. How have you been these days?
  • 自从我上次来这里已经有很长时了。
    It has been a long time since last came here.
  • 我原以为他知道开会时
    I had thought he knew the time of the meeting.
  • 你会在那儿待很长时吗?
    Will you stay there for long?
  • 你每天看多长时电视?
    How long do you watch TV every day?
  • 明天要有时就给我打个电话。
    Call me tomorrow if you have time.
  • 我很乐意,但我恐怕没时
    I'm glad to, but I'm afraid I don't have the time.
  • 是詹姆司先生的办公室?
    Which one is Mr. Jame's office?
  • 二楼201房间。
    It's Room 201 on the second floor.
  • 我想约个时见格林女士。
    I'd like to make an appointment with Mrs. Green.
  • 什么时间?
    At what time?
  • 请跟我秘书定个见面时
    Please make an appointment with my secretary.
  • 我想要一套有两卧室和一个厨房的公寓。
    I want an apartment with two bedrooms and a kitchen.
  • 他谁的话也不听,你劝他是在浪费时
    He does not pay attention to anybody. You are wasting your time in persuading him.
  • 在这平坦的乡,人们种指小麦,饲养牲畜。
    In the flat country, people grow wheat and raise cattle.
  • 你们厂有多少车间?
    How many workshops are there in your factory?
  • 希望在我们之能够建立互惠互利的贸易关系。
    Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us.
  • 我们期待您的及时反馈,并且相信通过互相之的合作,我们会进行越来越多的交易。
    We look forward to your early reply and trust that through our mutually cooperation we shall be able to conclude this transaction with you in the near further.
  • 希望这个意外不会伤害我们之的良好关系。
    We hoped this incident will not bring any harm to our pleasant relations.
  • 已经没有进一步降价的空
    There is little scope for further reducing the price.
  • 恐怕没有再议价的空
    I am afraid there is no room to negotiate the price.
  • 你的还盘似乎有点高,如果这样,我们的利润空将非常小
    Your count-offer seems to be a little tide if so our profit margin will be too small.
  • 在现有时里向你供应3,000套是不可能的
    It is impossible for us supply 3,000 sets for the time being.