  • 它可以影响海水的密度、盐度和溶解气体的含量,从而影响海洋生物的新陈代谢速率和生殖循环,限制着海洋生物的布范围。
    It limits the distribution and ranges of ocean life by affecting the density, salinity, and concentration of dissolved gasses in the oceans, as well as influencing the metabolic rates and reproduce cycles of marine organisms.
  • 6:30的时候,他回来了,还带了一位很有影响的、生意上的熟人,那个人想请我们去吃饭,这对我来说是件最倒霉的事。
    At about 6:30, he arrived with an influential business acquaintance who wanted to take us to dinner. My disappointment was bigger than life.
  • 他们所感染的病毒与从香港市场家禽身上取得的化验样本离出的h9n2流感病毒有密切的关系。
    These viruses were closely related to H9N2 influenza viruses isolated from poultry in Hong Kong markets.
  • 非正式的用作强调成的感叹语。
    expletives used informally as intensifiers.
  • 有时候,absolutely曾被非正式地作为含糊的强调成而使用,比如在一幅无与伦比的绘画中。在早期的调查中,大部用法小组的成员不主张在正式书面语中这样使用
    For some time, absolutely has been used informally as a vague intensive, as in an absolutely magnificent painting. In an earlier survey, a majority of the Usage Panel disapproved of this usage in formal writing.
  • 他完全被说服了;对这顿饭完全满意;这和我们希望的完全不一样;感到十困难;全新的形势;方向完全错了;这不全都是她的错;全新的方法;(whole经常非正式地用来代替wholly,例如awholenewidea(全新的想法))。
    he was wholly convinced; entirely satisfied with the meal; it was completely different from what we expected; was completely at fault; a totally new situation; the directions were all wrong; It was not altogether her fault; an altogether new approach; (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly' as in a whole new idea).
  • 那个新闻工作者不想透露消息提供人的身
    The journalist do not want to reveal the identity of his informant.
  • 那个新闻工作者不想透露消息提供人的身
    The journalist does not want to reveal the identity of his informant
  • 和哈德尔一样,另一些美国科学家的研究也得出了类似的结论。但研究所的析认为,他们的调查"信息不够充",一方面跟踪调查的时间太短,癌症患者的人数太少,另一方面调查方法也存在着局限性。
    The review said Hardell's study and some U.S. research with similar findings were "non-informative, either because the follow-up was too short and numbers of cancers too small, or because of serious methodological limitations."
  • 对于文学作品的析和评价。
    the informed analysis and evaluation of literature.
  • 检举人已向警方告发他(是恐怖子).
    An informer denounced him to the police (as a terrorist).
  • 一个银行经理在街上跳舞,那是颇失身的!
    Dancing in the street is rather infra dig for a bank manager!
  • 而且,较低空气层的水蒸气和二氧化碳能够吸收行星传播到我们这里的大部红外线。
    Moreover, water-vapour and carbon dioxide in the lower air absorb most of the infra- red radiations sent to us from the planets.
  • 而且,较低空气层的水蒸气和二氧化碳能够吸收行星传播到我们这里的大部红外线。
    Moreover, water -vapour and carbon dioxide in the lower air absorb most of the infra- red radiations sent to us from the planets.
  • 党章草案规定:如果党员严重地违背这些义务,破坏党的统一,违犯国家法律,违背党的决议,危害党的利益和欺骗党,就是违反党的纪律,应当给予纪律处
    The draft Party Constitution provides that any serious infraction of these duties, undermining of Party unity, breaking of state laws, violation of Party decisions, damaging of Party interests, or deception towards the Party constitutes a violation of the rules of Party discipline, and disciplinary action shall be taken against the Party member concerned.
  • 红外线红外线光或光谱的红外线部
    Infrared light or the infrared part of the spectrum.
  • 这里自然少不了扫描电镜sem析,傅里叶红外光谱析等手段。
    Here it goes without saying that it will not be done without resorting to scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis and Fourier infrared spectroscopic analysis.
  • 它们为新的布式基础设施提供了四大优势:
    They provided four major benefits to this new distributed infrastructure:
  • 第五,充运用财政政策,促进基础建设。
    -Making full use of the financial policy to promote infrastructure construction.
  • 该署就投诉进行调查,并采取行动对付制造、销、售卖及进出口侵犯知识产权的货品的活动。
    It investigates complaints and takes action against the manufacturing, distribution, sale and import and export of goods which infringe intellectual property rights.
  • 各级司法机关按照法律程序,审理和判决各类案件,打击侵犯妇女权益的犯罪子,保障有关法律的执行。
    Judicial bodies at all levels, in accordance with legal procedures, hear and judge cases and punish criminals who infringe on women's rights and interests and see to it that laws are upheld.
  • 如果证据充,我们将采取适当的法律手段对这种侵权行为提出公诉。
    We take suitable legal action against such infringement if sufficient provided.
  • 如果证据充,我们将采取适当的法律手段对这种侵权行为提出公诉。
    We'll take suitable legal actions against such infringement if sufficient evidence is provided
  • 让茶多泡几钟使泡出味道来。
    Let the tea stand a few minutes to infuse.
  • 在人类发明创造的漫长历史上,有所发现的人看来可为两类。第一类是决心去寻求问题答案的有创造性人物。
    In the long history of man's inventiveness, discoverers seem to fall into two classes. The first is the ingenious person who sets out to find the solution to a problem.
  • 来自世界不同国家、不同地域的奇花异草、珍稀植物、园林园艺精品、庭院建筑及相关科技将在本届博览会上得到充展示。
    Exotic flowers and herbs, rare plants, exquisite garden arts, ingenious garden constructions and relevant science and technology from different countries and all parts of the world will be shown fully at the exhibition.
  • 一个汉普郡农民有各种各样的家禽,包括肉鸡,他可以很明了地区白色和黑色的肉鸡。
    a Hampshire farmer had fowls of different breeds, including dorkings, and he discriminated ingeniously between the `dark ones' and the `white ones'.
  • 每当朕提出一个新任命,即造成十个不满子与一个忘恩负义之徒。
    Every time I fill a vacant office, I make ten malcontent and one ingrate.
  • 每当朕+提出一个新任命,即造成十个不满子与一个忘恩负义之徒。
    Every time I full a vacant office, I make ten malcontents and one ingrate.
  • 我看得出来这新来的学生在竭力巴结老师,想得高
    I could see the new student trying to ingratiate himself with the teacher, in hopes of better marks.
  • 营养品,滋养物营养的来源,尤指食物中的营养成
    A source of nourishment, especially a nourishing ingredient in a food.
  • 鸦片占主要成的酊剂。
    a tincture of opium or any preparation in which opium is the main ingredient.