  • 有必要辨爱与热恋的差别。
    it is necessary to make a distinction between love and infatuation.
  • 他们之间的迷恋使他们看不到他们之间意见的根本
    Their infatuation blinded them to the fundamental differences in their points of view.
  • 肠道病毒小核糖核酸病毒的亚群之一,包括脊髓灰质炎病毒,柯萨奇病毒和艾柯病毒,造成胃肠道感染,并常常蔓延到身体其它部,尤其是神经系统
    Any of a subgroup of picornaviruses, including polioviruses, coxsackieviruses, and echoviruses, that infect the gastrointestinal tract and often spread to other areas of the body, especially the nervous system.
  • 把受感染的部用消毒剂消毒.
    Clean the infected area with disinfectant.
  • 哲学中推理析的支。
    the branch of philosophy that analyzes inference.
  • 规则中受推理机测试的条件部,若前提为真,则采取规则结论所规定的相应动作。
    The condition portion of a rule that is tested by the inference engine. If the premise is found to be true, the corresponding action specified in the rule conclusion is taken.
  • 但一般是以绝对的优劣而胜负居多数。
    But in most cases it is absolute superiority and inferiority that decide victory and defeat.
  • 但主动或被动是和战争力量的优势或劣势不开的。
    But initiative or passivity is inseparable from superiority or inferiority in the capacity to wage war.
  • (八○)主动是和战争力量的优势不能离的,而被动则和战争力量的劣势不开。
    80. Initiative is inseparable from superiority in capacity to wage war, while passivity is inseparable from inferiority in capacity to wage war.
  • 棒球场为内场和外场。
    The field is divided into an infield and an outfield.
  • 垒棒球内场的四个角中的一个,用一个袋或盘作标记,跑着得之前,跑者必须触摸到它
    Any one of the four corners of an infield, marked by a bag or plate, that must be touched by a runner before a run can be scored.
  • 反对恐怖主义要标本兼治,采取综合措施,其中解决发展问题、缩小南北差距、解决地区冲突十重要。
    Infighting terrorism, it is necessary to address both its symptoms and root cause, and adopt comprehensive measures, especially in solving the question of development, narrowing the North-South gap, and ending regional conflicts.
  • 但李登辉不此之图,甫上任就搞内斗,从李焕、郝柏村、赵少康、王建煊、林洋港,以迄宋楚瑜、刘松藩和钟荣吉等人纷纷求去,使党内裂、政局不安,社会力在化是不断消耗。
    But he was not. Instead, he was bent on infighting. Assoon as he came to power, he began pushing his comrades around, starting with Lee Huan, Hau Pei-tusn, Jaw Shau-kong,Wang Chien-shien and Lin Yang-kang, and finishing with JamesSoong, Liu Sung-pan and David J C Chung.As a result, these KMT veterans had to quit the party one after another. This caused splits within the KMT, destabilised the political scene on the island, and wore away the energy of Taiwanese society.
  • 他加入了我们的党,结果却是一只披着羊皮的豺狼,因为他是被极右子派来混在我们的团体之中的。
    He joined the party and turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing because he was sent to infiltrate our group for the extreme right wingers.
  • 渗入敌军防线;一队渗入该国的恐怖
    Infiltrate enemy lines; a team of terrorists that had infiltrated the country.
  • 我们曾抽调一部干部派到敌占区,企图打入伪军伪组织中去,但因为派出的干部多与当地的工作对象缺乏一定的联系,始终得不出一个结果来。
    We sent a number of cadres to infiltrate the puppet troops and organizations in enemy-occupied areas, but they never got anywhere because they did not have the necessary contacts with the right people there.
  • 我们一般不善于从广大的敌占区或伪军伪组织内部去物色打入人才,不善于争取敌占区的知识子、开明进步人士去实现打入工作,不善于争取伪军伪组织内部的两面派成为革命两面派,变为我们的打入干部,不了解只有他们才与敌占区或伪军伪组织具有密切的联系,只有他们才具备打入工作的现实条件。
    Generally speaking, we do not know how to choose people from the vast enemy-occupied areas or from among the puppet troops and organizations to work for us, or to win over the intellectuals and progressives there so that they can infiltrate the enemy. We haven't done well at reforming double-dealers in the puppet troops and organizations into ones working for the revolution as our own cadres, because we did not realize that only such people have the necessary close ties in enemy-occupied areas and puppet troops and organizations and that only they can readily infiltrate the enemy.
  • 打入者的人选应是多方面的,或由根据地物色派去;或由敌占区物色人员,特别是知识子和进步的士绅名流;或由现有伪军伪组织的关系中争取转变为革命两面派子,而以后两者为主。
    There is a wide range of people we can choose for undertaking infiltration -- from among people in revolutionary base areas, in enemy-occupied areas, especially intellectuals, progressive gentry and social celebrities and people from the puppet troops and organizations whom we have won over and transformed into revolutionary double-dealers, with people from the last two categories making up the majority.
  • 兵团作为新疆稳定、边防巩固的重要力量,坚持劳武结合,与军队、武警、人民群众共同在边境地区建立了“军、警(武警)、兵(兵团)、民”四位一体的联防体系,近五十年来在打击和抵御境内外裂势力的破坏和渗透活动,保卫祖国边疆的稳定和安全等方面,发挥了不可替代的特殊作用。
    As an important force for stability in Xinjiang and for consolidating frontier defense, the XPCC adheres to the principle of attaching equal importance to production and militia duties. It has set up in frontier areas a “four-in-one” system of joint defense that links the PLA, the Armed Police, the XPCC and the ordinary people, playing an irreplaceable special role in the past five decades in smashing and resisting internal and external separatists’ attempts at sabotage and infiltration, and in maintaining the stability and safety of the borders of the motherland.
  • 加强国家安全工作,警惕国际国内敌对势力的渗透、颠覆和裂活动。
    We must strengthen state security, keeping vigilance against infiltrative, subversive and separatist activities by hostile forces at home and abroad.
  • 第二部向大家揭示了一个“无限循环”的情况。
    The second portion shows an “infinite loop” that would, in theory, continue forever.
  •  让我们再回到亚当·斯密为了说明工好处而举示的制针业那个例子。在制造过程中,十个人联合起来比各人单干时产量不知要大多少倍,如果我们检查一下会发生这种现象的原因时就可以发现,这种在商业动作上的划,要是没有生产力向着一个共同目的时的联合,在生产上能发生的推动作用就很小。
    If we continue to consider the example of the pin manufacture adduced by Adam Smith in illustration of the advantages of division of labour, and seek for the causes of the phenomenon that ten persons united in that manufacture can produce an infinitely larger number of pins than if every one carried on the entire pin manufacture separately, we find that the division of commercial operations without combination of the productive powers towards one common object could but little further this production.
  • ——中国政府对未成年犯、女犯、老弱病残罪犯以及少数民族罪犯、外籍罪犯,在充考虑他们的生理、心理、体力和生活习惯等方面特点的前提下,在生活、管理、劳动等方面给予不同于其他罪犯的特殊待遇。
    --- The Chinese Government provides special treatment which is different from the general prison population in terms of daily activities, administration, labour requirements, etc. to juvenile, female, elderly, infirm and disabled prisoners in addition to minority nationality Chinese and foreign prisoners in full consideration of this group's special physical and psychological traits, physical strength limitations and daily customs.
  • 内科医生或外科医生的劳动,在被生产者利用时,应看作是社会经济作出的牺牲,用以保护固定在生产性社会成员的生命和体力脑力中的那部生产资源,使其不因死亡和生病而消失。
    The labour of a physician or surgeon, when made use of by persons engaged in industry, must be regarded in the economy of society as a sacrifice incurred, to preserve from perishing by death or infirmity that portion of the productive resources of society which is fixed in the lives and bodily or mental powers of its productive members.
  • 脓肿,脓疡身体的一部因组织损坏而形成的局部脓肿,被四周发炎部位围绕
    A localized collection of pus in part of the body, formed by tissue disintegration and surrounded by an inflamed area.
  •  可燃性气体回收利用装置不能正常作业的,应当及时修复或者更新。在回收利用装置不能正常作业期间确需排放可燃性气体的,应当将排放的可燃性气体充燃烧或者采取其他减轻大气污染的措施。
    When the discharge of inflammable gas is really necessary because of the malfunctioning of the recovery and re-use installations, the inflammable gas discharged shall be fully burnt, or other measures shall be taken, to reduce atmospheric pollution.
  • 各种等级的教授都给学生高以避免学生给他们不好的评价,因为现在学生的意见在决定教授终身职位和提升时是要被考虑在内的。
    Professors at every level inflate to escape negative evaluations by students, whose opinions now figure in tenure and promotion decisions.
  • 利己主义对自己的安乐和利益过的关注,通常伴随着极度的妄自尊大感
    Excessive preoccupation with one's own well-being and interests, usually accompanied by an inflated sense of self-importance.
  • 这个数字有水分。
    This figure is inflated.
  • 北美的一种野生兰,具有粉红色的十美丽的花,有一个膨大、囊状的唇。
    pale pink wild orchid of northeastern America having an inflated pouchlike lip.
  • 固者硬也,顽者,今天、明天、后天都不进步之谓也。这样的人,就叫做顽固子。
    "Hard" means to be inflexible and "die" means to be dead set against progress today, tomorrow and even the day after.Such are the people we call die-hards.
  • 作为加强货币发行局制度的部措施,由一九九八年九月七日起,金管局只会在有资金流入的情况下,才会再发行新的外汇基金票据和债券,以确保新发行的票据及债券得到十足外汇储备支持。
    As part of the measures to strengthen the currency board arrangements, with effect from September 7, 1998, new Exchange Fund paper will only be issued when there is an inflow of funds enabling the additional paper to be fully backed by foreign reserves.