  • shī huò fēn chū de rén cái chǎn
    a share that has been dispensed or distributed.
  • zhǐ cóng cún chǔ diǎn gōng huò fēn pèi xìn huò shù huò zhǐ shū chū bào gào de fēn
    Furnishing or distributing information or data from a storage point;the distribution of output reports.
  • duì gài lái shuōshòu chū de wèn zhù yào shì yòu guān yuǎn pc de guǎn ruǎn jiàn de fēn pèi
    For Gates, the issues raised by thin client are mainly about administering remote PCs and distributing software.
  • máo dōng tóng zhì chūnóng cūn biān bāo kuò zhù zài nèidōuyào tóng děng fēn pèi fèn
    Comrade Mao Zedong advocated distributing an equal share of land to everyone in the rural areas, including the landlords.
  • men chū nóng fēn huài tián zhù fēn tiánshuō máo dōng tóng zhì shì huì zhù
    They advocated distributing poor land to rich peasants and no land to landlords, calling Comrade Mao Zedong an opportunist.
  • wài wén chū bǎn xíng shì
    Foreign languages Publishing and Distribution Administration
  • bǎn quán shòu wén xuéyīnyuè huò shù zuò pǐn de zuò zhězuòqǔ zhě zuò zhě chū bǎn shāng huò jiā jīng yíng chū bǎnshēng chǎn huò xiāo shòu de shāng de quán
    The legal right granted to an author, a composer, a playwright, a publisher, or a distributor to exclusive publication, production, sale, or distribution of a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work.
  • bāo shuì zhè yàng bèi chū de
    A district so leased.
  • bào zhǐ zuò chū de zuì zhòng yào de gòng xiànzài jiào rén men huái de yǎn guāng jiē jìn yìn shuà pǐn
    The most important service rendered by the press is that of educating people to approach printed matter with distrust.
  • jīn hòu shǐ chū xiàn fēng shèn zhì chū xiàn de fēng gǎi jiān chí
    Even if disturbances, major disturbances occur, reform must continue.
  • zhǐ yòu shēng dòng luàn dòng luànzhù jūn cái huì chū dòng
    They would be used only if there were disturbances, serious disturbances.
  • yào fàng chū xìn hàozhōng guó yǔn luàn
    We have to send out a signal that China will tolerate no disturbances.
  • dān xīn de shì jīn hòu shí nián guò shí guò hǎodān xīn zài zhè shí zhōng huì chū xiàn hěn de hùn luànér qiě zhè xiē hùn luàn shì rén wéi de
    What I am concerned about is how to make a smooth transition over the next 15 years. I am concerned that there may be major disturbances in this period, man-made disturbances.
  • yào wéi zhè yàng gǎo jiù huì chū luàn diào qīng xīn
    One must not take such things lightly, thinking that they won't cause disturbances.
  • xué shēng nào shì shì chū liǎodàn cóng wèn de xìng zhì lái kànshì hěn zhòng de shì jiàn
    The recent student unrest is not going to lead to any major disturbances. But because of its nature it must be taken very seriously.
  • yǎn chū jìn xíng de shí hòu zuì huān rǎo bié rén
    I hate disturbing people while the show is going on.
  • qīng qīng dǎo chū jiǔér jiǎo dòng chén diàn
    To pour off(wine, for example) without disturbing the sediment.
  • bàn suí zhe xùn chū xiàn de xìng mìng yòu hěn duō lìng rén fán nǎo de shì
    The rapidly emerging sexual revolution has been accompanied by many disturbing trends .
  • zhè xiē wén wéi zhù dǎo jiāng guó jiā jīng yīng fēn chéng xiǎo juàn rán néng gòu fǎn yìng chū guó duō yuán de xìngdàn zhōng huò xià xié diào zhǒng zào chéng wēi
    Dividing the nation's elite into different linguistic streams may reflect the multifarious nature of our country, but it can also sow the seeds of disunity which may result in a national crisis.
  • yóu zhōng guó shì zài duō guó zhù guó jiā de tǒng zhì huò bàn tǒng zhì zhī xiàyóu zhōng guó shí shàng chǔyú cháng de tǒng zhuàng tàiyòu yóu zhōng guó de guǎng zhōng guó de jīng zhèng zhì wén huà de zhǎnbiǎo xiàn chū duān de píng héng
    China's economic, political and cultural development is very uneven, because she has been under the complete or partial domination of many imperialist powers, because she has actually been in a state of disunity for a long time, and because her territory is immense.
  • bǎo huán jìngcóng huí shōu fèi jiù diàn chí zuò jīn tiān jīn shāng xué yuàn de qīng tínghuán bǎo xié huì chū shàng chàng
    "Starting environmental protection with disused battery reclamation", this was a proposal by the"Green Dragonfly" environmental protection association of Tianjin University of Commerce.
  • bǎo huán jìngcóng huí shōu fèi jiù diàn chí zuò ”, jīn tiān jīn shāng xué yuàn de qīng tínghuán bǎo xié huì chū shàng chàng
    "Starting environmental protection with disused battery reclamation", this was a proposal by the "Green Dragonfly" environmental protection association of Tianjin University of Commerce.
  • tiáo gōu zhǎo zhōng de shuǐ pái chū
    That ditch drains water from the swamp.
  • zài shàng kāi gōu zàishàng chōng chū shēn shēn de gōu huò gōu
    To wear a deep ditch or channel in.
  • men yòng jiǎo chē chē cóng gōu diào chū lái
    They winched the car out of the ditch.
  • chē chōng chū miànxiàn jìn gōu
    The car careered off the road into a ditch.
  • yóu dòng rán chū xiàn zhàng , fēi xíng yuán zài 'ài 'ěr lán hǎi shàngjǐn jiàng luò .
    A sudden engine failure forced the pilot to ditch (in the Irish Sea).
  • zhù yào shì bái tiān chū méi de shí ròu niǎo lèiyīng gòu zhǎo hòu zhǐ liè yīngyīngyīng yīngcháng tuǐ yīng yīng
    chiefly diurnal carnivorous birds having hooked beaks and long talons with opposable hind toe: falcons; hawks; eagles; ospreys; caracaras; vultures.
  • zhǒng bái tiān chū méi de miè jué de chī shù shuǐ guǒ de líng cháng lèi dòng ; 3 qiān wàn zhì 5 qiān wàn nián qián liàng chǎn běi měi 'ōu zhōu men de hòu dài néng bāo hán hóu
    extinct small mostly diurnal lower primates that fed on leaves and fruit; abundant in North America and Europe 30 to 50 million years ago; their descendents probably include the lemurs; some authorities consider them ancestral to anthropoids but others consider them only cousins.
  • zài fēi guǎn liǎo xiē fēi hòu yòu chū liǎo
    He started again after have some coffee in a divan.
  • rán shǒu shēn jìn dài , tāo chū shí kuài qián lái
    He dive into his pocket and fish out ten dollar.
  • rán shǒu chā zài kǒu dài chū měi yuán
    He dived into his pocket and fished out a dollar.