  • 汤姆在音乐方面表现色。
    Tom distinguished himself inmusic.
  • 他考试成绩出众。
    He distinguished himself in an examination.
  • 国家杰青年科技基金
    National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars
  • 杂色的,斑驳的以变化多样而色或为特色的;丰富多彩的
    Distinguished or characterized by variety; diversified.
  • 的著名的,特别突的;优秀的
    Well known and very distinguished; eminent.
  • 因其杰的功劳授予总理爵位
    Ennoble a prime minister for distinguished service.
  • 弗朗西斯凭他的那身制服,人们很容易认他。
    Francic is easily distinguished by his uniform.
  • 凭他的那身制服,人们很容易认他。
    He is easily distinguished by his uniform.
  • 她因获得三项奖而名。
    She distinguished herself by winning three prizes.
  • 她是一个杰的小说家和哲学家。
    She is a distinguished novelist and philosopher.
  • 国王授与好几位杰人士爵士勋位。
    The king conferred knighthoods onseveral distinguished men.
  • 那些战士在这场战斗中表现突
    Those soldiers distinguished themselves in the battle.
  • 汤姆类拔萃,获奖三次。
    Tom distinguished himself by winning three prizes.
  • 每个都有它突的特点。
    Each has its distinguishing characteristics.
  • 这一物种的区别性标志是它的羽毛;区别性的部落纹身;我们被要求描述一些区别性的标志或者特征。
    the distinguishing mark of the species is its plumage; distinctive tribal tattoos; we were asked to describe any identifying marks or distinguishing features.
  • 宇宙之生灭甚奇,人情之变幻甚奇,文句之没甚奇,诚而取之,自成奇文,无所用于怪妄乖诡也。
    He who keeps his vision sane and clear will have always this sense of wonder, and therefore has no need to distort the truth in order to make it seem wonderful.
  • 有的人口头上讲团结,而把党委内部一些不同的意见捅去,加以歪曲,散布流言蜚语,拉一部分人支持自己。
    Some people who pay lip-service to unity distort certain differences of opinion within a Party committee and leak them to the public; they spread rumours and slanders and try to win over groups of people in order to build support for themselves.
  • 某物扭曲、有威胁性的现,如穿过云雾或黑暗
    A distorted, threatening appearance of something, as through fog or darkness.
  • 隐约地现以庞大的、扭曲的或不清晰的形象现在视野中
    To come into view as a massive, distorted, or indistinct image.
  • 按现行原产地统计进口贸易的办法,显然难以准确反映世界经济发展变化的大势,甚至会扭曲国与国之间的贸易平衡状况。
    It is obviously difficult for the current rules of origin, as employed by trade statistics, to accurately reflect the main changes in world economic development; these rules could even result in a distorted picture of trade balance situation.
  • 事实上,根据研究者的调查,当面临的压力增大时,人往往表现一种令人沮丧的倾向,去关注无关紧要的小问题。此时,他对形势的估计已经扭曲,却固执的要证明其正确性。
    Indeed, researchers have found that when the pressure is on, people exhibit a dismaying tendency to focus on insignificant problems while their perceptions become distorted and they insist on proving that their mistaken view of the situation is actually correct.
  • 铅笔在纸上发沙沙声。
    the scrape of violin bows distracted her.
  • 他们的叫喊声使一场绑架未能实现--莉萨挣脱了来。
    Their shouts distracted the would be kidnapper and Lisa broke free.
  • 一种可能性是,断绝喜爱的毒品一天后,服用量大的人现了停药症状或是变得暴戾。烦乱,从而导致他们在测试中表现糟糕。
    One possibility is that, deprived of their favourite drug for a day, heavy users suffer withdrawal symptoms or become so grumpy and distracted that they do badly in tests.
  • 五代宋辽金时期,因中原地区诸朝争夺统治权而无暇顾及西域,西域现了几个地方政权并列的局面。
    Internal strife in the Central Plains during the Five Dynasties period, and the Song, Liao and Jin dynasties distracted the attention of rulers of the Central Plains from the Western Regions, resulting in several local regimes existing side by side in the Western Regions.
  • 他们发了一枚呼救信号火箭。
    They sent a distress rocket.
  • 那个生病的男人表现痛苦的迹象。
    The sick man showed signs of distress.
  • 太烦以至于不知道说什么;度过了许多焦虑的片刻;对于她儿子的离家走感到哀伤;进入扰乱的睡眠状态;忧虑的双亲;忧虑的皱眉;持续的焦虑地检查睡着了的孩子。
    too upset to say anything; spent many disquieted moments; distressed about her son's leaving home; lapsed into disturbed sleep; worried parents; a worried frown; one last worried check of the sleeping children.
  • 喧嚷发大的、令人痛苦的声音或带着这种声音移动
    To make or move with a loud, distressing noise.
  • 按计划分派或为特定目的留
    distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose.
  • 游行的人排成纵队走过街道时,他们中间有几个人走队伍分发传单。
    As the parades marched through the street in a column, some of them peeled off to distribute leaflets.
  • 对每一位有产品售、分销或购买的人来说,将都想从web网上获得信息。
    Everyone who has a product to sell, distribute, or purchase will want to get that information on the Web.