  • 據說有一段時他因受辱而極為痛苦。
    It is said that he writhed under insult for a period of time.
  • 她用了很長時纔琢磨出誰是做壞事的人。
    It take her a long time to figure out who the wrongdoer be.
  • 使這個小城發生了許多變化。
    Time has wrought many changes in the town.
  • 但要真正地理解的話,就得幾個朋甚至幾年的時……到,這就是西安喜來登大酒店。
    But to truly understand them, you'll have to stay months or years.... Here we ae. Shearton Xi'an Hotel.
  • 他有一座鄉別野,有一艘遊艇,還有一架私人飛機——他一定很有錢。
    He has a country mansion and runs a yacht and a private aircraft—he must be as rich as Croesus.
  • 如果換個位置,我們把耶魯和普林斯頓的頂尖學生放在中國,限製他們衹能用華語溝通,他們最初的表現肯定也不會很特出。但是,以他們的才智,他們毫無疑問能在短時內適應。
    Try putting the top students from Yale and Princeton in China and ask them to operate strictly in Chinese. I’m sure they won’t sound too impressive at first though I have no doubt they, being so bright, would adjust sooner than one can imagine.
  • 三月,香港金融管理局總裁任志剛出訪法蘭剋福,在一個名為"香港跨越1997的金融安排"的座談會上發表演說。
    The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Mr Joseph Yam, addressed a seminar entitled 'Hong Kong's Monetary Arrangements Through 1997' when he visited Frankfurt in March.
  • 我們為什麽能突破長江,迅速完成京滬杭作戰任務,並把我們預計的時縮短一半呢?
    Why were we able to cross the Yangtze and swiftly complete the Nanjing-Shanghai-Hangzhou Campaign using only half the time we expected?
  • 她匆匆穿過房,猛地用力把窗子往上拉。
    She hurried across the room and yanked the window up.
  • 她出去期,她的狗叫了一整天。
    Her dog yaps away all day while she's out.
  • 前後擺動沿一條飛行路綫來回搖擺,似乎在尋找一個新的方向或進攻角度。用於飛機、火箭或空飛行器
    To yaw back and forth about a flight path, as if seeking a new direction or another angle of attack. Used of an aircraft, a rocket, or a space vehicle.
  • 我們在這個島上參觀很長時,但我們沒有厭煩。
    We have visited this island year in year out and we never get bored.
  • 在春天,我渴重遊鄉
    In spring I yearn for the country again.
  • 當我們不斷渴求新的欲望時,幸福無法駐留我們的心
    Happiness can’t be found when we are yearning for new desires.
  • 過去10年間
    over/during the past 10 years
  • 指頭髮的顔色;介於黃白色和黃褐色之
    of hair color; pale yellowish to yellowish brown.
  • 今天,黃石國傢公園的特色是與其許多天然歇泉緊密聯繫在一起的,諸如迄今尚存的"老忠實噴泉"。
    Today,Yellowstone' s identity is closely associated with its powerful,natural geysers such as the ever present: Old Faithful.
  • 目前,中國的糧食單産水平與世界糧食高産國傢相比也是比較低的,中國要在短時內達到糧食高産國傢的水平難度較大,但經過努力是完全可以縮小差距的。
    At present, China's per unit area yield of grain is low compared with the countries with high grain yields. It will be difficult for China to reach the level of countries with high grain production in a short period of time, but the gap can certainly be narrowed through earnest efforts.
  • 利率曾在百分之八到十二之不斷波動。
    The interest rates yo-yo'd between8and12percent.
  • 是紐約時間嗎?
    Is that New York time?
  • 晚間剛開始不久.
    The evening is still young.
  • 拖延時間以便思考
    Give yourself time to think
  • 英國的一種教養院,它是為年齡在至歲之的犯人準備的。
    a British reform school for youths between 16 and 22.
  • 兩幫少年無賴之的持續暴動力行為,使得那個宅區的大部分成了禁區。
    The continuing violence between rival gangs of youths has made a large part of the housing estate a no-go area.
  • 這間20元。
    20 yuan for this one.
  • 鐵托南斯拉夫政治傢,曾在二次世界大戰期領導抵抗納粹占領的鬥爭,並使南斯拉夫脫離蘇聯控製取得獨立(1948年),作為該國總統(1953-1980年)他推行一種在外交事務上保持中立的共産主義政策
    Yugoslavian politician who led the resistance to Nazi occupation during World War II, established independence from the U.S.S.R.(1948), and as president(1953-1980) pursued a national Communism that stressed neutrality in foreign affairs.
  • 消費者不必從坐椅起來就可以關掉令他們不感興趣的廣告。“大權操在人手,”他說,“剎那之就可以把大力推銷的廣告關掉。”
    Without getting up from their couches, consumers can turn off ads that turn them off. "With the power people have in their hands," he said, "they can zap a heavy-handed hard sell in an instant."
  • 這個小傢夥長着黑色、棕褐色相的斑紋和具有明顯斑馬特徵的大腦袋,農場計劃為它舉辦一場命名賽。
    The farm plans to hold a competition to name the creature, which has black-and-tan stripes and a zebra's distinctive large head.
  • 那條蜿蜒小徑越看越看不清了,最後在山消失了。
    The zigzag path became less and less distinct, ending finally in the mountains.
  • 雲地的一種普遍閃電形式,主要表現為沿一定的麯折路綫迅速移動,它的主要閃道呈現出一些嚮下的分支。
    a form of lightning that moves rapidly in a zigzag path with one end divided (fork-like).
  • 商業中心已劃為專門區域;送貨車輛衹在特定時才能出入該地區。
    The commercial center has now been zoned off: delivery vans may only enter and leave at specified times.
  • 商業中心已劃為專門區域:私人汽車不得進入,送貨車輛也衹能在規定時內才能出入該地區。
    The business and commercial centre has now been zoned off: private cars prohibited and delivery vans may only enter and leave at specified times.