  • 3月8日,达赖确定3月10日下午3时到西藏军区礼堂看演
    On March 8, the Dalai Lama said he would go to the performance in the Tibet Military Area Command Auditorium at 3 pm on March 10.
  • 从酸性糖化醪中蒸馏来的威士忌。
    any whiskey distilled from sour mash.
  • 白兰地从葡萄酒或发酵果汁中蒸发来的一种含酒精的烈酒
    An alcoholic liquor distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice.
  • 任何的一种从发酵的棕榈树液或发酵的糖蜜蒸馏提取来的烈酒。
    any of various strong liquors distilled from the fermented sap of toddy palms or from fermented molasses.
  • 春天永在,不用种子,地里也长鲜花来;河里流的是奶和酒,以及从橡树蒸馏而来的黄澄澄的蜜糖。
    Perpetual spring reigned, flowers sprang up without seed, the rivers flowed with milk and wine, and yellow honey distilled from the oaks.
  • 有几个或现几个不同的形状。
    having or occurring in several distinct forms.
  • 问题的一个突的性质或要素。
    a distinct feature or element in a problem.
  • 能够作为不同的东西被察觉来或者清楚的被察觉。
    capable of being perceived as different or distinct.
  • 在这对孪生子之间看不有什么明显的差别。
    There is no appreciable distinction between the twins.
  • 区分的做区别的;辨别的
    Marking a distinction; distinguishing.
  • 卓越的,杰的以卓越或杰为特点的;卓著的
    Characterized by excellence or distinction; eminent.
  • 比如说,我要成为色的毕业生。
    For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction.
  • 这个鸟具有几种突的特征。
    This bird has several distinctive features.
  • 特色的具有一种明显的、有特征的品质或味道的
    Having a distinctive and characteristic quality or taste.
  • 因此,从确认彼此的不同发,并维持这种无法妥协的不同,才是理解的开始。
    For any fruitful understanding to take place, the correct starting point is to recognise and maintain our distinctiveness that cannot be compromised.
  • 清楚、鲜明的显轮廓。
    distinctly or sharply outlined.
  • (生物学)一些有机体在生命周期中现的两个或多个明显不同的形态。
    (biology) the appearance of two or more distinctly different forms in the life cycle of some organisms.
  • 《新妇女》是一生气勃勃的戏,一显然符合时代潮流的戏。
    We have in The New Women a live play, a play which is distinctly in the movement.
  •  附图的大小及清晰度,应当保证在该图缩小到三分之二时仍能清晰地分辨图中的各个细节。
    The scale and the distinctness of the drawings shall be as such that a reproduction with a linear reduction in size to two-thirds would still enable all details to be clearly distinguished.
  • 附图的大小及清晰度应当保证在该图缩小到4厘米×6厘米时,仍能清晰地分辨图中的各个细节。
    The scale and the distinctness of the figure shall be as such that a reproduction with a linear reduction in size to 4cm x 6cm would still enable all details to be clearly distinguished.
  • 在人群中认出某人
    distinguish sb. in a crowd
  • 从远处我能认他们。
    I can distinguish them at a distance.
  • 你能区分正在演奏的各种不同的乐器吗?
    Can you distinguish the different musical instruments playing now?
  • "班长在考试中成绩优异,因而显得突。"
    The monitor distinguished himself by his performance in the examination.
  • 通过对比物体的质量来做区分。
    distinguish by contrasting qualities.
  • 我们区分了几种枫树。
    We distinguish several kinds of maple.
  • 太暗以致辨别不来。
    It is too dark to distinguish it.
  • 识别,辨别觉察到或区别不同或差异;辨别
    To perceive or recognize as being different or distinct; distinguish.
  • 辨别远处的物体、雾中的朦胧形象、窃窃私语声
    Distinguish distant objects, a shape in the mist, a whispered conversation
  • 黑暗中只有他们枪筒的光亮可以辨认来;一个可以分为四个发展阶段的计划;双胞胎之间可以辨别的差异。
    only the shine of their metal was distinguishable in the gloom; a project distinguishable into four stages of progress; distinguishable differences between the twins.
  • 人物,伟人杰的或卓著的人
    An eminent or distinguished person.
  • 这位科学家在许多知识领域中都是杰的。
    The scientist is distinguished in many spheres of knowledge.