  • 大连化学工业公司
    Dalian Chemical Industries Limited
  • 我喜欢穿宽松衣裙。
    I like to wear chemise.
  • 也许,这个古老的切罗基族传说,能够为我们揭开环杀人凶手神秘的面纱。
    The line appears to be a reference to a Cherokee folk tale, whose recounting may shed light on the mind of the sniper.
  • 不仅是在中国,就欧、美国家也是这样。
    Not only in Chi-na, it is also true in European and American countries.
  • 西九龙快速公路接西区海底隧道与荔枝角,全长4.2公里,为西九龙填海区的发展提供服务,并有助纾缓区内现有道路的压力。
    The West Kowloon Expressway runs 4.2 kilometres from the WHC to Lai Chi Kok. It serves developments on the West Kowloon Reclamation and helps relieve pressure on existing local roads.
  • 接芝加哥及其以西的一些地点
    Connections to Chicago and points west.
  • 续用凿子凿一块大理石。
    He chipped away at a block of marble with a chisel.
  • 啁啾发出续的轻的啁啾声或抖动的声音;发续的吱喳声
    To utter a succession of light chirping or tremulous sounds; chirrup.
  • 伤寒病、登革热、小儿麻痹症、霍乱、黑热病、克里米亚-刚果出血热……美军上尉军医d.j都勒对阿富汗境内的种种疾病都感到心惊胆战。
    Even to a physician like U.S. Army Capt.D.J. Doyle, the list of diseases in Afghanistan is frightening: typhoid fever, dengue fever, polio, cholera, leishmaniasis, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever.
  • 倒位一段染色体破裂并且以相反方向重新接所形成的一种染色体缺陷
    A chromosomal defect in which a segment of the chromosome breaks off and reattaches in the reverse direction.
  • 着丝点染色体微管的两个亚微观接点,在细胞分裂过程中出现在各自的着丝粒上
    Either of two submicroscopic attachment points for chromosomal microtubules, present on each centromere during the process of cell division.
  • 校长斥责那个学生不该接二三地迟到。
    The principal reprimand the student for his chronic lateness.
  • 影响接组织的一种慢性炎症。
    a chronic inflammatory collagen disease affecting connective tissue (skin or joints).
  • 按时间先后的顺序记录续年代里发生的事件。
    a chronological account of events in successive years.
  • 内扩网通过开拓新市尝降低成本和减少技术的剧烈变动而在公司和它的合作伙伴之间建立电子接。
    Extranets create an eletronic link between a corporation and its partners by opening up new markets, lowering costs and reducing technology churn.
  • 钟虫一种钟虫属有纤毛的原生动物,具有铃状的身体,常在一个植物或其它物体的细茎上并居住于水下
    Any of various ciliate protozoans of the genus Vorticella, having a bell-shaped body and living underwater on a slender stalk often attached to a plant or other object.
  • 剪辑这种续影像作为一种电影技术的运用
    The use of such successive images as a cinematic technique.
  • 交叉剪接把两个或多个场面的片断交叉接起来的电影技巧的一个例子
    An example of the cinematic technique of interweaving fragments of two or more scenes.
  • 密码分析中一对缀的字母对。在对密码的统计攻击中,可用已知语言的各双字母组的频度来攻破密码。
    In cryptanalysis, a pair of consecutive letters. In statistical attacks on ciphers the known frequency of various bigrams, in a given language, can be used in attempts to break the cipher.
  • 一个圆的续的部分。
    a continuous portion of a circle.
  • 电路网以特定的方式设计成具有一定功能、由电器元件和接电路组成的系统
    A group or system of electric components and connecting circuitry designed to function in a specific manner.
  • 插座一端接插头,另一端接电路线的插座
    A socket that accepts a plug at one end and attaches to electric circuitry at the other.
  • 从一个装置到另一个装置的联合线路和硬件。
    (computer science) hardware and associated circuitry that links one device with another (especially a computer and a hard disk drive or other peripherals).
  • 硬件的在计算机或计算器内部属于、有关或由逻辑电路永久地结且并不因程序而改变的
    Of, relating to, or implemented through logic circuitry permanently connected within a computer or calculator and therefore not subject to change by programming.
  • 一种微电子电路器件,其中的无源元件及内部金属线直接在绝缘衬底上形成,然后再加上有源半导体器件(通常以大圆片形式给出)。
    Microelectronic circuits in which the passive components and their metallic interconnections are formed directly on an insulating substrate and the active semiconductor devices(usually in wafer form) are added subsequently.
  • 电话机的中心部分,所有的线路都在上面。
    telephone central where circuits are completed with patchcords.
  • 通过将较小型电路互或采用不同工艺安装在一个基片上而制成的电路。
    Circuits fabricated by inter-connecting smaller circuits or different technologies mounted on a single substrate.
  • 结通过变压器结电路
    To couple(electric circuits) by means of a transformer.
  • 接如通过电磁感应接(两条线路或电流)
    To link(two circuits or currents) as by magnetic induction.
  • 把几个线路在一块的共有线路,是一种电导体。
    an electrical conductor that makes a common connection between several circuits.
  • 馈通结印制电路板正反两面两个电路的导体
    A conductor connecting two circuits on opposite sides of a printed circuit board.
  • 一种线路接方法,将几个线路的输出端接在同一点上,只有当所有线路的输出都为“1"时,点“与"线路的输出才为“1"。
    A circuit connection by which the outputs of several circuits are connected at one point so that the output of a dotted AND circuit will become1 only when the outputs of all circuits are1.