  • 西拉赋予了情侣们书写浓情蜜意的情书的能力,他们只需要会填写一些表格和会按ok键就可以了。
    Cyrano offers lovers the ability to compose steamy love letters simply by filling in some form fields and pressing OK.
  • 斯蒂芬违反言,终究拒绝帮助我们。
    Stephen broke his promise and refused to help us after all.
  • 温道斯,阿道夫1876-1959德国化学家,因研究固醇及固醇与维生素的联系获1928年贝尔奖
    German chemist. He won a1928 Nobel Prize for conducting research on sterols and their connection with vitamins.
  • 他听了多丽丝·贝里的心搏,并指导他的年轻助手杰西·雷兹戴上听诊器也听一听。
    He instructed his young assistant, Jessie Reynolds, to put up her stethoscope and do the same.
  • 这两年朱棣文与崔琦连获贝尔奖,引起报章杂志上许多讨论:为什么还没有能获奖的作业在中国人的土地上出现?
    With Steven Chu and Cui Qi receiving the Nobel Prize in the last two years, there has been much discussion in the newspapers and magazines on why there hasn't been any prize-winning work done on Chinese soil.
  • 他总是信守诺言。
    He always sticks to his word.
  • 每个人都应该信守言。
    Everyone shall stick to his word.
  • 每个人都应该信守言。
    Everyone should stick to his words.
  • 这个承,你绝不会从你的股票经纪人那儿得到吧。
    That's promise you won't get from your stockbroker.
  • 可她不断地重复着“我不知道”,而且,这句话使她不是一次而是两次来到了斯德哥尔摩——这个许多不安于现状,善于探索的人们偶尔被授予贝尔奖的地方。
    But she kept on saying "I don't know", and these words led her, not just once but twice, to Stockholm, where restless, questing spirits are occasionally rewarded with the Nobe Prize.
  • 我照着你的言而做此事的。
    I did it on the strength of your promise .
  • 总统的发言里充满了对改善工作条件的许
    The president's statements are strewn with promise of better working conditions.
  • 是的,伯特是中场核心人物和射手。
    Yes. Norbert is the point man in the midfield and the striker.
  • 他将永远拿不到他们允给他的钱,他们不过在吊他胃口罢了。
    He will never be paid the money they promised him; they're just stringing him along.
  • 虽然奥斯卡的组织者曾承举办一届低调的奥斯卡颁奖典礼,但事实却并非如此。
    Even though organizers of the Oscars had promised more subdued Academy Awards,you couldn' t tell by watching.
  • 亚就知道地面上的水退得差不多了。
    Then Noah knew for certain that the water on the earth had subsided still further.
  • 普莱美国得克萨斯州东北部的城市,是达拉斯的一个制造业郊区,人口128,713
    A city of northeast Texas, a manufacturing suburb of Dallas. Population,128, 713.
  • 克尔顿美国加利福尼亚州南部城市,是圣伯纳蒂城郊。人口40,213
    A city of southern California, a suburb of San Bernardino. Population,40, 213.
  • 有你的承诺就够了。
    Your word will suffice?
  • 庭审时林身着黑衣头戴墨镜,表现得很坚强。
    Dressed in black for the trial, eyes hidden behind sunglasses, Linor had to be strong.
  • 到处都传说顿先生将出任新督监。
    There is a rumor going the rounds that Mr Wonton will be the new superintendent.
  • 女泰坦盖亚和乌拉斯生的女儿中的一个,她们试图统治天国,但被宙斯推翻并取代
    One of the daughters of Gaea and Uranus who sought to rule heaven and were overthrown and supplanted by Zeus.
  • 为了实现这一承,每个零件供应商都必须具有同样的内部价值体系。
    To accomplish this, each parts supplier must have the same inner value system.
  • 威家族的成员或支持者。
    a member (or supporter) of the house of Hanover.
  • 方舟旧约中,亚为避洪水而造的船
    In the Old Testament, the boat built by Noah for survival during the Flood.
  • 我对她的许深表怀疑——他们太不可信了。
    I'm suspicious of her promises—they have a hollow ring to them.
  • 在u形吧台后工作了5个年头的詹尼·阿尔迪回忆起那些狂热的社交情景时说,趾高气扬的网络从业者富有而自恋,他们往往将爱情当作资本主义的另一场冒险去追求。
    Gianni Arnoldi, who has worked behind the U- shaped bar for five years, recalls the frenzied social scene. Swaggering dotcomers, with exuberance matched by narcissism, often approached romance as another adventure in capitalism, he says.
  • 费歇尔,汉斯1881-1945德国化学家,因在氯高铁血红素的合成研究而获1930年贝尔奖
    German chemist. He won a1902 Nobel Prize for his work on the structure and synthesis of sugars and purines.
  • 童年时代所受的严厉惩罚使他变得唯唯,缺乏意志。
    Harsh punishment in childhood have tame him and break his will.
  • 童年时代所受的严厉惩罚使他变得唯唯,缺乏意志
    Harsh punishment in childhood had tamed him and broken his will
  • 19世纪,从古巴来的移民把探戈舞带到了阿根廷,探戈在那里又经过一次变化,深受布宜斯艾利斯的贫民区的欢迎。
    From there, migrants took the tango to Argentina in the 19th century, where it was changed once again and became popular in the slums of Buenos Aires.
  • 陶斯语陶斯人所讲的塔
    The Tanoan language of the Taos people.