  • 然她膽小,她懂得怎樣區分是非黑白。
    Timid as she be, she know how to tell right from wrong.
  • 然她膽小,她懂得怎樣區分是非黑白。
    Timid as she is, she knows how to tell right from wrong.
  • 那時然有賀竜、葉挺一支軍隊,但還不是政治上堅強的軍隊,黨又不善於領導它,終歸失敗了。
    True, we had the troops under Ho Lung and Yeh Ting, but they were not yet politically consolidated, and the Party was not very skilled in leading them, so that they were finally defeated.
  • 斯諾老人然似乎有點醉意—正如人們所說的,有一點飄飄然,但他的醉意並沒有超過平日的程度。
    Though Snow pere might be a thought tipsy—a sheet or so in the wind, as folks say, he was not more tipsy than was customary with him.
  • 然我不能隨船同去,但titanic號從利物浦啓航時,我的心將與之同往。
    Although I will be unable to be on board, my spirit will be with the Titanic when she sails from Liverpool next week.
  • 然威廉斯是影片的頭號主角,但擅長搶鏡的剋洛斯卻獲得了第一次奧斯卡最佳女配角提名。
    Though Williams was the movie's titular hero,the show?stealing Close was rewarded with her first Oscar nomination,for Best Supporting Actress.
  • 然彬格萊和吉英見面的次數相當多,卻從來沒有在一起接連待上幾個鐘頭,何況他們見起面來,總是跟一些雜七雜八的人在一起,不可能讓他們倆暢談。
    But though Bingley and Jane meet tolerably often, it is never for many hours together; and as they always see each other in large mixed parties, it is impossible that every moment should be employed in conversing together.
  • 他拿起最上面的2封信,然他已經知道裏面寫的是什麽,但還是從頭到尾又讀了一遍。
    He lifted out the topmost two letters, and though he knew what he would see, he read them over again.
  • 邁剋拿起最上面的兩封信,然他知道裏面寫的是什麽,但還是從頭到尾又看了一遍。
    Mike lifted out the topmost two letters, and though he knew what he would see, he read them through again.
  • 然其他人已放棄爭取權利的鬥爭,但彼得卻始終不渝。
    Although the others gave up fighting for their rights, Peter continued to carry the torch.
  • 剋林頓的仕途然談不上坎坷,但是,他有時看起來內心充滿矛盾。
    Clinton's not tormented, but he does seem conflicted.
  • 然星期日是周末的一部分,但傳統上把星期日作為一周的第一天。
    Although part of a weekend, Sunday is traditionally the first day of the week.
  • 聯合觀察訪廠然並非執法行動,但有助增進美國方面對香港各項打擊非法轉運措施的瞭解。
    The visits, while not acts of law enforcement, help to promote understanding of Hong Kong's anti-transhipment efforts.
  • 但是,然現在看來似乎不太可能,這些成就卻可以是短暫的。如果有一天,它們不再帶給我們驕傲,我們的認同和歸屬感也可能失去依賴。
    But unlikely as it may seem now, these things may be transient, and should they fall from grace one day (touch wood!), what will we do for a sense of identification and belonging?
  • 聯合觀察訪廠然並非執法行動,但有助增進美國方面對香港各項打擊非法轉運措施的瞭解。
    The visits, while not in themselves acts of law enforcement, help promote understanding of the anti-transshipment efforts by Hong Kong.
  • 他們然慷慨,但是如果我們再多拿,就太過分了。
    It would be trespassing upon their generosity to accept any more.
  • 國傢的獨立然使中國人民的生命不再遭受外國侵略者的蹂躪,但是,還必須在此基礎上使人民享有基本的生活保障,才能真正解决生存權問題。
    National independence has protected the Chinese people from being trodden under the heels of foreign invaders. However, the problem of the people's right to subsistence can be truly solved only when their basic means of livelihood are guaranteed.
  • 然篤信宗教, 但有時仍感到迷惘.
    Although a very religious man, he is still troubled by occasional doubts.
  • 然篤信宗教, 但有時仍感到迷惘.
    Although a very religious man, he is still troubled by occasional doubts.
  • 然在許多方面同他有分歧,但是我非常尊敬他,因為他是個誠實的人,一嚮辦事公道。
    Trough I differ from him in many respects, I hold him in high esteem, since he is an honest man and has always played fair.
  • 然事情進行得不如意, 瑪麗還是繼續嘗試。
    Though things went against Mary, she went on trying.
  • 他正爭取在選舉中取勝, 然衹有30%的選民支持他.
    He's trying to win the election with only 30% of voters behind him.
  • 然新兒的母親死了不上三個月,他父親就替他繼續了一個母親,究竟不是裂開肚皮的,怎知道他是那一天生日呢?
    In less than three months after Xin-er's mother died, his father married a step-mother for him. Since he had not popped out from his step mother's tummy, how could she know when his birthday was?
  • 在這場長達十餘年的慘烈的戰爭期間,由於故宮博物院的工作人員不畏艱難險阻,盡職盡責,南遷文物數量巨,卻沒有一件丟失和損傷,故宮人員的精神、事跡,可歌可泣。
    During this tumultuous decade of war and revolution, not one item of the treasures was lost or damaged even though the sheer volume involved was so enormous. This was largely due to the dedicated energy of the Palace Museum staff, whose achievement in preserving these treasures was nothing short of heroic.
  • 世紀末發生的亞太金融風暴,對我們來說,非重創,元氣大傷,但它所産生的衝擊力道,卻是非同小可的,我們經已擬訂好的政策和發展計劃,必須作出重大的調整和改弦易轍,以應付區域突然産生的變數。
    The financial turbulence in Asia, however, has made its formidable impact felt in our economy. While spared the more destructive blows, we had to readjust our policies and re-scheduled development programmes to suit the changed situation in the region.
  • 世紀末發生的亞太金融風暴,對我們來說,非重創,元氣大傷,但它所産生的衝擊力道,卻是非同小可的,我們經已擬訂好的政策和發展計劃,必須作出重大的調整和改弦易轍,以應付區域突然産生的變數。
    The financial turbulence around Asia and the Pacific Ocean at the end of last century, however, has made its formidable impact felt in our economy. While spared the more destructive blows, we had to readjust our policies and re-schedule development programs to suit the changed situation in the region.
  • 不要放棄你的幻想。當幻想沒有了以後,你還可以生存,但是你生猶死。((美國作傢馬剋·吐溫)
    Don't part with your illusions . When they are gone you may still exist , but you have ceased to live. (Mark Twain , American writer)
  • 有如你生病請醫,而這位醫生是被認為善治你所患的病癥,卻是不熟悉你的體質的;
    Even as if you would call a physician, that is thought good for the cure of the disease you complain of, but is unacquainted with your body;
  • 再說伊麗莎白,說彈琴彈得並不如她,可是落落大方,沒有矯揉造作的氣習,因此大傢聽起來就高興得多了。
    Elizabeth, easy and unaffected, had been listened to with much more pleasure, though not playing half so well;
  • 然防火墻允許外部世界與網站服務器之間的正常流量,但它不允許防火墻以外未經授權的用戶訪問網站上的內容。
    Although a firewall permits normal traffic between the outside world and the Web server, it doesn't allow unauthorized users outside the firewall to access the content of the Web site.
  • 他的行為不違法,卻與其律師身分不相稱。
    Although not illegal his conduct was unbecoming for a lawyer.
  • 那位船長然多數時間與我疏遠,但有時也會和藹一些,對我說說他到過的好地方。
    The captain, though he kept me at the stick's end the most part of the time, would sometimes unbuckle a bit and tell me of the fine countries he had visited.