  • 要知道,她的作品可不是一意义上的首饰。
    After all, hers isn't just any jewelry.
  • 审计员们一都会让董事们过关,因为如果抗议公司篡改数据,他们马上就会被那些不会对实际经济状况挑刺的人替代。
    Auditors tend to let directors get away with murder, for if they protest at creative accounting the firm is promptly sacked in favor of a substitute that will not jib at economy with the facts.
  • 好像有个邪恶的魔术师对这支球队施了魔法一,尽让他们倒霉,尽管他们打得如此之好,但今年他们还没有赢过一场哩。
    It's as if some evil magician has put a jinx on the team. They haven't won once this year, although they have played so well.
  • 像我这年纪(的人),我喜欢健身慢跑。
    At my age, I like jogging.
  • 像我这年纪,我喜欢慢跑。
    At my age, I like to jogging.
  • 相反的,它把国家治理得更好,人民安居乐业,政局安定,这虽不能自夸是自由民主政治中的奇迹,但这是铁一的事实。
    Moreover, the PAP has been governing judiciously. The people live a happy life, and the country enjoys peace and stability. This is little short of a miracle among the democracies. But this is the fact like iron.
  • 应用程序使计算机用于实际的商业应用,但是,在此表层的下面,是操作系统的心脏——内核,它提供了魔力的技术,来处理多个程序、连接到网络和储存数据。
    APPLICATIONS PUT computers to practical business use, but below the surface it's the heart of an operating system -- the kernel -- that provides the technical wizardry to juggle multiple programs, connect to networks and store data.
  • 我一在7月初开始剪羊毛。
    I start shearing the sheep at the beginning of July.
  • 因为这些专家要向外行人讲授“外行人知识领域之外”的知识,他们就必须提出根据一证据规则所不允许的直接观察资料、观点和传闻之外的知识。
    Because these experts are imparting information "beyond the ken" of the layperson, they must present information that goes beyond first hand observation, opinions and hearsay not permitted under ordinary rules of evidence.
  • 指一包括肯塔基州和西维吉尼亚州的美国地区。
    of a region of the United States generally including Kentucky, West_Virginia.
  • 前3公里付7元,之后每公里2.4元。
    The fare for the first 3 kilometersis generally 7 yuan and 2.4 yuan per kilometer thereafter.
  • 劫持者对人质百侮辱.
    The highjackers inflicted all kinds of indignities on their captives.
  • 阳光搂抱着大地,月光轻吻着海波;这的柔情有什么意义,如果你不吻我?
    And the sunlight clasps the earth, and the moonbeams kiss the sea;What are all these kissings worth, if thou kiss not me?
  • 染结花边的织物使产生一种不一的模式。
    dye after knotting the fabric to produce an irregular pattern.
  • 他以绞尽脑汁来解决盘根错节的项语问题为乐。
    He delights to worry out knotty points in English.
  • 李同志十岁就当了童工,在解放前一直像奴隶地干活。
    Comrade Li became a child laborer at 10 and slaved away until liberation.
  • 在那些日子里,劳动人民过着牛马(牛马不如)的生活。
    In those days, the labouring people lived no better than beasts of burden.
  • 迷齿着迷宫内部结构的牙齿
    Having teeth with a labyrinthine internal structure.
  • 月桂树叶被阳光照到的地方像漆一光洁。
    The leaves of the laurel are lacquer where the sunlight find them.
  • 半乳糖一种单糖,ch2oh(choh)4cho,一产生于乳糖及特定的果酸、树胶及胶质物中
    A monosaccharide, CH2OH(CHOH)4CHO, commonly occurring in lactose and in certain pectins, gums, and mucilages.
  • 人们一不会认为斯蒂芬是个忧心忡忡的人。
    One doesn't normally think of Stephen as man laden with anxieties.
  • 她像羔羊般温顺.
    She's as meek as a lamb.
  • 华尔街巨擘如所罗门(兄弟财务公司)(已承认违反财政部法规)违法,可是并未起诉,drexelburnhamlambert(财务公司)也成热门新闻。可是像[charles]schwartz之类的小股票公司才更能令美国一投资人上当。
    Wrongdoing by such Wall Street powerhouses as Salomon, which has admitted violating Treasury rules but has not been charged with any crime, and Drexel Burnham Lambert is what makes headlines. But it's wrongdoing by small brokers like Schwartz that are more likely to rip off the average American investor.
  • 这样人们就会说:某宦官或瘸子竟创下如此殊勋伟业;正如宦官纳西斯以及瘸子阿偈西劳和帖木儿曾努力求得奇迹的荣誉一样。
    In that it should be said, that an eunuch, or a lame man, did such great matters; affecting the honor of a miracle; as it was in Narses the eunuch, and Agesilaus and Tamberlanes, that were lame men.
  • 在邻座的人戳了他一下后,他放大声音讲了几秒钟,然后又回复到耳语的声音。
    At the prodding of his neighbour, he talked up for a few second, and then lapsed to a whisper again.
  • 先生,恐怕我们只有一的或淡味的雪雀烟。
    I'm afraid we only stock Lark Regular or Mild, sir.
  • 北美洲体側扁平并能发出金属光芒的食肉性淡水小鱼;刺盖太阳鱼;黑鲈;蓝鳃太阳鱼;瓜仁太阳鱼。
    small carnivorous freshwater percoid fishes of North America usually having a laterally compressed body and metallic luster: crappies; black bass; bluegills; pumpkinseed.
  • 布莱克先生给他的雇员以一定的自由,但一旦这种自由超过分寸,他就会像一雇主那样坚决加以管束。
    Mr Black allowed his staff a fair amount of latitude but beyond a certain point he would put his foot down as firmly as the nest man.
  • 你会发现妇女一不像男人那么慷慨大方。
    You will generally find women loosen up less lavishly than men.
  • 一般规律和特殊规律
    universal and particular laws
  • 你可从一原理来推论。
    You can reason from general laws.
  • “我们的教条主义者是懒汉,他们拒绝对于具体事物做任何艰苦的研究工作,他们把一真理看成是凭空出现的东西,把它变成为人们所不能够捉摸的纯粹抽象的公式,完全否认了并且颠倒了这个人类认识真理的正常秩序。”
    He also said: "Our dogmatists are lazybones.They refuse to undertake any painstaking study of concrete things, they regard general truths as emerging out of the void, they turn them into purely abstract unfathomable formulas, and thereby completely deny and reverse the normal sequence by which man comes to know truth."