  • 幼儿专家考虑到不断增长的课程要求,提倡男孩晚些进入幼儿园,他们时间以便赶上女孩的发展。
    Early childhood specialists, concerned with ever accelerating curriculum demands, are advocating delayed entrance of boys into kindergaten, to give them time to catch up with girls developmentally.
  • 一种串行化机构,使某一特定的资源限制该锁的占有者使用。
    A serialization mechanism by which a specific resource is restricted for use by the holder of the lock.
  • 大夫不愿意使她紧张,没有充分她说明病情的严重性。
    The doctor, not wishing to make her nervous, did not fully explain the seriousness of the condition.
  • 第三十二条对违反本条例规定的有关工作人员,由其所在单位视情节轻重,根据国家有关规定,予行政处分。
    Article 32 Working personnel concerned who violate the provisions of these Regulations shall be given administrative sanctions by the units where they belong in accordance with the seriousness of the cases and with the pertinent provisions of the State.
  • 毕业班临别宗教仪式在布道仪式中毕业班的告别演讲
    A farewell address in the form of a sermon delivered to a graduating class.
  • 我本来可以儿孙们很好的教诲,但我知道,尽管如此,他们还是要自行其是的。
    I could give good counsel to my descendants, but I know they'll get their own way, for all their grandfather's sermon.
  • 自从那次讲道以后,大家都看见他每逢星期日总拿一个苏天主堂大门口的那几个乞讨的老婆婆。
    After the delivery of that sermon, it was observed that he gave a sou every Sunday to the poor old beggar-women at the door of the cathedral.
  • 如果一个人的血液中包含有这些抗体,这个人就被称作血清呈阳性者,这就是说,他受到了感染,而且由此可以认为他能够将病毒传染他人。
    If the blood contains these antibodies,one is said to be seropositive,that is,one is infected and is presumably capable of transmitting the virus to other people.
  • 大蛇递她一个智慧树上的果子,骗她吃了。
    The serpent handed her the fruit of the tree of knowledge and cheated her to eat it.
  • 那头蛇盘起长满鳞片的身躯,把头举过了至高的树,那些太尔人吓得瘫软了,既不能战,又不能逃。有些人被咬死,有些人被勒死,其余的被蛇的毒气熏死了。
    The serpent, twisting his scaly body in a huge coil, raised his head so as to overtop the tallest trees, and while the Tyrians from terror could neither fightnor fly, slew some with his fangs, others in his folds, and others with his poisonous breath.
  • 仆人他的靴子擦黑鞋油。
    The servant blacked his boots.
  • 他的仆人一个恩典。
    He conferred a benefit of his servant.
  • 我留了一封信那仆人。
    I left a message with the servant.
  • 在那里,进行了抗日军人家属中的工作,召集了各军军人的家属开会,有可能时甚至举行会餐,向他们宣传解释各种抗日的问题,说明他们的光荣,以光荣牌匾,并征询他们的意见。
    People there have worked among families of anti-Japanese soldiers, inviting family members of servicemen of every army unit to meetings or even dinner parties, when possible, at which they explained various questions concerning resistance to Japan, showed them the respect they deserve, presented them with honour plaques, and asked for their opinions.
  • 人自由;指从奴隶状态中解脱出来。
    grant freedom to; as from slavery or servitude.
  • 第一款合众国政府或任何州政府,不得因种族、肤色,或以前曾服劳役而拒绝予或剥夺合众国公民的选举权。
    Section 1.The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
  • 包括全部以及两个或多个定集合的成分的集合。
    a set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets.
  • 每部都是一千两百美元,若贵公司购买一百部的话,我们可以您百分之十的折扣。
    It costs 1,200 dollars per set. But if you buy one hundred sets, we'll give you a 10 percent discount.
  • 并,并集一个集合,它的每一要素是两个或更多定集合中的一个或另一个的要素
    A set, every member of which is an element of one or another of two or more given sets.
  • 将两个或多个具有同样定次序的集合中的诸项按同样顺序合并成一个集合。
    To combine the items of two or more sets that are each in the same given order into one set in that order.
  • 我们树立了一个好榜样。
    He sets us a good example.
  • 多谢给我这封信。
    Thanks a million for the setter.
  • 典型的进攻组合是用前臂将政治协商会议传二传手,由二传托球主攻手,由主攻手将政治协商会议猛扣或轻拨至对方的球场。
    A typical three-hit combination begins with a forearm pass of the ball to a setter, followed by a set to an attacker, who spikes the ball or tip it into the opponent's court.
  • 我明天把帐还给你。
    I will settle with you tomorrow.
  • 支付某人并解决一个债务。
    pay someone and settle a debt.
  • 别太逼他你解决的办法
    Don't push him hard for a settlement.
  • 间接和解双方带来了满意。
    the mediated settlement brought satisfaction to both sides.
  • 在低频情况下,定的导体的直流电阻实际上与其交流电阻一样。
    At low frequencies, the DC resistance of a given conductor is essentially the same as its AC resistance.
  • 去年万安、泰和两县的农民五角钱一担谷卖商人,而商人运到赣州卖四块钱一担,赚去了七倍。
    Last year they bought unhusked rice from the peasants in Wanan and Taiho Counties at fifty cents a picul and sold it in Kanchow for four yuan, making a sevenfold profit.
  • 杰克17岁时,认为自己可以随心所欲了,可是他的父母停止他生活费,他很快就又听话了。
    When Jack was seventeen, he thought he could do as he pleased, but his parents cut off his allowance, and Jack was soon brought to heel.
  • 十七岁那年,她嫁了比她年长20岁的col.danielparkecustis,住在一个被称为“白宫”的大庄园,并共同管理着这片广阔的房产。
    At the age of seventeen, she married Col. Daniel Parke Custis, twenty years her senior. They lived in his estate called White House and ran his extensive estate.
  • 只要他一个桶子和一把铲子,他就高兴极了!
    Just give him a bucket and spade and he's in seventh heaven!