  • 頂點處有一塊白的拱;這個間隙通常充滿了裝飾品。
    an arch with a gap at the apex; the gap is usually filled with some decoration.
  • 然而間行星多不可數;
    But with planets aplenty;
  • 阿波羅2號於中午發射升.
    Apollo II blasted off at noon.
  • 阿波羅[探測外太火箭]過後,美國宇航局的領導放棄了對星球的探測。他們擱置或取消了天文及太任務,而將該局的前途賭在航天飛機及太站一類的硬件上。
    After Apollo, NASA's leaders turned their backs on the stars and planets. They delayed or canceled astronomy and space missions, gambling the agency's future on hardware like the space shuttle and space station.
  •  1969年美國航航天局發射升的阿波羅11號就帶有一本迷你書。
    In 1969, NASA sent a minibook to the moon on Apollo 11.
  • 首次登月由太陽神太計劃於年月日完成。
    the first lunar landing was achieved by the Apollo program on July 20, 1969.
  • 美國宇航員隨阿波羅11號升,並於1969年7月20日登陸月球,這已經成了大多數人都認可的事實。
    Most people accept that US astronauts first walked on the moon aboard the Apollo 11 mission on July 20, 1969.
  • 這種描述對某些人說,聽來很象是所謂的"菲尼剋斯之光"。1997年3月在亞利桑那州菲尼剋斯市附近天也曾出現過與這次出現在新澤西州的金光很相像的v形光束,當時還有人將其拍攝下來。
    To some, the description sounded very much like the so-called Phoenix Lights, another V formation that appeared in the sky near Phoenix in March 1997. Like the apparition in New Jersey, the Phoenix lights were caught on videotape.
  • perl之所以有吸引力是因為它填補了unix外殼編程和c語言應用程序之間的檔。
    Perl is appealing because it fills the gap between Unix shell programming and C applications.
  • 在有印刷文字的頁面底部白處出現的文字,如文件標題、頁面號碼或日期等。
    Text that appears in the bottom margin of printed pages, such as a document title, page number, or data.
  • 太陽看起來在天以弧綫運行。
    The sun appears to move in an arc across the sky.
  • 再也沒有比山間清新的氣更能促進食欲的了.
    There's nothing to touch mountain air for giving you an appetite.
  • 她不肯幫忙,計畫也就落了。
    Her refusal to help quite upset the applecart.
  • 國際航運輸契約的準據法
    applicable law for contracts of international air transport
  • 任命某人來填補任期最後幾周的
    Appoint sb. to fill out the last few weeks of the term
  • 對我們所處形勢的實際估計;實際的勞工領導者;他做生意的方法十分實際;務實不想的政見。
    a hardheaded appraisal of our position; a hard-nosed labor leader; completely practical in his approach to business; not ideology but pragmatic politics.
  • 老實說,如果吐痰的動作以審美的方式完成,我並不以噴到氣中的微菌為意,因為我雖受過許多微菌的襲擊,可是我的健康並沒有遇到什麽不良的影響。
    I really don't mind the germs thus let out into the air, if the spitting is aesthetically done, for I have survived the germs without any appreciable effect on my health.
  • 藝術傢必須把司見慣的題材的內在動人之處展現出來,欣賞者必須甘願暫時擯棄不信任感而帶着自己的智慧和人性走進藝術傢的世界。
    The artist must present an intrinsically moving subject universal in scope and the appreciator must bring to the work the willing suspension of disbelief and the intelligence and humanity to enter into the artist's world.
  • 航空兵戰鬥活動方法
    approach of aviation operation
  • 但是在舊中國當時的歷史條件下,這一决議最終流為一紙文。
    It was unanimously approved by all those present.
  • 方形物或方形地區大致呈正方形或正方體的地區、間或物體
    An approximately square or cubic area, space, or object.
  • 光在真中一分鐘內所走的距離。
    the distance light travels in a vacuum in one minute; approximately 18 million kilometers.
  • 光在真中一小時內走的距離;約等於億公裏。
    the distance light travels in a vacuum in one hour; approximately one billion kilometers.
  • 四月在中飛行30,000英裏
    Logged30, 000 air miles in April.
  • 這一報道是憑編造來的。
    The story was introduced apropos of nothing.
  • 巨額政府開銷;巨額國傢財産;對於高等教育的普遍的強烈需求;巨浪;洛杉磯導風渠象一條蜿蜒山底的巨蟒;大量的鳥;以巨額的(或高昂的)代價;外層間的無限延伸;知識的無限積纍……我們稱作文明-w.r.因格。
    huge government spending; huge country estates; huge popular demand for higher education; a huge wave; the Los Angeles aqueduct winds like an immense snake along the base of the mountains; immense numbers of birds; at vast (or immense) expense; the vast reaches of outer space; the vast accumulation of knowledge...which we call civilization- W.R.Inge.
  • 全區平均海拔高度在4000米以上,氣稀薄,低溫缺氧,氣壓和含氧量都不及平原地區的三分之二,氣溫在10攝氏度以上的時間還不及中國最北部的黑竜江省的一半,可耕地僅占總面積的0.2%至0.3%。
    The region is more than 4,000 metres above sea level on the average. The air there is thin, cold and oxygen deficient and its barometric pressure and oxygen content are less than two-thirds of those at lower altitude plains. The duration of time with a temperature of above ten degrees Centigrade is less than half that in Heilongjiang Province in northernmost China. Only 0.2-0.3 percent of it is arable.
  • 這份墓志銘寫在一個的存放屍骨的石灰石盒子上,上面用亞拉姆語寫道:"詹姆士,約瑟夫之子,耶酥之兄。
    The inscription, in the Aramaic language, appears on an empty ossuary, or limestone burial box for bones. It reads: "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus."
  • 弗爾南多擦了擦額頭上的冷汗,慢慢地走入涼棚,在那涼棚中,蔭涼似乎使他平靜了些,清爽的氣使他那精疲力盡的身體重新振作了一些。
    Fernand wiped away the perspiration steaming from his brow, and slowly entered the arbor, whose shade seemed to restore somewhat of calmness to his senses, and whose coolness somewhat of refreshment to his exhausted body.
  • 在天中弧形運動的星
    The stars that arc across the sky.
  • 空腹拱壩
    hollow gravity arch dam
  • 這一著作填補了我國考古學文獻中的一個白。
    The work fills in a gap which hither to existed in our archaeological literature.