  • 我决意巩固我们的基,并致力保存香港一直赖以成功的各项重要元素,就是坚决维持法治和司法独立;
    I am determined to keep our foundation strong, and to preserve the fundamental elements which have long been, and will continue to constitute the bedrock of Hong Kong's success. These elements are: a commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting the independence of the Judiciary;
  • 有淡黄色大的甜菜;主要用作牛饲料。
    beet with a large yellowish root; grown chiefly as cattle feed.
  • 有大而重的膨胀红的甜菜;广泛种植用于人类食用。
    beet having a massively swollen red root; widely grown for human consumption.
  • 缺乏膨胀的甜菜;茎叶可食的蔬菜。
    beet lacking swollen root; grown as a vegetable for its edible leaves and stalks.
  • 普通甜菜的样子,白色的甜里含糖。
    form of the common beet having a sweet white root from which sugar is obtained.
  • 甜菜一种常见的生有大型浅黄色的甜菜,主要用作牛的饲料
    A variety of the common beet having a large yellowish root, used chiefly as cattle feed.
  • 各种草本植物,其某部分可食,如:甜菜的果实和,菠菜的叶子,豆类的种子或菜花的花芽。
    any of various herbaceous plants cultivated for an edible part such as the fruit or the root of the beet or the leaf of spinach or the seeds of bean plants or the flower buds of broccoli or cauliflower.
  • 颜色鲜艳的甲虫,以植物的叶子为食;幼虫在树和树干上滋生。
    brightly colored beetle that feeds on plant leaves; larvae infest roots and stems.
  • 普通有金属光泽的绿色甲虫;幼虫吃植物的部,成虫玫瑰等的叶和花。
    a common metallic green European beetle: larvae feed on plant roots and adults on leaves and flowers of e.g. roses.
  • 常见于北美洲的甲虫;幼虫吃、成虫吃诸如玫瑰或苹果树或葡萄藤的叶和花。
    common North American beetle: larvae feed on roots and adults on leaves and flowers of e.g. rose bushes or apple trees or grape vines.
  • 象鼻虫象甲总科的各种甲虫,尤指象鼻虫,其特征为有一个向下弯曲的鼻子,对坚果、水果、茎梗和有破坏作用
    Any of numerous beetles, of the superfamily Curculionoidea, especially the snout beetle, that characteristically have a downward-curving snout and are destructive to nuts, fruits, stems, and roots.
  • 将甜菜切成整齐的小方块.
    Dice the beetroot (up) neatly.
  • “罗宋汤是俄国甜菜和包心菜汤,”他向他的女朋友解释。
    "Borsch is Russian beetroot and cabbage soup," he explained to his girlfriend.
  • 战争是苦难与毁灭的祸.
    War begets misery and ruin.
  • 一种有状茎的海棠,叶具有突尖的裂片,形状像星,花粉色。
    rhizomatous begonia having leaves with pointed lobes suggestive of stars and pink flowers.
  • 一种具有纤维状的秋海棠属植物,叶呈宽阔的卵形、绿色至青铜色至黑红色,簇生的小花白色至粉色至红色;作为地面植物被广泛的栽培。
    hybrid fibrous-rooted begonia having broad-ovate green to bronze- or black-red leaves and small clusters of white or pink or red flowers; widely used as a bedding plant.
  • 在所有的社会里,人们的言行举止是据小时候的教养所调教出来的。
    As with all societies, behavioral patterns stem from upbringing.
  • 他本来只想跟家人一起过平静生活;而当他的妻儿在贝尔法斯特被一英军士兵意外开枪打死时,情况就发生了本变化。
    He just wanted to live quietly with his family but whole thing blew up in his face when his wife and child were accidentally shot dead by a British soldier in Belfast.
  • 信与不信的据;信心依据的知识。
    your basis for belief or disbelief; knowledge on which to base belief.
  • 他有充分的据去相信它。
    He has good grounds for believing it.
  • 除非他这个消息有可靠的据,否则是不足信的。
    Unless he has it on good authority, it is not worth believing.
  • 贝琳达总是和肖恩一起出去,因而据事实推断,我想他们也许超过好朋友的关系了。
    Belinda is always going out with Sean, and putting two and two together I think they're probably more than just good friends.
  • 一种生物碱提取物或药用的颠茄的酊剂。
    an alkaloidal extract or tincture of the poisonous belladonna herb that is used medicinally.
  • 欧洲亚洲和北美的风铃草,有蓝色的花和可食用的块,叶子可作生菜。
    bellflower of Europe and Asia and North Africa having bluish flowers and an edible tuberous root used with the leaves in salad.
  • 这根腰带扣不上。
    This belt won't buckle.
  • 在观景台上能看到卑尔的最好风光--海湾及周围的葱葱群山。
    You get the best view over Bergen, the fjords and the surrounding pine-covered mountains from the belvedere.
  • 王平:奇拉维特罚球的经典之作是60米开外的一记任意球,竟然使阿廷队的守门员博格斯望球兴叹。
    Wang Ping: Chilavert's classic shot was a free kick of 60 meters away. It unexpectedly made the Argentinean goalkccper Burgers bemoan his inadequacy in the face of a great task.
  • 要不是因为它们,我可能本不会遇见本。
    Without them,I'd never have met Ben.
  • 外汇基金的长远资产分配策略据投资基准厘定,投资基准决定外汇基金投资于债券及股票的比重,以及整体货币组合。
    The long-term asset allocation strategy of the Exchange Fund is guided by the investment benchmark, which defines bonds and equities mix as well as the overall currency composition of the Fund.
  • 将这金属线的末端向后挠曲。
    Bend the end of the wire back.
  • (三)积极会同地方党组织、政权机关、群众团体及地方文化机关,宣传共产党的政策和主张,解释抗战法令,推行民主政治;向敌占区人民宣传据地的一切善政和进步设施。
    3) To publicize the policies and positions of the Communist Party, explain laws and decrees for resistance, practise democratic politics jointly with local Party organizations, government organs, mass organizations and local cultural institutions, and keep the people in enemy-occupied areas informed of all the benevolent policies and progressive measures in the base areas.
  • 几根弯电线
    Pieces of bent wire.