  • 很明显的,正确地规定战略向,进攻时反对冒险主义,防御时反对保守主义,转移时反对逃跑主义;
    It is clear that we must correctly settle all the following matters of principle: Determine our strategic orientation correctly, oppose adventurism when on the offensive, oppose conservatism when on the defensive, and oppose flightism when shifting from one place to another.
  • 以邮局汇付式缴纳费用的,以邮局汇出的邮戳日为缴费日。
    where any fee is paid by way of postal remittance, the date of remittance indicated by the postmark shall be the date of payment;
  • 我们已经收到你解决我们索赔问题的汇款。
    We have received your remittance in settlement of our claim.
  • 我们为贵保留着这些已备齐的订货,待收到贵汇款后即可装运。
    We hold the merchandise in readiness to ship on receipt of your remittance.
  • 我们为贵保留着这些已备齐的订货,待收到贵汇款后即可装运。
    We is holding the merchandise in readiness to ship on receipt of your remittance.
  • 收款后,我即汇款支付你3%佣金。
    Remittance to cover your 3% commission will be made as soon as the proceeds have been collected.
  • 同函奉上汇款收据一纸,恳请原谅我索汇通知。
    We enclose the receipt for the draft, and are good enough to overlook our request for a remittance.
  • 同函奉上汇款收据一张,恳请原谅我索汇通知。
    We enclose the receipt for the draft, and be good enough to overlook our request for a remittance.
  • 至于销售报告书与应付款项,我将遵照贵公司指示办理。
    As to the account sale and remittance for the proceeds, we shall act for you in the way named.
  • 因你帐目是按月结算的,我们希望早日收到你汇款便结帐。
    As your account is a monthly one, we hope to receive your remittance in settlement at an early date.
  • 一眼即可看出,欠款会越来越多,惠请立即寄款,当不胜感谢。
    You can readily see that arrear can soon run into a large sum. Your prompt remittance will be appreciate.
  • 以前贵均按汇寄,不知此次有何困难。
    As heretofore you used to send your remittance promptly, we would like to know if you have any difficulties at present.
  • 如五日内仍不能收到你汇款,我们即将这笔帐务委托我律师来办理。
    Unless we receive your remittance within five day, we shall place the matter in the hand of our attorney for collection.
  • 那时,我们党和毛泽东主席由于长期斗争历史形成的威望很高,我们把困难的情况如实告诉了人民,“大跃进”的口号不再喊了,并且采取了比较切合实际的政策、步骤和法,一九六二年就开始从困难的境况中恢复,一九六三年、一九六四年情况比较好。但是“左”的指导思想并没有根除。
    At that time our Party and Chairman Mao Zedong enjoyed high prestige acquired through long years of struggle, and we explained to the people frankly why the situation was so difficult. We abandoned the slogan of the Great Leap Forward and adopted more realistic policies and measures instead. The year 1962 saw the beginning of recovery, and in 1963 and 1964 things were looking up, but our guiding ideology still contained remnants of "Left" thinking.
  • 新建和改建学生公寓4800万平米,超过1950年到1997年的建设总规模。
    A total of 48 million square meters of college dormitories were built or remodeled, more than the total built in the 1950-1997 period.
  • 在利用高新技术改造传统出口产业面,外经贸部和国家经贸委等有关部门建立联合工作机制,利用技术改造支持出口产品升级换代,1999年可增加出口50亿美元,增幅为21%。
    Talking about the remolding of traditional export industries utilizing high and new technology, MOFTEC, the State Economic and Trade Commission and relevant agencies have set up a joint working mechanism to assist the upgrading of exports through technological transformation. The export growth for 1999 is expected to reach USD 5billion, rising by 21%.
  • 提前24小时通知对取消约会是绝对的最礼貌的做法,不会引起任何抗议。
    Twenty?four bours' notice is the absolute most polite time frame for cancellation without remonstrance.
  • 他突然想离开这个地
    He was seized with deep remorse [terror].
  • 追捕那罪犯毫不松劲。
    The police pursued the criminal remorselessly.
  • 偏远的,秘密的地方
    A remote, secret place.
  • 这些api采用远程法调用作为远程通信机理。
    The APIs use remote method invocation as their remote communication mechanism.
  • 但是还有另一种使用劳动的式,同样有助于生产,只是更为间接而已,这就是将人作为对象的劳动。
    But there is yet another mode of employing labour, which conduces equally, though still more remotely, to that end: this is, labour of which the subject is human beings.
  • 描述java最精确、最深入的法是,java是一种由sunmicrosystems公司开发的新型计算机编程语言,它生成与平台无关的程序,可以分布、并可远地运行。
    The most accurate and most boring way to describe Java is that it is a new computer programming language developed by Sun Microsystems that creates platform-independent programs that can be distributed and run remotely.
  • 第二节 劳动间接地对物品生产起作用的另一种式,也需要给予特别注意,即用劳动生产粮食,以维持从事生产的劳动者的生活。
    2. Another of the modes in which labour is indirectly or remotely instrumental to the production of a thing, requires particular notice: namely, when it is employed in producing subsistence, to maintain the labourers while they are engaged in the production.
  • 水库、水井和灌溉渠(在很多热带地区没有这些很难进行耕种),以及堤防、商市和旅舍,这些设施没有一个能靠使用者贫乏的财力来修建,它们的存在要归功于王公们的慷慨大和考虑自身利益的明智,或者靠各处富人的乐善好施或摆门面讲阔气。这些人的财产如追根溯源总是直接或间接地来自财政收入,常常是来自君主的直接赏赐。
    The tanks,wells, and canals for irrigation, without which in many tropical climates cultivation could hardly be carried on; the embankments which confine the rivers, the bazars for dealers, and the seraees for travellers, none of which could have been made by the scanty means in the possession of those using them, owe their existence to the liberality and enlightened self-interest of the better order of princes, or to the benevolence or ostentation of here and there a rich individual, whose fortune, if traced to its source, is always found to have been drawn immediately or remotely from the public revenue, most frequently by a direct grant of a portion of it from the sovereign.
  • 首先好好地认识一下自己,看看自己的思想意识有无毛病,毛病在什么地,然后才会决心改造自己。
    You should first and foremost examine yourself to see whether or not you have weaknesses in your thinking and what they are before you become determined to remould yourself.
  • 励之、刘宾雁、王若望处理要坚决,他们狂妄到极点,想改变共产党,他们有什么资格当共产党员?
    We must resolutely impose sanctions on Fang Lizhi, Liu Binyan and Wang Ruowang, who are so arrogant that they want to remould the Communist Party. What qualifications do they have to be Party members?
  • 蜡染印花法一种染织物的法,用这种法,织物的不染色部分被可剥落的蜡所覆盖而其余部分则染上色
    A method of dyeing a fabric by which the parts of the fabric not intended to be dyed are covered with removable wax.
  • 一种输出设备,将数据以二维图形表示式直接在可移动的介质上产生硬拷贝记录。
    An output unit that directly produces a hard copy record of data on a removable medium, in the form of a two-dimensional graphic representation.
  • 栓子切除术切除栓子的外科
    Surgical removal of an embolus.
  • 正如蜂窝电话的出现引发一场争论,说司机开车时忙于打电话闲聊而忽视路况一样,提倡行车安全的人们也发出警告说,车上装有过多的小玩意儿偏离了安全驾驶的基本准则,即手扶向盘,眼睛盯路面。
    Just as the advent of the cell phone triggered a debate about drivers too busy gabbing to pay attention to the road, so too are safety advocates warning that a plethora of gizmos will detract from the basics of safe driving -- hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.
  • 洗掉用洗涤的法除去或被除去
    To remove or be removed by washing.