  • 旅游公司将押金退还给他,并承认旅游宣传手册内有误。
    The tour company refunded his deposit, with an admission that the brochure was incorrect.
  • 细嫩的水果易碰损。
    Soft fruit bruises easily.
  • 桃儿易碰伤要轻拿轻放.
    Don't drop the peaches they bruise easily.
  • 松散的头部有相对柔软叶子的莴苣;易断裂或擦破。
    lettuce with relatively soft leaves in a loose head; easily broken or bruised.
  • 这个污点很容易刷掉
    The dirt willbrush off easily.
  • 毛泽东思想有丰富的内,是完整的一套,怎么能够只把“老三篇”、“老五篇”叫做毛泽东思想,而把毛泽东同志的其他著作都抛开呢?
    Mao Zedong Thought is rich in content and constitutes an integral whole. How can one designate only the "three constantly read articles" or the "five constantly read articles" as Mao Zedong Thought, while brushing aside Comrade Mao's other works?
  • 不过将它们综合起来,这些声音不仅让人们看到了那让人不寒而栗的灾难场景,还让人们了解到在这样一个残酷的时刻,仍存在着勇敢、宽和大度。
    Taken together though, the words from the upper floors offer not only a broad and chilling view of the devastated zones, but the only window onto acts of bravery, decency and grace at a brutal time.
  • 赛璐璐筷子在热水中易弯曲。
    Chopsticks made of celluloid buckle easily in hot water.
  • 已经决定了,不更改
    Had made the decision and wouldn't budge.
  • 我希望如果我能找到一个出身正经家庭的人来租房子的话(以现在的行情,看来不易),我希望能像我一样,把这大红色看成是充满生命力的颜色,再说,即使墙壁老旧了,这红色可以把它遮盖得天衣无缝。
    If and when I find a respectable tenant, which may be difficult in these difficult times, I hope (s)he, like me, will think of red as a wonderful vibrant colour that wears well extremely even as a buff-coloured wall ages.
  • 用像素存储内的缓冲器。
    (in computer graphics) a buffer that stores the contents of an image pixel by pixel.
  • 所有卡都包括:一个或多个局域网或广域网端口、一个转发表(即完整路由表的简化版)、qbrt硬件、包转发硬件、缓存量以与控制板上路由管理器和开关引擎独立的接口。
    All cards contain one or more LAN or WAN ports;a forwarding table, which is a simplified version of the full route table;the QBRT hardware;packet-forwarding hardware;buffering capacity;and separate interfaces to the route manager and the switch engine on the control board.
  • 将所有输入输出缓冲器的内写入一个文件中的一种记录操作。
    A record operation that writes all I/O buffers to a file if they haven't already been written.
  • 面积、体积、量或范围上增加的。
    increasing in area or volume or bulk or range.
  • "那叭喇狗在这儿,"我爸爸说道,"如果你还想干掉它的话,这是最易的办法?quot;
    “Now here's the bulldog,” Dad said.“ This is the easy way to kill him if you still feel that way.”
  • 她保护小学生,绝不许任何人欺负他们。
    A protector of the little ones, She would not let anyone bully them.
  • 很多传统的司机在汽车保险杆上贴出一些能反映其教育背景、政治观点、或者婚姻状况的标语以自娱,内从“耶鲁法律学院”到“如果你富有,我是单身”等等,不一而足。
    More conventional drivers satisfy themselves with bumper stickers that reveal their educational back-ground, political opinions, or marital status, from 'Yale School of Law' to 'If you're rich, I'm single'.
  • 土豪劣绅形你们农会的话是:‘巧得很啰,如今是委员世界呀,你看,屙尿都碰了委员。
    The local tyrants and evil gentry jeer at your peasant association and say, 'How odd!Today, the world is a world of committeemen.Look, you can't even go to pass water without bumping into a committee man!'
  • 他那最后一次愚蠢的错误使我再也无法忍了。
    That last stupid bungle of his is the end.
  • 副职过多,效率难以提高,易助长官僚主义和形式主义。
    Having too many deputy posts leads to low efficiency and contributes to bureaucracy and formalism.
  • 官僚主义是小生产的产物,同社会化的大生产是根本不相的。
    Our bureaucracy, which is a result of small-scale production, is utterly incompatible with large-scale production.
  • 同时,由于我们党的执政党的地位,我们的一些同志很易沾染上主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义的习气。
    Meanwhile, since our Party is the party in power, some of our comrades are prone to be tainted with subjectivism, bureaucracy or sectarianism.
  • 他相信普通人看重出身而不仅仅是地位:他们趋附贵族而不能忍官僚。
    He believes that the common people defer to birth but not to mere position: they dearly love a lord but they can’t stand a bureaucrat.
  • 提高效率,克服官僚主义,包括精简机构,还包括其他许多内
    Increasing efficiency and eliminating bureaucratism include, among other things, streamlining Party and government organs.
  • 但是,七年的经验同样告诉我们,执政党的地位,很易使我们同志沾染上官僚主义的习气。
    However, the experience of these seven years has also shown us that, with the Party in power, our comrades are liable to become tainted with bureaucratism.
  • 纸容易着火。
    Paper burns easily.
  • 干柴容易燃烧。
    Dry wood burns easily.
  • 她的脸容易晒黑。
    Her face burns easily.
  • 纸张很容易燃烧。
    The paper burns very easily.
  • 木头易燃烧,除非是水湿了。
    Wood burns well unless it is wet.
  • 我匆匆忙忙,好不易才准时赶到办公室。
    By burying I just managed to arrive at the office on scratch.
  • 一蒲式耳容量的容器
    A container with the capacity of a bushel.