  • "法没等他辩解,就把他关进了监狱。"
    The judge clapped him in prison before he had had time to explain.
  • 这些头衔(正和中国的习惯相反)大多数都放在姓氏的前面。例如:法哈利、参议员克拉克、(医学)博士布朗、博士(教授)格林、主教格雷。
    Most of these titles are followed by surnames, For example Judge Harley, Senator Smith, General Clark, Dr. Brown (medical), Dr. Green (professor), Bishop Gray.
  • 最高的方文件保密级别。
    the highest official level of classification of documents.
  • 方文件保密的最低级别。
    the lowest level of official classification for documents.
  • 撤销(文件)的方机密等级
    To remove official security classification from(a document).
  • 这份情报是保密的,只有少数几个高级员能看。
    This information is classified; only a few top officials can see it.
  • 用来指影响国家安全的方保密信息或文件。
    used officially of classified information or matters affecting national security.
  • 联合国员希望将攻击联合国人员及人道主义人员的行为归为战争罪行,可由国际刑事法庭起诉。
    UN officials hope to classify attacks on UN and humanitarian personnel as war crimes prosecutable by the International Criminal Court.
  • 助理法官
    Justice's clerk or clerk to the justice
  • 秘书,法务助理法律职员,如为一法工作
    A law clerk, as for a judge.
  • 大家谈着那件事,每个人都称赞那员的才干。
    They were relating the matter, and each one was expressing enthusiasm over the cleverness of the magistrate.
  • 上尉喀嚓一声立正,向上级军行军礼。
    The captain click his heel together and salute his superior officer.
  • 我母亲和托我打司的人常上我这儿来,……
    because my mother is here at times, my clients…
  • 因此,尽管情报可能已随后发现,但考克斯报告中的断言,还是建立在安全部门(doe及fbi)员的怀疑基础上的。这些员不能确定李文皓(wenholee)赴中国旅行与中国情报机关机密文件之间的关系。?
    Hence, despite what information may have been unearthed since, the allegations contained in the Cox Committee Report had to have been based upon the suspicions of the Security [DOE and FBI] officials about the closeness in timing between the trip to PRC by Wen Ho Lee and the "date" on the document "planted" with the CIA by the PRC Walk-in.
  • 享有国家赋予的权力。
    A judge is clothed with the authority of the state.
  • 肝素一种复合的机质性酸,尤指在肺、肝器内的这种酸,具有防止血液凝块的作用,用于治疗血栓病
    A complex organic acid found especially in lung and liver tissue and having the ability to prevent the clotting of blood, used in the treatment of thrombosis.
  • 由于一位受人爱戴的员的帮助而被推选到政府机关
    Elected to office on the coattails of a popular governor.
  • 自1997年10月可口可乐的富于传奇色彩的前任首席执行罗伯特·顾祖塔去世后,依万斯特就证明了自己是一位敢作敢为的领导者并且通过战略性的购置新资产成功和新产品开发而远远领先于百事可乐。
    Since the October 1997 death of his legendary predecessor, Roberto Goizueta, Ivester has proved himself an aggressive leader who continues to push Coca-Cola further ahead of Pepsi through strategic acquisitions and new-product development.
  • 下一次医学革命将会改变这种状况,因为遗传工程有潜力征服癌症,在心脏里培植新血管,阻断肿瘤中血运系统的生长,由干细胞培养新器,甚至还可能重塑引起细胞衰老的原始遗传密码。
    The next medical revolution will change that,because genetic engineering has the potential to conquer cancer,grow new blood vessels in the heart,block the growth of blood vessels in tumors,create new organs from stem cells and perhaps even reset the primeval genetic coding that causes cells to age.
  • 用于某些分类中;几乎与霸鹟亚目同延的一个亚目或亚科;有相对简单的发音器和较差的鸣唱能力;叫禽类鸟。
    used in some classification systems; a suborder or superfamily nearly coextensive with suborder Tyranni; Passeriformes having relatively simple vocal organs and little power of song: clamatorial birds.
  • 有些事物不能以感觉察,只能由推理而得知。
    Some things are not perceivable by sense, but only cogitable by reason.
  • 也就是延安这些各别的事物作用于考察团先生们的感,引起了他们的感觉,在他们的脑子中生起了许多的印象,以及这些印象间的大概的外部的联系,这是认识的第一个阶段。
    That is, these particular things in Yenan act on the sense organs of the members of the observation group, evoke sense perceptions and give rise in their brains to many impressions together with a rough sketch of the external relations among these impressions: this is the first stage of cognition.
  • 注意到了你案件中的新证据。
    The judge had cognizance of the new facts in your case.
  • 决定在西藏照内地之例,设立铸钱局,铸造钱行使,银币正面背面分别用汉藏文字铸“乾隆宝藏”字样。
    A mint will be set up in Tibet along the lines established by those in the interior to make official money for circulation. On the two sides of the silver coinage the words "Qianlong Treasure" will be cast in the Han Chinese and Tibetan.
  • 腹痛由中空内脏器,如肠等的肿胀、阻塞或痉挛引起的剧烈腹痛,婴幼儿期的腹痛常以持续的躁怒和哭喊为特征
    Severe abdominal pain caused by spasm, obstruction, or distention of any of the hollow viscera, such as the intestines. Often a condition of early infancy, colic is marked by chronic irritability and crying.
  • “这里的经济正在垮台,谁也没有办法挽救,”一位观察南斯拉夫经济多年的西方外交说。“我确信将会彻底瓦解。”
    "The economy here is collapsing, and there is nothing anyone can do about it," said a Western diplomat who has monitored the Yugoslav economy for years. "I'm convinced it is going to come apart in a big way."
  • 没有人能明确知道,如果下令轰炸旅馆,这些飞机会炸死什么人,但情报分析家确信,“基地”组织的高层员正在旅馆里开会,塔利班在全国山崩瓦解的时候,他们下一步将采取什么行动。
    Nobody knew precisely who they would kill if the order to attack the hotel was given, but intelligence analysts felt certain that senior Al - Qaeda officials were meeting in the hotel to consider their next moves as the Taliban regime was collapsing all over the country.
  • 中国官府藏书目录
    Chinese bibliographies of official collections
  • 人民解放军积极学习和贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,组织兵学习党的基本理论、国家宪法法律和科学文化知识,开展爱国主义、集体主义和革命英雄主义教育,团以上单位设立军史馆,连队设立荣誉室。
    The PLA has actively studied and implemented the important thought of the "Three Represents," organized the rank and file to study the Constitution and other state laws, the Party's basic theories, and scientific and cultural knowledge, and conducted education in patriotism, collectivism and revolutionary heroism by establishing military history museums in units at and above the regiment level, and honor exhibition in companies.
  • 据sun公司的员称,多数垃圾信息收集算法都基于“拾骨器”,而train更有效,因为它是可中断的。
    While most garbage-collection algorithms are based on the "Bone Collector", Train is more effective, according to Sun officials, because it is interruptible.
  • 主任教师方名册上全体教士的头领,管辖一个大教堂或一个联合教会的教堂
    The head of the chapter of canons governing a cathedral or collegiate church.
  • 百多年殖民地统治又确立了英语的方地位。
    More than 100 years of colonial rule also inevitably made English its official language.