  • 開放的第一天,人們以爭先一睹這座神秘的皇宮及其寶藏為快,北京市內萬人空巷,交通為之堵,此亦成為當天各大報紙的重大新聞。
    News of the opening flashed across the nation, and such was the scramble of visitors on the first day that traffic jams around Beijing brought the city almost to a standstill.
  • 黎塞留,a.-j.du
    Armand-Jean du Plessis, duc de Richelieu (1585~1642)
  • 夏洛茨維爾美國弗吉尼亞州中部一自治城市,位於裏士滿西北,是弗吉尼亞大學的所在地(建於1819年),附近有托瑪斯·傑斐遜的種植園,蒙蒂羅。人口40,341
    An independent city of central Virginia northwest of Richmond. It is the seat of the University of Virginia(founded1819). Thomas Jefferson's estate, Monticello, is nearby. Population,40, 341.
  • 希爾德新澤西州東北部的一個社區,位於伊麗莎白北部,有各種輕工業,人口21,044
    A community of northeast New Jersey north of Elizabeth. It has varied light industries. Population,21, 044.
  • 耶路撒冷希伯來大學的尼西姆·加爾蒂教授和他的助手亞布拉罕·阿林博士發明了一種微型的"納米車",它能促進營養食品和藥用美容品進入人的血液和組織。
    Prof. Nissim Garti, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's and his associate Dr. Abraham Aserin have developed what they refer to as “nanovehicles” to improve the delivery of nutraceuticals and cosmetoceuticals into the body's blood stream and tissues.
  • 珠寶盒;塞肉的面團
    A jewelry case; meat-filled cases of dough.
  • 倫納德·伯恩斯坦1918年生於馬薩諸州的勞倫斯市,是第一代美國猶太人。
    A first-generation Jewish American, Bernstein was born in Lawrence, Mass in 1918.
  • 耶利哥巴勒斯坦古城,臨近死海西北海岸。是扼守約旦河下遊河𠔌的要,據《聖經・舊約》所述,它被約書亞徵服並毀滅
    An ancient city of Palestine near the northwest shore of the Dead Sea. A stronghold commanding the valley of the lower Jordan River, it was, according to the Old Testament, captured and destroyed by Joshua.
  • 彬格萊一聽此話,便大叫起來:“即使她們有多得數不清的舅舅,可以把整個齊普賽都滿,也不能把她們討人喜愛的地方減損分毫。”
    "If they had uncles enough to fill all Cheapside," cried Bingley, "it would not make them one jot less agreeable."
  • 這時一個聲音突然在屋外興衝衝地叫了起來,“美苔絲!”
    called a joyous voice from without,--"Mercédès!"
  • 波多黎各南部一城市,位於聖瓊安西南。它是一個農産品集貿和銷售中心。人口161,739
    A city of southern Puerto Rico southwest of San Juan. It is an agricultural trade and distribution center. Population,161, 739.
  • 或者,你可能註册了太多的日常服務項目,諸如占星預測、新聞服務、徵友等等,因而你的電子信箱中滿了大量的"垃圾信件",要從電子信箱中找到重要信件就可能需幾小時時間。
    Or,you might be signed up for so many daily services,such as horoscopes,news services,or personals,that your mailbox is so filled up with “ junk mail” ,that finding the important e? mails through your mailbox might take hours.
  • (原始版本的片未,凱特·貝肯爾飾演的護士艾弗琳說道:“在鮑利德發動攻擊之前,美國人衹知道失敗;
    Kate Beckinsale, playing a nurse, declares. “Before Doolittle's raid, Americans knew nothing but defeat;
  • 子未開的小桶;未汲取的糖楓。
    an untapped keg; an untapped sugar maple.
  • 子,尤指木桶、圓桶或桶上用來註入或倒出的洞而配的
    A stopper especially for the hole through which a cask, keg, or barrel is filled or emptied.
  • 確信哥哥無罪,貝蒂·安妮·沃特斯投身於法學院學習法律,終於使哥哥沉冤得雪,重獲自由。3年多來,貝蒂·安妮·沃特斯眼睜睜地看着她的哥哥在馬薩諸監獄裏消沉下去。肯尼於1983年被定罪為一級謀殺,並被判終身監禁。但是他的妹妹始終堅信他沒有犯下那個罪行。
    For more than three years, Betty Anne Waters had watched helpessly as her older brother Kenny languished in a Massachusetts prison, Convicted in 1983 of first degree murder, Kenny was serving a life sentence for a crime that his sister was convinced he hadn't committed.
  • 3月15日,她的努力終於取得了成果。在經歷了超過18年的牢獄之災後,肯尼終於在妹妹的陪同下走出馬薩諸州的劍橋法庭,重獲自由之身。
    On March 15 her efforts came to fruition when, after more than 18 years behind bars, Kenny walked but of a Cambridge, Mass., court a free man, his sister at his side.
  • 美國的州用於指美國某些州,例如肯塔基、馬裏蘭、馬薩諸、賓夕法尼亞和弗吉尼亞
    Used to refer to some U.S. states, namely, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
  • 美國某些州正式的名字,如肯塔基、賓夕法尼亞、馬薩諸和弗吉尼亞,以及聯合的領土,如波多黎各。
    the official name of some states in the United States (Massachusetts and Pennsylvania and Virginia and Kentucky) and associated territories (Puerto Rico).
  • 分佈於埃俄比亞、索馬利亞、肯尼亞西北和她們的臨近地區的一種語言。
    a group of languages spoken in Ethiopia and Somalia and NW Kenya and adjacent regions.
  • 開玩笑!車100公裏?!
    You is kidding! A 100 kilometer traffic jam all the way?!
  • 爾維亞-剋羅地亞-斯洛文尼亞王國
    Kingdom of Serbs,Croats,and Slovenes
  • 她的生活始終受到政治的影響。巴勒斯坦解放組織在海灣戰爭中支持薩達姆·候因,使她傢被迫離開科威特,這是她受到的最大政治影響。
    Politics affected her life throughout, but rarely more so than when her family was forced to leave Kuwait after the PLO backed Saddam Hussein in the gulf war.
  • 德拉塞爾達,c.
    Clemente De la Cerda (1935~1984)
  • 那小孩的口袋給各式各樣的東西得凹凸不平。
    The lad's pocket was lumped with various articles.
  • 航道已部份遊塞。
    The channel has been partly landed up.
  • 滑坡填了動物通常來飲水的這個水坑。
    The landslide earthed up the pool where the animals usually drank.
  • 布魯爾比利時首都和最大城市,位於比利時中部。官方使用雙語製(法蘭德斯語和法語)。1830年成為比利時的首都。人口2,395,000
    The capital and largest city of Belgium, in the central part of the country. Officially bilingual(Flemish and French), it became capital of Belgium in1830. Metropolitan area population, 2,395,000.
  • 馬薩諸州首府和最大城市。
    state capital and largest city of Massachusetts.
  • 到肺的氣道被阻引起的一種狀態(由於食物或喉部腫脹而引起)。
    a condition caused by blocking the airways to the lungs (as with food or swelling of the larynx).
  • 一個月的揮霍使思債臺高築。
    A whole month of lashing out left Seth deep in debt.
  • 這條湖是很久以前熔岩堵河道形成的。
    The lake is ponded by lava a long time ago.