  • 薩剋人說的突厥語。
    the Turkic language spoken by the Kazak people.
  • 薩剋人說的突厥語。
    the Turkic language spoken by the Kazak people.
  • 6個月前,垂暮之年的瓦失明了,必須靠別人的幫助才能行走。
    Six months ago, in the twilight of her life, the old woman lost her sight and is no longer able to move without help.
  • 中國還應烏剋蘭、薩剋斯坦的請求,發表了關於中國嚮兩國提供安全保證的聲明。
    At the two nations' request, China issued a statement providing security guarantees to Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
  • 邪惡的行徑;用心險惡的謊言;他那險惡的心已經策劃好了另一個陰險的行動;屬於邪惡那一方的達斯·凡特;險惡的用心;種族對抗的邪惡潛流;邪惡的、想要懲罰他的一些陰謀——托馬斯·代。
    black deeds; a black lie; his black heart has concocted yet another black deed; Darth Vader of the dark side; a dark purpose; dark undercurrents of ethnic hostility; the scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing him-Thomas Hardy.
  • 她捐資1250萬美元,用於在佛大學成立一個性別與教育研究中心,她說希望這個中心能幫助消除美國學校教育對男孩造成的傷害。
    She has given $ 12.5 million from her personal fortune for the establishment of a Centre for Gender and Education at Harvard University, which she hopes will help undo the damage she says is inflicted on young boys by America's schools.
  • 阿瓜斯卡連特斯墨西哥中部城市,位於瓜達拉拉東北部。該城由至今不明身份的古代居民建立在復雜的隧道係統上。人口293,152
    A city of central Mexico northeast of Guadalajara. It was built over an intricate system of tunnels constructed by ancient, still unidentified inhabitants. Population,293, 152.
  • 它還受到從微軟到雷-戴唯生等許多美國大公司的公開支持,這是破天荒的。
    And it has received endorsements from an unprecedented number of major U.S. corporations ranging from Microsoft to Harley-Davidson.
  • 岡曾競選墨西哥中部城市賽拉雅市(位於福剋斯家乡所在的瓜那加托州)市長,但沒有成功。
    Sahagun ran unsuccessfully for mayor of Celaya, a central Mexican city in Fox's home state of Guanajuato.
  • 有,我剛剛在街角的藥房買了一些香草冰淇淋,我也買發一些蜜瓜.竜眼和葡萄。
    Yes, I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore. I also got some cantaloupes,longans and grapes.
  • 有,我剛剛在街角的藥房買了一些香草冰淇淋,我也買發一些蜜瓜。竜眼和葡萄。
    Yes, I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore. I also got some cantaloupes, longans and grapes.
  • 這肯定是在開玩笑,在維也納音樂大廳舉行的2001年新年音樂會將由尼古勞斯·農考特指揮。
    It's surely a joke.Nikolaus Harnoncourt is to conduct the New Year's day concert at the Vienna Musikverein.
  • 不過,在農考特方面,他卻拒絶接受這種看法,即去教他的維也納同行如何塑造華爾茲。
    For his part,Harnoncourt rejects the notion that he will be teaching his fellow Viennese how to shape a waltz.
  • '姆斯沃思先生,'我低聲地說。
    'Mr Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice.
  • 在門口停下來說了臨別的最後一句話;比利舅舅離開時迸發出來的咒駡——布瑞特·特。
    paused to deliver a parting shot at the door; a Parthian volley of expletives from Uncle Billy- Bret Harte.
  • 一份對佛大學畢業的7841位男生的調查表明,食用巧剋力及糖果的人,無論他們愛吃的程度如何,都比不食用者幾乎多活一年。
    A study of 7, 841 Harvard male graduates found that chocolate and candy eaters--regardless of how voracious their appetite for goodies--live almost a year longer than those who abstain.
  • 裏說他不想幹了,他不想再參加這一運動了。
    Harry says he wants out. he doesn't want to get along with the movement any more.
  • 羅德夫人後來告訴我她當時知道那是發起進攻的前夜-她並不是從我的言行舉止得知的,而是因為我把我的便衣帶到了那裏藏在一個衣櫥裏。
    Mrs Harold told me after wards that she knew it was the eve of D-Day-not from anything I said or from the way I behaved, but because I had taken my plain clothes there and had put them away in a wardrobe.
  • 布裏奇斯,麗1901-1990美國勞工領導人。他組織了國際碼頭工人和倉庫工人聯合會(ilwu),並任該組織的主席達40年
    American labor leader. He organized the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union(ILWU) and served as its president for40 years.
  • 我們熱烈歡迎你們來工大
    We warmly welcome you to Harbin Industry University.
  • 11月13日,影片的生産和發佈商華納兄弟公司證實,在一些經常提供首映電影盜版的網站,最近赫然出現了《裏波特與密室》的盜版電影。
    Warner Bros., the studio that produced and distributes the movie, confirmed Wednesday that pirated copies of the movie have popped up on Internet sites that regularly offer illegal copies of first-run films.
  • 對不起,西瓜已經過時了。密瓜行嗎?
    Sorry, watermelon is out of season. How about Hamimelon?
  • 但是讓瓦一直耿耿於懷的就是當年的那樁婚姻:她在14歲時被迫嫁給了一個自稱30歲而實際上"差不多60歲,而且結過兩次婚"的男人。當時的情景至今歷歷在目。
    Her one resentment, still fresh in her mind, was being forced to wed at 14 to a man who claimed to be 30 but was "about 60 and married twice before as well."
  • 她拿出了各種古怪的調製品,但沒有一樣能符合裏的要求。
    She produced all sorts of weird concoctions, but none of them met with Harry's requirements.
  • !又辦完了一件事。
    Whew! Another assignment be done.
  • 你為什麽不請爾幫助你寫申請書呢?通常他有很好的措詞才能。
    Whey don't you ask Hal to help you write the application? He usually has a good turn of phrase.
  • 1989年,瑞恩的吸引力在她首次擔任主角的影片《當裏遇到薩莉》中展現得淋漓盡致。
    In 1989,Ryan's winsome ways were showcased to best advantage in her very first leading role,in When Harry Met Sally.
  • 圖林根德國中部一歷史地區,位於茨山脈南部,從一條由生有樹木的低矮山脈組成的山嶺圖林根林山中穿過。該地區在公元6世紀落入法蘭剋人手中並於11世紀成為神聖羅馬帝國的一個公國
    A historical region of central Germany south of the Harz Mountains and crossed by the Thuringian Forest, a range of low, wooded mountains. The region fell to the Franks in the6th century a.d. and became a principality of the Holy Roman Empire in the11th century.
  • 得遜美國馬薩諸塞州中東部城鎮,位於伍斯特市東北。它是一工業城鎮。人口17,233
    A town of east-central Massachusetts northeast of Worcester. It is an industrial community. Population, 17,233.
  • 啊,夫曼先生,你真會說服人,不管怎麽樣,價格差距還很大,你能否再采取步驟將價格再下降一次,例如說再下降2%,也許到那時候我們就覺得你的報價是可行的了。
    Ah, Mr Haffman, you really have a way of taking me into it. However, there still exists a large gap in price. Couldn't you take another step down and reduce the price by, say, 2% again, and then, perhaps we'll think your quotation workable.
  • 德從院子裏跑了進來。
    Gerhard came running in from the yard.
  • 你每天是不是以一個欠開始工作,而不是滿面笑容?
    Do you start the day with a yawn instead of a smile?