  • 他签约受雇作一水手。
    He signed on as a sailor.
  • 信的署是医学博士西奥多·f·斯托达德。
    The letter was signed. Theodore F.Stoddard
  • 阿塞纳尔队刚雇用了一新前锋。
    Arsenal have just signed a new striker.
  • 者一位签者,其字出现在文件的底部或末尾。常与the连用
    A signer whose name appears at the bottom or end of a document. Often used with the.
  • 霍普金斯,弗朗西斯1737-1791美国作家和独立战争领导人是大陆会议的成员及独立宣言的签署人(1776年),同时因其反对英国的政治讽刺文章而闻
    American writer and Revolutionary leader. A member of the Continental Congress and a signer of the Declaration of Independence(1776), he is also known for his political satires against the British.
  • 者在宪法上签字。
    The signers attached their names to the Constitution.
  • 要求增设新学校而签的人象滚雪球似的越来越多。
    The number of signers of the petition for a new school snowballed.
  • 中国著名大地震
    significant earthquakes of China
  • 世界著名大地震
    significant earthquakes of the world
  • 以下是一句重要的至理言:
    Comes, now, a very significant statement of truth:
  • 值得注意的是卢森堡的字从单中划掉了。
    Significantly Ruthenberg is left out of this list.
  • 意味深长的是纽约这个城市的字从单中划掉了。
    Significantly New York is left out of this list.
  • 但是我们认为政治经济,或者象萨依所说的“公共经济”,也应当科学地加以发展;可是我们还认为对事物应当给以正确的称,这样总比使用意义相反的称要好些。
    we are, however, of opinion that political economy, or as Say calls it '閏onomie publique,' should also be developed scientifically, and that it is always better to call things by their proper names than to give them significations which stand opposed to the true import of words.
  • 标签物品上的印记、称、邮戳或封印,表明所有者、质量、制造者或其来源
    An inscription, name, stamp, label, or seal placed on an article to signify ownership, quality, manufacture, or origin.
  • 她签名使协议生效。
    She validated the agreement by signing it.
  • 我常常忘记在支票上签
    I often forget signing on the check.
  • 他骗那老太婆在文件上签
    He cozened the old woman into signing the paper.
  • 对象签也在进入浏览器。
    Object signing is also making its way into browsers.
  • 请问你介意把你的字签在这里吗?
    And would you mind signing your name here, please?
  • 你为什么竟然代他在信上签
    What do you mean by signing the letter for him?
  • 通过签表示(或似乎通过签表示)的达成的协议。
    agreement expressed by (or as if expressed by) signing your name.
  • 而菲利普按照要求填写了情况表,却没有在上面签
    Philip filled in the form but sent it back without signing it.
  • 作为签署人通过在…签证明其合法性或真实性
    To attest to the legality or authenticity of by signing one's name to.
  • 董事长在签署合同时每次写的字的首字母都有所不同
    The chairman writes his initial by each alteration in the contract he is signing
  • 大吉岭印度东北部一城镇,位于喜马拉雅山脉低处、锡金边界,处于2,287。5米(7,500英尺)的高度,由于可以博览干城章嘉峰和珠穆朗玛峰而成为著的旅游中心。人口57,603
    A town of northeast India in the lower Himalaya Mountains on the Sikkim border. At an altitude of2, 287.5 m(7, 500 ft), it is a popular tourist center with commanding views of Mount Kanchenjunga and Mount Everest. Population,57, 603.
  • 我有一回在另一家餐厅吃过一种粥,字忘记了,总之里面有鲍鱼。
    I once had a congee what's-its-name in another restaurant. Anyway, it contained abalone.
  • 金刚砂一种碳化硅晶体磨料的商标
    A trademark used for an abrasive of silicon carbide crystals.
  • 前记录保持者意大利的安东尼奥·托德今年1月4日去世后,这位叫友吉中元寺的养蚕人便获得了这一头衔。
    Retired silkworm farmer Yukichi Chuganji graduated into the spot Jan.4 with the death of his predecessor, Antonio Todde of Italy.
  • 作为一演员,查尔斯·卓别林远远超过他同时代的演员。
    Aa an actor, Charles Chaplin stood head and shoulder above the rest of all the actors of his time.
  • 进入复赛的选手分两组进行,每组前四进入决赛。
    Those who are qualified will compete in two griups, and the first four of each group sill enter for the finals.
  • 2001年,法雷尔在西部片《无法无天》中饰演杰西·詹姆斯。2002年,他在舒马赫导演的《电话亭》中饰演一机智的传媒顾问,因误接了一个曼哈顿街上响起的电话而被卷入一场谋杀游戏中。同年,在《哈特的战争》中,法雷尔扮演了原为律师的二战飞行员,被德军俘虏后必须要为一个被控谋杀的战俘同伴辩护。他还与汤姆·克鲁斯合作,出演了史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格导演的科幻惊险片《少数派报告》,与艾尔·帕西诺联袂出演间谍片《农场》(后改为《新兵》)。
    In 2001,he starred as Jesse James in the Western American Outlaws while the following year,he portrayed a savvy media consultant who makes the mistake of answering a ringing phone on a Manhattan street and then finds himself marked for death in Phone Booth (directed by Schumacher),was cast as a lawyer turned WWII pilot who is captured by the Germans and then must defend a fellow P.O.W.on murder charges in Hart's War,acted alongside Tom Cruise in the Steven Spielberg-directed sci-fi thriller Minority Report,and shared the screen with Al Pacino in the spy drama The Farm.
  • 对一个在电脑上只以字母和数字为代号的新资讯公民来说,有没有华文真的不是那么重要。
    In fact, to someone who is IT-savvy and recognises only English letters and numbers on a computer, not having a Chinese name is no big deal.