  • 1967年,在大約二百個宗教派別中有六九百萬新教徒,信耶穌教的約占各教會教徒人數的百分之五十六。
    In 1967 there were 69,000,000 Protestants in some 200 denominations, with Protestantism accounting for roughly 56 percent of the people who are members of churches.
  • 計算機是一種變化多端、神通廣大的機器,因為它顯示一種圖象,發揮一種功能。
    The computer is the Proteus of machines, as it takes on a thousand forms and serves a thousand functions.
  • 那句格言是:「人們如果臉上沒有帶着笑容,萬別開店」——「不笑莫開店」。
    and they had a proverb that you and I ought to cut out and paste inside our hats. It goes like this: “A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.
  • 當然也有成萬元的項目,那就必須慎重一點了,但是成萬元的項目也有很快見效的,財政、銀行應該支持,這樣就活起來了。
    Of course, we must act prudently with projects that require investments of up to tens of millions of yuan.Some of these projects can bring us quick profits, therefore, the finance departments and banks should support them.In this way, the economy will thrive.
  • 美國人在書籍、藥物和各種形式的心理療法上花了幾美元,就是為了感覺良好。
    Americans spend thousands of dollars on books,drugs, and various forms of psychotherapy in order to feel good.
  • 心髒是神奇的——每年它要跳三多萬下,把給予生命的氧氣送到全身,而且從來不覺得纍,從來沒有休息日。
    The heart is amazing - it beats more than 30 million times a year, pumping life-giving oxygen throughout the body, without getting tired or ever taking a day off.
  • 斤頂把汽車擡起,把跑氣的輪胎換掉。
    Jack up the car and change the wheel with the punctured tyre.
  • 譬如政府官員設法把精神不健全的人自社會安全計劃中排隊。理論上,這一辦法是要除掉裝病的人。實際,苛刻的裁減(最終又被法院恢復)剝奪了成殘疾人的生計並將很多人逼上街頭。
    Administration officials sought, for instance, to purge mentally disabled people from the Social Security program. Theoretically, the idea was to root out malingerers. In practice the harsh cuts, ultimately restored by the courts, deprived thousands of handicapped people of subsistence and pushed many into the streets.
  • 世界是衹憑六天造成的,但似乎要費上六年去理解它。
    The world, which took but six days to make, is like to take six thousand years to make out.
  • 她從容地掏出錢夾付了一鎊現金, 多麽豪爽!
    She just took out her purse and paid a thousand in cash: what a cool customer!
  • 正如本年前半期發生的多數藝術難題一樣,這個難題也涉及到對一個復雜的宗教事實的成功設想,更準確地說,是一係列復雜的宗教事實。
    As with most significant art puzzles from the opening half of our millennium, this one involved the successful envisaging of a complex religious truth. Or rather, the envisaging of a set of complex religious truths.
  • 雨點以每分鐘大約五百到一英尺的速度下降。
    Raindrop fall at a speed of about500 to1, 000 feet a minute.
  • 單單鋼的精煉設備就可能值兩萬英鎊。
    The steel refining equipment alone may cost twenty millions pound.
  • 他們搶走了那傢銀行幾美元。
    They robbed the bank of thousands of dollars.
  • 自由黨候選人輕易獲勝,超出選票數以計。
    The liberal candidate romped through with thousands of votes to spare.
  • 現已有數人給我們來信索要免費樣品.
    Thousands of people have written in to us for a free sample.
  • 他們的唱片已經售出了萬萬張了。
    The group's record has sold millions.
  • 兩千打夠賣嗎?
    Will 2,000 dozens be enough for selling?
  • 油輪需求量下降使造船業成上萬的工作職位受到威脅.
    A fall in demand for oil tankers has put/placed thousands of jobs in the shipbuilding industry in jeopardy.
  • 我們現在知道X光波比光波短二到一萬倍。
    We now know that X-ray waves are 2,000 to 10,000 times shorter than light waves.
  • 這個飯廳可同時供一人就餐。
    In this dining hall 1000 people can be served at one sitting.
  • 一張有可能中一元的彩票是不該輕視的。
    A prize of $1, 000 in the lottery is not to be sneezed at.
  • 他的飛機一直在海拔五米的高空飛行
    His plane continue soaring at 5000 metres above sea level
  • 在這座時間的密封倉裏,除了畫傢們看到中國美術年嬗變的淵源和走嚮,歷史學家,考古學家,民俗學家,社會學家,建築學家,科學史專傢,音樂史專傢,幾乎所有領域的人們,都能尋到自己的珍寶,找到獨特的體悟和驚喜。
    In this sealed cabin of time, apart from artists who have discovered the origins and trends of the Chinese fine arts evolved over a thousand years, historians, archaeologists, folklorists, sociologists, architects, experts of the history of science and experts of the history of music, and scholars in almost all fields of study can also find their own jewels, inspirations and surprises.
  • 歲蘭科的唯一的模式屬。
    type and sole genus of Welwitschiaceae.
  • 對在這場鬥爭中負傷的幾名解放軍指戰員、武警指戰員和公安幹警的同志們表示親切的慰問!
    I also want to express my sincere solicitude for the thousands of PLA, PAPF and PSP officers and men who have been wounded.
  • 我在考慮第五個妻子;為什麽不可以?所羅門王有妻妾一,而他還是智慧的同義詞哩。
    I am thinking about taking a fifth wife; why not? Solomon had a thousand wives and he is a synonym for wisdom.
  • 我在考慮第五個妻子;為什麽不可以?所羅門王有妻妾一,而他還是智慧的同義詞哩。
    I am thinking about taking a fifth wife; why not? Solomon had a thousand wives and he was a synonym for wisdom.
  • 一步登天,一落丈。
    Soon up, soon down.
  • 每天這些工廠將會把百萬噸的煙灰排入空氣中。
    Every day these factories pour millions upon millions of tons of smoke and soot into the air.
  • 到西南後,西南局規定的一九五○年的任務概括為幾個數字:九十萬,九十萬,六萬,六十萬。
    After we reached the Southwest, the Southwest Bureau summed up the tasks for 1950 in the following figures: 900,000, 900,000, 60 million and 600,000.
  • 年一年的時間禧年
    A span of one thousand years.